Most certainly not an empire
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“Ah, Duke Whyte, what brings you here.” I ask. He looks mad. Well, I doubt he is very happy about the new changes. He was the most... vocal member against it. 

“Do not think that you have won. I will use everything in my power to stop this. You are infringing on the rights that made this very country!” He yells. Ah, Duke Whyte, is this treason I am hearing. It seems like I will need to explain the situation to him. 

“I am doing this for the better of the empire. I don’t know how long this country can last as it is. In fact, it might be better to call it a confederation since it most certainly isn’t an empire.” I give him a sharp glare as I talk to him. I notice he takes a step back and puts his hand on the hilt of his sword. He is visibly sweating. “Are you going to kill me here?” 

“No, I am a noble, to assassinate my liege would be against the code of honor, as your vassal I am just advising you that this is not the best course. Do not get swayed by those radicals.” He responds. He lets go of the hilt and composes him again. 

“I will consider your advice; however, I believe that this is the correct path for the country.” I accede to him. Perhaps he is right. Having said that Elizabeth said this was the best path, and she wouldn’t lie to me.  

“I implore you to rethink this decision. Do not forsake the nobility that have protected this country since its creation.” He responds. 

“I thank you for your loyalty, but it is not your job to tell me how to rule this empire.” I say. He looks at me with a disappointed glint.  

“I see, if I cannot convince you my job here is done.” With those words he leaves the room. Goldwell then walks in just seconds after.  

“Were you listening in on our conversation?” I ask jokingly. 

“I was wondering what our decision would be. I must applaud you. You handled the situation with finesse.” He responds with not even a hint of sarcasm. I don’t know how to react to that. Perhaps my biggest question is why are the Goldwells obsessed with listening in on conversations.  

“I’m glad that you agree. Though I am wondering why you are still here. The session has already ended.” I narrow my eyes at him. He just gives out a good-natured chuckle as if shrugging off my intimidation. 

“My daughter asked to see me. I was pleasantly surprised. I haven’t talked to her in years. To have her extend the hand finally, it brings me a lot of joy.” Despite the good words he speaks I don’t see any change on his face. Is he hinting at something? Is he telling the truth? But most of all, if he is telling the truth, why the hell does Elizabeth want to meet with him? 

“I see... then can I ask what brings you to my office?” I inquire. For some reason I feel like more and more people have been bothering me inside my own office. It’s not even the good office either. Damn Elizabeth, I own the entire palace. Why do I have to give you the best room? 

“I have been looking at the support, roughly I can say that the country is split in half.” He begins. 

“However, we have support from three of the six dukes as well as many earls.” 

“The marches will not be able to support us; in fact, we may need to support them if Wonsan revolts. I also know for a fact that Reynard will not join us since he would be isolated. The coward will join the other side.” I see, this is indeed disturbing. He is one of the strongest Dukes within our land. “The earl of Welne also still holds considerable influence. The way I see it is that they control the western part of the country. Leaving us with the Allonian Sea and the East.” 

Ah, I see where his concerns are being raised. In the situation that Mitham doesn’t side with us, his land will be at the forefront of the fight.  

“I can move some forces into Tonsia for you to command. The returning troops should suffice.”  

“Just remember angering the nobles led to the near destruction of the Cavendish line. Remember to keep those who are vital to your reign close.” He says. If I was a fool, I'd think that he was concerned for me. Then again it is that cunning snake. It is better to keep an eye on him. If I let my guard down, he might be the end of me. “In the end, do you think that it will come to a civil war?” 

“It is possible. As of now, it won’t happen. But then again, depending on the oppositions desperation that might change.” I respond. Goldwell just nods silently. “There is one more thing I wish to say.” 

“What may that be?” He asks, curious to what I am about to say. 

“Don’t you dare do anything that may harm Elizabeth.” I tell him giving the sternest look I could muster. 

“I am hurt, Your Majesty. I would never do such a thing to my own blood. Do I seem like that kind of person to you?” He asks with a blank face. To be honest there is only one answer to that question. 

“Yes, I know very well about the Goldwell teaching methods and they absolutely disgust me.” I respond venomously.  

“I must say that I don’t really care about it either. In the end it was the isolation that I hated the most. You don’t know what that does to a person.” He says with a look of sadness. “However, I promise that I won’t do anything that will harm her.” 


“Ah, also my younger brother just birthed a silver haired boy. So, I won’t be in need of an heir.” Well this is good news for me. But I am curious. 

“I know you’ve been concerned about an heir for a long time, but why haven’t you gotten a new wife?” 

“There are a lot of reasons, when she died- well suffice to say there was no one else that could replace her. If you excuse me Your Majesty. This isn’t a conversation that I wish to continue discussing.” He responds almost chocking in the middle before shutting me off. I just give a nod and he leaves the room just as quickly as he entered. 

A/N: Well the plot is finally starting to move. Duke Whyte is the biggest opposition to James. How this turns out is something to be seen. Also I was looking at the size of the continent. At first I thought the size was in between India and Australia but then I realized that the measurement was miles so in reality it was between Russia and China standing at 5.2 million square miles. Also, what do you guys think James' ultimate goal is? What does he desire the most?