Chapter 43: …Your Name
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Jennifer stood at the bow of the ship as she breathed in the salt air.





“”AAAAhhhhh!~”” Jennifer and Kirlia breathed out at the same time.

“Can you believe how nice and clean that sea air smells?” Jennifer asked as they watched the boat cut through the water, towards their destination.

“I’m kinda getting excited about this trip.” Jennifer commented before turning around. “Tell me? What is your guys’ favorite thing about Kanto?” She asked her friend behind her.




Jennifer and Kirlia wince as they watch May hunkers down next to a very, very sick Sabrina.

“Geez Sabrina?!” May exclaims as she rubs Sabrina’s back in comfort. “Why did you come by boat if you get seasick?”

“Because I wasn’t aware I would!— HRK?! *BLECK*” She argues in between bouts of nausea.

May, Jennifer, and Kirlia all wince at the retching sound coming from Sabrina as she hurls into the bucket they procured.

“Aagghh!” Sabrina groans as she comes up for air after vomiting. “I do not understand… I fly on airplanes often, teleport when necessary, and fly using my own powers… There was once upon a time I even loved riding on boats when I was a child… I’m sure of!— BLECH!”


“What?! You can teleport? You mean like a Pokémon can?” Jennifer questioned.


“Ugh!… …and I can do many other things as well… being one of the most powerful psychic type trainers, that I am… Such things are a trivial matter…” Sabrina boasts.

Jennifer tilted her head in confusion at her words.

“But wait? If you can teleport; why don’t you just go to Kanto ahead of us, of you’re feeling so miserable?”

“For one it’s!— URK!…. Hhaaa! Hhaaa!” Sabrina started speaking, but then had to stop and take large, panting breaths after hurling the contents of her stomach. “This is a mission…… One assigned to me by the Commander and Chief of the G-Men; I can’t just turn such a request down so lightly. And secondly, HRK?!— *GULP* Haa! Haaa!…. Even if I wanted too!” Sabrina shouted after swallowing some bile. “My ability to concentrate and vitality, have thoroughly been compromised at the moment from my!— BLEH! *GLUP* …Rather unexpected and unsightly constitution…”

May winced before looking at Sabrina curiously.

“If that’s the case? Why didn’t we just teleport from Hoenn? Couldn’t you have taken us all from there to Kanto?”

“Haa…… That was an option we were considering. But decided against it.” Sabrina informed her. “And before you ask. It was because we thought it would cause more issues than it would solve.”

“What do you mean?” Jennifer asked.

“…Think of it like this,” Sabrina began. “If we teleported you from Hoenn to Kanto. There would be no record of you ever leaving the island.” Sabrina pointed out.

“Well? That’s good, right?” May interjected.

But Sabrina was already shaking her head.

“Not for the purpose of Jennifer being on the lam. If she just suddenly and mysteriously left Hoenn, then she was later found to be in Kanto, people tracking her would most likely end up coming to the conclusion— URK! —………….. haaa haa…. They would likely assume you traveled there using her own psychic abilities.”

“Ahh!” May let out a surprised noise as she caught onto what Sabrina was suggesting. “And our whole purpose for traveling incognito, is to try and draw the least attention to the fact that Jennifer has psychic abilities; and convince them that she’s just a normal trainer.”


But Sabrina was already shaking her head.

“Not that Jennifer is an ordinary trainer to begin with.” Sabrina commented. “Her family has to much reputation for her to just go unnoticed; this is the reason why it was decided that she would be better off gaining reputation. Best to embrace the spotlight rather than waiting and hiding.”

Jennifer let out a sigh as she was reminded of the plan.

“I’m still not a fan of this,” Jennifer announced as she folded her arms. “I already am reluctant to even be a Pokémon trainer. I don’t like the idea of becoming a FAMOUS Pokémon trainer.” She groused.

“It’s honestly for the best,” May told her. “You were without a choice as it was. At least this way, I can show you the ropes of being a trainer, while also taking you around Kanto and all of the Pokémon Coordinator Contest arenas.” She reminded.


While Sabrina agreed with what May had pointed out, she also knew that there was more to this decision than just shipping Jennifer off and keeping her out of Team Dunes reach.



“Don’t you think this is a little extreme and risky, Commander.” Sabrina  monotonous voice interjected as Lance spoke to her over the phone. “You’re basically sending her to run from one organization, into the arms of a group, who is potentially more dangerous than the one she is running from.”

Lance nodded his head concurrence to Sabrina’s words.

