Chapter 10
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Alec’s Pov

You mean, the father of my child’s pov? What happened to ‘bastard’? Oh…Right…I’ve been calling him Alec recently haven’t I…


Slumping down upon the bed, that my fox slept on, I felt exhaustion go through me.

It had been such a long dramatic day. After five pm came yesterday afternoon, and my sly fox had not returned, I personally went into town and found out that the car that she had borrowed had been abandoned for god knows how long…

The engine was cold, and the keys were hiding near the tire, making me think that she’d left me.

I wasn’t completely ignorant of not thinking she would do this, so I had already put a Gps into her pocket. But…I had wanted to trust her. I’d sorta preferred the idea that she had gotten into trouble instead, that maybe she was mugged and on her way home without shoes and ripped marks on her dress or something…No…

Perhaps she forgot where the car was and was still close by and really hungry.

To be honest, I wanted her to come back and I wanted to never have to look at the Gps…I had even felt guilty putting it on her when I had! What a stupid dick!

But, it had come to that time…So, at six, being back at my warehouse, I finally found out where she was, and I was completely shocked…

I sat heavily afterwards and couldn’t believe the outcome of what had happened that day.

I wished she hadn’t ruined the trust I had for her, yet, I knew that I shouldn’t lock her up in the first place. I wished that she hadn’t lied to me to my face, knowing beforehand that she wasn’t returning…I wished, for her to have not gone to that one place!

Anywhere else, anywhere! But, now that she had gone home…

I was completely defeated.

That fucking fox!


After finding out where she was, there was nothing to tell my men, there was nothing they could do, but I felt angry.

After another hour, I felt upset and sad.

It was completely and utterly ridiculous and I hated it. It was so not cool and so not me! I don’t get upset and sad, that…That’s for the good guys! I’m a bad guy dammit!

She wasn’t here!

She was gone!

Having walked around, not able to eat or sleep, now, I find myself in our room feeling everything all over again!

Why did it have to be her!? She was my enemy!

Yet, I ached for her so badly!

Laying down, I looked at the empty place she was supposed to be and sighed.

Ever since I met her, my life had turned upside down. Wouldn’t it be better if I just let her go? Forget about her! Move on!

Dammit, I wanted too!

I could see other women again! I could do work without a hinderance!


After these thoughts, even though I got a small sliver of happiness, the rest of me was unwilling completely.


After having not shown up at Stephanie’s place months ago, when she had rung up, I’d completely dissed her!

I was pretty nasty because she kept wanting me to come over, or she come to where I was! Dammit! Why didn’t women listen!? I didn’t want her! I wanted my fox! I had told my fox that I wanted her here! She didn’t fucking listen either!

Fuckin women!

Even now, with Stephanie probably easy to coax and be with me again, I just didn’t feel at all wanting to do that…

What the hell!?

I’m a horny bastard and she’s got a hot bod! I can dig that! But…Why don’t I wanna do that!?

I…Was I broken!?


I could feel it…I was different…

The happiness I had felt while my fox was here was making me strange!

I silently just laid there and pretended she was there instead, making me eventually fall asleep…


The next day, a note written by Claire was found and I couldn’t help but want to both treasure it and rip it to shreds!

It was meant to be found after she was gone, simply stating that she may come back later and to think that she’s just on vacation or something.

The nerve!

With all the time I’ve locked her up, she did deserve a holiday…But…Couldn’t she have invited me along as well!?

I was upset at myself and at her. At me because I still obviously wanted to be with her, and mad at her because she wasn’t with me!

Do I rip it this note or kiss it!?

I knew life could probably be easier if I lived on without her, but getting this note now, seeing that she probably just needed some time, I didn’t want to move on. I want to go on vacation too!

I’ll give her a week!


Two days later, I was in front of the Peterson driveway. Yeah, I will capture her back!

What kind of way are they holding her hostage, I’ll make my proposal better! Yeah, she can come with me to work, she can be my secretary!

Perfect! A hot, sexy fox as my secretary!

Oh, I’ll pay her too and let her spend it online!

I’ll take her on a real vacation!

This…How could this even be considered a vacation, going back to your parent’s place without my approval…

How did I fall for such a silly girl!

Taking a deep breath in, I pressed the bell determinedly and waited.


“Hi, is Claire there?” I asked. I am a gentleman! I am a gentleman!


I moved my eyes from side to side, then turn around. Oh…So they aren’t going to attack me?

Keep it cool bro, keep it cool, you’re losing it again…

“Please let me see Claire.” I said, hearing the pled in my voice…I never intended for that.

“Sir, may I ask for your name?”

Rude! Just take me to my woman dammit!

“Alec.” I huffed out.

