Duke Hammond
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“I am so glad that you gave me this opportunity to talk with you.” Duke Browne says sitting down on the couch. 

“It is a curtesy that should be afforded to any person. I am not one to turn down a request.” I respond politely. I have a feeling I know why he is here. It is unfortunate that I need to have this meeting. 

“Duke Hamond, if you join us in the case of a civil war, we will forgive you for supporting that god-forsaken proposal.” He begins. This is extremely serious. Does he expect me to betray the emperor just because he will “pardon” me? 

“This could be considered treason, which if I recall correctly in my old age, is a hanging offence. Even for the Nobility” I threaten him. If I can get him off my back that would be the best-case scenario. “I’ll forget this entire conversation if you never speak of this to me again.” 

“Just know that you are surrounded. If you are to fight against us, you will die and Mitham will be razed to the ground.” He responds calmly. Just how much backing do they have? They can confidently say that they will be able to completely destroy me. 

“You have my support then. Though, I am curious how many nobles you really have supporting you.” Duke Browne must be working with Duke Whyte at least. The probability of others is also high. 

“I cannot give you any names. You haven’t been given our trust just yet. However, understand that we have enough support.” He deflects my question. What a sad fact. I doubt that even the emperor trusts me. Why does everyone consider me to be some great coward only out for his survival. “That will be all. I am glad that you have seen reason. May we meet again.” 

“I cannot say that you made the right choice.” My butler responds. That is true. In all likelihood they will kill me after they are done with me. I grab onto my cane and get up. 

“That was just to stall for time. If they thought I wouldn’t support them they would have killed me. It is better to survive until the war then throw my lot with the emperor.” I answer him. I am more likely to survive in that scenario than in the other one. At least in this course of actions I have a small chance of surviving. That is if I don’t roll over and die of old age before this all begins. 

“I see, that is a good strategy, what is your next plan?” He asks curiously. Well, I honestly haven’t thought this through very well. I’ll just have to come up with something quickly. 

“For now, I need to find out just who exactly is supporting them. I also need to know if they got any foreign powers involved.” Depending on the answers to this will determine who I will support. If the Emperor has no chance of winning the war, I won’t support him. However, if he can win, then that will be my best chance. 

“Yes, your safety is the most important thing right now.” He responds. “The Young Master would definitely support Duke Browne.” 

“That is true. We need to make plans for my travel back to Mitham as soon as possible.” I say. I begin walking to the window. I look out the window and into the courtyard. The knights are training and the sun is shining. Such a peaceful day and yet so much is going on behind the scenes. 

“Uggh” I hear my butler make a sound. I turn around and see a palace guard with his sword run through my butler's stomach. Quite the brutal sight if I must say so myself. Re correction, I don’t think I will be able to see the outcome. I guess I'm too much of a wild card to let live. The assassin takes his sword out of my butler and begins to walk over to me. I try my best to get away but I'm not making much progress. I then feel the sword stab me through the back. 

“I’m sorry, so very sorry. Please forgive me for this.” What a strange assassin. Why ask your victim for forgiveness? 

“I won’t forgive you.” Might as well go out with some fight. I feel my conscious fading into black. I guess that everything will be up to my foolish son. God damn, this isn’t at all how I wanted to go out. 


I really don’t like this part of the job. Killing an old man who couldn’t defend himself just leaves a bad after taste in my mouth. Well the job is done; I need to clean up my sword and report back to the Vice-Captain. I walk up to the mirror. I then push it opening the secret corridor. I turn back, close the mirror, then lock it into place. 

I should have enough money to pay for my sister's medicine for the next couple months. Just why is medicine so expensive? Are they just asking the sick to die? Do people even care? I just shake my head and continue walking. It doesn’t matter to me. I just need to get the money. 

A/N: It is time to say good bye to Reynard Hammond, Duke of Mitham. He will be remembered. On to other news, I've been busy playing Byzantium in eu4 so I haven't written a lot. Good news is I finally managed to beat the ottomans.