“That’s basically the idea and the plan.” Lance said with a raised finger. “Better the devil you do know, then the devil you don’t:” He spoke in proverb to her before gracing her with a charming smile of confidence.

We may as well send her there and deal with any trouble she or they give her. Because we know there tricks and all of their methods; especially since we have some people on the inside of that organization. So I know we’ll see whatever they might plan if they learn of Jennifer.” He raised a finger towards Sabrina, before she could speak her protest. “And that is only IF, they find out about her.” He pointed out.

“You don’t think they won’t?” Sabrina countered.

Lance shook his head noncommittally.

“I’m sure they will… Eventually, that is.” He pointed out. “But hopefully we’ll pull Jennifer out of Kanto before that happens, and we’ll be done with this Team Dunes situation.”

Lance’s face grew pensive before he spoke his thought aloud to his agent.

“And it will be our advantage having her in Kanto.” He said with a shrug and a smile. “You know? Home court advantage and all that jazz.” He said with a forced smile on his face.


But Sabrina wasn’t buying it.

“You’re hiding something Lance,” She addressed him casually as she narrowed her eyes at her commander. “You’re troubled by something, and I can sense it has nothing to do with Jennifer or her family’s situation.” Sabrina pointed out.

Lance didn’t answer her right away, as he pondered over all the new information they had that had come to light after Jennifer’s incident.

“Our investigation turned up something else after we rescued Jennifer.” Lance told Sabrina. “We found machines and devices reminiscent of Team Snagem.”

In a rare occurrence, Sabrina’s eyes went wide at the mention of the dismantled villainous team.

“Team Sangem…” Sabrina repeated before shaking her head. “Never thought I would hear their name again.”

Lance nodded with a serious look on his face.

“Yeah… that is why I’m diverting Wes and his handler to Ejapul; I’m hoping they’ll provide the Barakats with some intel and help back them up of necessary.” He looked at the young adult psychic through his phone and gave her a reassuring smile. “That is why I’m also going to Ejapul as well; and that is why I need you to escort Jennifer to her grandparents with May.” He told her. “I know you’ll keep her safe and watch over her; you’re one of the few people I can trust with this as the moment.” He told her honestly.

She narrowed her eyes at him as she heard this.

“Do you think there is a spy in our midst?”

“No,” Lance assured her with a shake of his head. “But I want to keep this close at hand with only a few people as possible: to many chefs in a kitchen and all that,” He said to her in proverb once again. “Since you’re already involved, I know I can trust you with this, and besides; if anything goes wrong, Red is there and back from assignment.”

“Oh?” Sabrina perked up at hearing her old adversary’s name. “Red is in town huh?”

“Mmm hmm, along with Blue,” Lance told her. “But their off duty right now, and are visiting their families; so hold off on challenging them to any battles, okay?” He pleaded.

Sabrina chuckled.

“No promises.” She told him before hanging up on him after exchanging goodbyes.


Sabrina knew there was a lot more going on now than just some crazy revolution in the Ejapul region.

If they are using Team Sangem’s technology, then that might mean—




May winced once again as she watched her friend throw up inside the bucket. She decided that it would just be better if they went back to the cabin and had her rest up.

“Come on Sabrina,” May coaxed. “Let’s get you some seasickness medicine and go lay down for a bit, okay?” She suggested with a gentle tug on her. May looked back at Jennifer with an enquiring expression. “Are you two coming with?” May addressed her friend and her Pokémon.


Jennifer shook her head.

“Nah,” She replied. “We’ll stay up here for a little bit longer before heading back down to our cabin; we’ll meet up with you guys at dinner.”

“URK!—“ Sabrina gags at the mention of dinner. “Please, don’t mention food in front of me… just the thought of which makes me sick— URK!”

Jennifer smiled sympathetically towards her friends.

“Sorry about that Sabrina,” Jennifer apologized, before looking towards May. “You guys can go on back, we’ll catch up.” She told them.

May nodded her head towards Jennifer with a reassuring smile.

“Alright,” May replied. “See ya soon.”


After waving goodbye to their friends and watching them depart to the lower deck. Jennifer and Kirlia turned back to watch the ocean and admire the view.

This is nice,” Jennifer commented while adjusting her glasses, as she stared at the beauty of the sea.

“It is,” Kirlia agreed as she brushed her hair out of her face. “This is the first time I’ve ever seen the ocean, or been on the sea.”

Jennifer smiled at her comment.

“Me too,” Jennifer informed her.


Kirlia looked up at Jennifer in surprise.