Silence overcame the area again and I started to lose my enthusiasm, I suppose I didn’t treat her too well, and if she was getting on well with her parents…

I was becoming more and more nervous, yet…I couldn’t bloody leave! She was right there, inside that house! So close to me!

Woman! Look, I’m going nuts! Save me!


“Sir, I have been told to ask you to leave.”

I glared at the intercom, “This is not very nice! I only want to talk to Claire, why are you making it difficult!?”

Feeling anger wash over me, I continued to glare at the intercom, like it was my worst enemy.

Just open the gate, open the gate and let me in!

Honestly, I never knew how crazy I was until she left! I can hardly think straight without her now! I was…Broken!

Then, I heard steps come towards me, a man that from the distance, looked like the picture I had of Joe Peterson…

“Alec.” He stated.

“Joe.” I said, ready to negotiate.

Joe stopped in an instant and stared at me…

“What?” I asked. Perhaps this negotiation will take longer than I thought…

“You know me?”

I let out a small laugh, “Of course, why wouldn’t I know you?”

Joe went into thought and I watched as he continued to look as though he had no idea who I was…Weird…Don’t they hate me too!?

“…I’m sorry, but you don’t look familiar.”

I shook my head to the sudden uncertainty I had over my whole life! I didn’t dream it up! It’s real! But, perhaps it was better this way, I can fight with him after Claire is out of there. “It’s alright, I have come to talk to Claire.”

“Claire is not here right now.”

Both of us men were trying to be discrete, not wanting to give too much information away to the unknown. I must know thy enemy!

…Save me sweetheart!

“Then when will she return?” I asked, trying hard to stay patient…It wasn’t easy, I can tell that now! Anger from what felt from a thousand years ago, was starting to boil in a big huge pot! I wanted to let it lose on the old, grumpy man!

“…I am not sure.” Joe said, giving me a good stare.

Was he…Was he sizing me up!?


Go ahead then, see the man that I am, you old grump!

Silence went across the battlefield of the driveway, as both of us stared at each other.

Not ganna loss to you! But…Really, let’s start the negotiation now…I want to see my fox…I’m sure if I could just hold her for a minute, I won’t be broken anymore!

“Come back another time! She is not here!”

I stamped my foot in irritation, “I will not leave until I see her!”

“Then stand there like the dumbass that you are then!” I heard Joe state as he turned and began to walk away.

“Uh!” I let out in surprise…

Dammit, that old grump!

The fence was high, but…I was…Strong…Right?

I walked a few steps back and wondered how to jump the fence. Or where…

Joe was already out of sight now, but I did see an old car coming towards me, so I hid and smiled sneakily.

Rubbing my hands together, I wanted to laugh out evilly to complete the show…

Dammit, dammit, dammit! Look at how I am you damned fox!

…Once the person asked to come in, I realized that it was a doctor.

That doctor won’t be seeing my fox, right? She was well when she left…I fed her food and made her clean…

Falling into my memories, I completely forgot my plan and before I knew it, the fence was once again shut.


Even though I saw this, the last memory did peak my interest…My fox had been pale…Why had I not realized?

Was she sick? Sick? Is that what that smell was? When we had that last shower together, I thought it smelt weird…

Nothing else had come to mind besides her being pale and that strange smell…And I was starting to worry. What does that mean!? Has she gone crazy like me too!

Is that why she left? Because she has cancer or something?

Maybe she was running back home before she dies!

But…She seemed fine…

Shaking my head to reorganize my thoughts, I decided that she was…Fine?

She has to be, because when she comes back to me, she will have certain duties to perform!

Not sick, not sick, not sick!

Wait a minute…Why am I thinking of cancer, what a bloody idiot!

Could she be…Pregnant!?

I widened my eyes to how awesome I was, that had to be it!

They can’t get rid of me now!

She’s mine! Haha!

So…What am I ganna do?

Of course, there was nothing else to do but force my way in!

Looking back at the fence, I found a lowered area in the distance and rushed over to it.


Landing on the other side, I cringed…I’m fine…

Then I limped a few steps and finally was able to walk properly towards the house in the small distance.

Discretely looking around, I saw Collin playing the Xbox and the old grump talking to the doctor.

Where was she?

Hiding myself in amongst the bushes, near the window, I finally heard a little bit of the conversation between the doctor and the old grump, but it didn’t mean it made any sense.

Feeling down in the dumps…Literally…I sighed and started to think that perhaps she wasn’t actually here…

Deciding that if she wasn’t here, I just had to stay until she returned, so I went further around the house, trying to stay out of sight from the minimal people around.

I don’t get it, why did she want to run away from here when she was twelve? It was pretty cool in my eyes…

Looking around the big yard, I then saw her…Looking as perfect as ever, sitting on a low tree trunk…

Before I knew it, I was on my way towards her…