“You too, mistress?!” Kirlia asked astonished that Jennifer hadn’t either.

Jennifer shook her head.

“Yes,” Jennifer verified. “This is the first time I have ever been on a cruise like this on the ocean before; I have been on boats before. But I never been on boat in the open sea like this.”

Jennifer looked down at Kirlia with an adoring smile at her Pokémon partner.

“I’m glad that we share this first time experience with each other.” Jennifer told her Pokémon with a fond smile. “We’ve shared a lot of first times together.” She mentioned.

“We shared our first battle together. I shared with you what happened with me in Ejapul before anyone else. You made me realize that I didn’t want to give you up, in spite of not wanting to be a trainer. You were the first Pokémon I wanted to keep for myself, even though I thought I was being selfish for wanting that.” Jennifer confessed as she stared back out at the ocean with a pensive look on her face.

“You also made me realize. That even though people often choose Pokémon, so that they can become trainers; that Pokémon also choose to become human’s Partners. So that they can become stronger together. That it’s not just about battling or forcing Pokémon to fight each other: that Pokémon can choose a human to become their trainer, just as much as a human can choose a Pokémon to become their partners.” Jennifer told her with a soft smile spreading across her lips.

“You also made me realize, what a hypocrite I was. That I thought no Pokémon would want to battle other willingly, outside of a battle between trainers. You made me realize. That it’s okay to have Pokémon for myself. That even though I’m you’re trainer and by society’s standards, your owner. That doesn’t mean, that I actually own or control you.”

Jennifer looked back down to her Pokémon. Who was watching her with wide expressive eyes of admiration.

“You made me realize. That even though I thought I was treating Pokémon as people, I wasn’t treating them as equals; that was my mistake, I realize that. I was only treating Pokémon as animals that had no way of protesting against the humans that used them; while I thought of Pokémon as people, I didn’t live what I was preaching: because I never considered your guys’ side of things.”


Jennifer turned her body, so that she was facing Kirlia as she knelt down in front of her.

Her expression serious and worried.

“And all I can say is… that I’m sorry Kirlia.”

Kirlia was shocked to hear Jennifer say this.

“Mistress, you don’t have to apologize.” She told Jennifer.

But Jennifer was already shaking her head.

“Kirlia… I am. I am sorry about the way I was thinking before. I was being very arrogant and stubborn and set in my ways, thinking that only my way was the correct way.” She told Kirlia. “I still don’t like Pokémon battles… but I realized that with the way my life is going, I can’t avoid those anymore. So I’m done running from fights and from the people who want to fight me.”

After saying this. Jennifer reached behind herself and pulled Kirlia’s ball from her belt holster. She enlarged it and held in front of her and Kirlia.


“I realize that I’m going to have to go through a lot more battles from here on out, whether I want to or not; this was never the plan I had seen for myself, nor had I given the thought of going on a trainer’s journey at all. But I realize that, I can’t do this by myself. I’m going to need all of my friends help to keep me safe from Team Dunes, while mom and dad take them down…… It’s going to be a long journey, one that might take me years to complete or it might take me down a path of life that I might not even comprehend of expect.”

Jennifer smiled sadly at her Pokémon, who was staring at her in anticipation.

“What I’m trying to say and what I’m getting at is.” She said as she hefted the PokéBall in her hand for emphasis. “That I don’t want this thing between us; this ball. To define the relationship we have, or how other perceive us.” Jennifer told Kirlia. “I don’t want to just be your master; I don’t want to be your master at all.” She told Kirlia while smiling fondly.

“I want it to be more than that; I want us to be closer than just trainer and Pokémon Partners.” Jennifer said to her.





“Kirlia. Even though I think of you as my friend already, and I know you do too. I want it to be said and officials between us; so that I know, that I’m not just forcing you to go on this journey with me. Just because I’m your trainer: which is most likely, end up being extremely dangerous and possibly life threatening.”

Jennifer smiled fondly at Kirlia’s confused expression.

“What I’m getting at is,” Jennifer spoke again. “Is that this is your last chance to back out, and live a safer life. One that’s not filled with danger because you’re partners with a trainer who is in trouble all the time.” Jennifer told her. “I don’t want you to have to go through what happened back at that lab, ever again. I— *HIC* — I don’t think I could take it if something were to ever happen to you Kirlia!” Jennifer told her while biting her trembling lower lip, as tears flowed down her cheeks. “I want you to be safe! I want you to not get hurt anymore! If you go with me. I can’t promise that you won’t, or that we won’t end up fighting in battles again. *HIC*” Jennifer cried as she reluctantly confessed what had been on her mind to Kirlia.


“B-B-But! D-Despite all of that.” Jennifer continued. “I don’t think I can do this without you either Kirlia. You’ve been the one thing that has given me the most courage, to keep on trying and to try new things. Even things I thought of as wrong before: you’ve opened up my life to new possiblities. And— *HIC* —I’m not sure I could face what I have to, without you there at my side.” Jennifer told her.


Kirlia was looking up into Jennifer’s eyes and smiled lovingly at her trainer and friend. As Jennifer confessed everything she had been thinking about to her.

Kirlia then reached up with her hands, to lay both of them down on top of the PokéBall in front of her.

“Jen,” Kirlia called out to her trainer; her friend. “Ever since that day. Ehen you rescued us and you coaxed me and my siblings from the back of May’s car.” Kirlia started saying, as she closed her eyes and reached up with her left hand to hold on to Jennifer’s much larger hand, which was still cupping her cheek.

“I was determined and had set my mind. That I would do anything and everything, in order to be with you: that I was going to follow you, no matter where you went, because I wanted nothing more, than to be your Pokémon.”

Kirlia opened her eyes as she looked up into her trainer’s tear filled ones.

“That you consider me as more than just a Pokémon. With how the way you treat me, is more than I ever expected. And more than I could have possibly have wished for: I just want, to always be with you Jennifer. You’re are my best friend; you are my life now.”


Jennifer felt her face scrunch up more, as her emotions felt that they might overwhelm her.

She dropped the PokéBall she was holding and pulled Kirlia towards her into her arms. Hugging her to her chest.


“T-Thank you Kirlia! Thank you!” Jennifer told her Pokémon partner and friend who was hugging her back, as Jennifer held her in her arms.



“I love you Kirlia. Thank you for being my friend.” Jennifer whispered to her.





“I-… I love you too……” Kirlia reciprocated in wide eyed shock at Jennifer’s words. Though was unsure if she meant it, the exact same way as Jennifer.


She tapped down on these thoughts and feelings as quickly and as mentally quietly as she could. Lest Jennifer was able to feel what she was feeling.



They sat there for a while, holding and embracing one another.

Just basking in their feelings that they were emitting as they laid themselves bare.         













“W-wha? Huh?” Kirlia stammered as she heard and felt Jennifer call to her, both physically and mentally. But with a foreign name she has never heard before.

But one she recognized explicitly as her own, even without Jennifer telling her.


Jennifer pulled back so she could look down at her Pokémon.


“That is your name,” Jennifer told her. “Luminary.”

“It means: a guiding light.” Jennifer informed her of the meaning behind the name. “I wanted to give you a name, not just to set you apart from other Pokémon or Ralts lines. But so that you have something that is intrinsically yours; and yours alone.”

Jennifer smiled down at the awestruck expression on Kirlia’s; Luminary’s face

“I wanted to also pick a name, that would represent you the best.” Jennifer explained. “I wanted something that represented your uniqueness as a shiny. Along with how you’ve just been a guiding force and light, for all the decisions I’ve made in my life recently:” Jennifer leaned forward and kissed the top of Luminary’s forehead.

“Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am right now. And I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been alive either: you’ve come in and changed my life for the better Kirlia; my Luminary.” Jennifer told her.


Kirlia, also known as Luminary, stared up at her trainer with burning cheeks as she felt both elated and utterly embarrassed at how much love she felt for her trainer because of Jennifer’s words.

She looked down and away from her trainer, towards her lap as she covered her face in embarrassment.

“M-Mistress! H-H-How can you just say something like that?! Aren’t you embarrassed?! A-And h-how can you ju-jus-just drop a name on me, j-just like that, all of a sudden!”


This only caused Jennifer to laugh at how Luminary reacted towards her new name.

“Well get used to it,” Jennifer told her. “Because it’s the honest truth. Because if it wasn’t for you. I wouldn’t be here at this moment.” Then Jennifer reached back and opened up the other two PokéBalls she was carrying, letting out her other two Pokémon friends. “And either would Mighty or Champ here.” Jennifer informed her. “It was you calling out to me, that changed all of our paths that day,” Jennifer said as she looked back at the other two. “Right guys?”

“Aaauuuoooo!” Mightyena howled. “Ma Champ!” As Machamp struck a pose.


They all laughed, as they took in and enjoyed the scenery of the sea around them, as their cruise ship headed with them to their next big adventure: Kanto.