6 – LOST
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Please click the heart button above if you like the story. Yes, before you read the chapter. Yes, I know you are lazy, I am too. But I need those hearts. I am writing the story for them.  Anyway, enjoy the ride.




(The Man's POV)

This place was definitely not Sema or anywhere near it. I had no doubts remaining by now.  At first, I thought it was some neighboring state of The Republic. I even thought that it would be one of the hundreds of unclaimed small buffer regions between Sema and one of its neighbors. Now though? I know better.


The first clue was the language. The language the woman and the man speak was... Completely alien.


Sure, I can’t say that I know every dialect of every language spoken in the many neighbors of the Republic, but those were languages that belong to the same family after all. Not counting the many loan words that were interchangeable between most of them...


Even then, there were some concepts that were impossible to skip, some words that are more or less common in all languages, such as Authority. But the woman was oblivious to the idea of it, despite being an authority holder herself. 


‘So, either -I- we are still on the mainland and those two are outliers that live under a rock, or they are foreigners and this land is completely alien.’ interjected Reason. 'Not that I care at this point, damn hypocrite.'


There was no doubt they were foreigners with those clothes after all. No man with self-respect would willingly look like that Ponytail.  The woman was good though, different but good. 


The second clue was the climate or the inconsistency of it. 'No, screw it. It is outright weird after all.'


‘The last objective recorded in the log is the second night watch. Winter solstice, 22 Âzar-Dai 571 AR. Not to mention the clothes... This is obviously winter uniform with the waterproof coat together with thermal underclothes and all.’ he continued.


Again, I didn't care. I have all the rights to be vindictive. I would not be softer just because he aborted the system.  'Oh, wait. He didn't, I did.'


However, there was no sign of snow which should be a common view of the Dagarası border during winter solstice despite being in a shady hillside forest. 


‘One down, seven to go.’ mused Passion.  'Was that a joke? Should I feel bad because I don't get the jokes of my own subconsciousness?' Not that he was off the hook. 'Anyway...'


The weather was definitely more like an early autumn or a late spring of the Dagarası region which meant, either I have months of holes in my memory or this place was not Dagarası. ‘Definetely not Dagarası.’


Apart from the language and clothes of the woman, 'and the man, don't forget the Ponytail',  the climate, the terrain, and even the flora and fauna were different. Despite all the survival training, there was not a single plant or animal that I know of.


'There was one rabbit thing though' I thought. At least I hope that thing was a rabbit because it had a rabbit scut. If it was something else with that size, something like a rat, that would have been worrying. Really worrying. 


'Don't forget the cockroach-like black arthropod. The thing was as big as my foot.' Reson added his worries. 


‘Hell, even the air smells different from time to time.’ cursed Passion only to be chastised by Reason immediately. ‘No cursing!’ Alas, I couldn't help but agree with Passion. It was a disgusting seed-like smell... Human seed... 'Tree sap or something... God forbid it was not that common. I can't imagine living in a place that smells like that constantly.' 


'How does "screw" is okay but "hell" is not?' asked Passion but no one cared. 


Then there were these shimmering mushrooms with dotted caps. Not easy to realize. Only if they catch direct sunlight which almost none did due to the darkness or shade preference of such species. It was still odd though. I wouldn't have walked close to those things more than five lengths, which I didn't. 


‘The question is, where am I right now.’ I cut in. I had no patience for the bickering duo at this point.  A few possible places that I could think of were not plausible simply because of being either too far away or too familiar to be this unfamiliar.


‘If I don’t have holes of a few months in my memory, that means I am thousands of ranges away from where I last remember.’ I thought in regret. Not that I can have holes in my memory, not with two additional consciousness.  


A possible explanation of such a thing may be a gate incident however, as far as I know, gate usage doesn't cause memory loss and I had no memory of using one.


‘Could be drugged and tossed in a gate tough?’ Passion suggested but I didn’t want to consider the possibility of such a thing when I was surrounded by countless comrades in a military garrison. Just like me, Reason too thought that it was simply surreal.


'Gate incidents are urban legends as far as lore considered.’ he objected after what I suspect was a thorough scan for even hints of such knowledge in my memory.  


But Passion was the devil’s advocate and insisted on not the possibility but the plausibility of the impossible. ‘Are they really though? Is there any other explanation you can think of?’


‘Doesn't matter.’ Reason simply stated. ‘What really matters is, what are we going to do. There is food and water, and everything else is negligible right now.’


‘Then what are we going to do?’ Passion asked simply out of courtesy. The procedures for such situations were simply impossible to forget. Thus Reason started to answer the question just like it was expected of him to do according to the procedures. ‘When in doubt…’


‘…just act according to The Black Covered Book.’ I completed and ignited the fuse that would start the explosion, and just as expected Passion exploded. ‘Yeah. Just remove your brain and act without thinking.'


An existential crisis like this was inevitable at some point in time. Any new consciousness, sub- or semi-, was expected to bring a new change to an already stagnant dynamic equilibrium of the existing consciousnesses and start a shift.


It was not only expected but also desired from Passion to bring that change but this was neither the time nor the place. Not that I blame the five-day-old subconsciousness. 


‘There is a reason for that book to be covered in black and you know that too.’ Reason not-implied, outright stated. ‘Yeah, we all know buddy.’ I thought with a grimace.


The Black Covered Book, or simply Black Book, was a book on what to do and what not to do in certain situations that an officer may encounter during his or her service.


The reason the book was covered in black was because of the exemplary explanations for each situation in the book. Basically, it was a book of flaws, ineptitudes, and treacheries in the military history of the Republic of Sena.


Being named as an example in the book was a disgrace of the highest order for any prominent family in the Republic. 'People changed their surnames for less.' I thought of one particular acquaintance. 


Thus, it was not uncommon for the young officers to volunteer for suicide missions with the hope to remove the stain on their names due to their ancestors' actions.


‘I know, but it is not necessarily mean that I enjoy it. Guilt trip and mental conditioning at its lowest...'  Passion stated choosing his side. I was unwilling to let the situation escalate any longer, thus decided to intervene.


The best possible action according to the Black Covered Book was, to assume that I was behind enemy lines and the worst thing I could do according to the examples is to encounter too many people whose culture I don’t know, and whose language I don’t speak.


I was alien to the locals as they were alien to me, and people fear the things they don’t know or understand. I simply didn’t want to risk it just to learn the outcomes from sheer prejudice the locals might show against someone or something alien and obviously didn’t want to hear the famous quote ‘We don’t like strangers here.'


'Yes. Especially broke strangers.’ interjected Passion my thought process and everything started all over again. Obviously, my intervention was not enough to de-escalate the situation yet. 


‘That is just another problem in the problem mountain but if you are going to start you should start with clothes.’ Reason tried to reason with Passion discerning my obvious impatience.


But Passion was too young to be patient. ‘What about clothes?' he asked. 'Damn! Just check my -our- memories already.'


Thankfully, Reason started to state the obvious with appropriate language. ‘Clothing carries the elements of identity and these elements include gender, class, and cultural orientation thus is one of the most prominent social status indicators. Clothes are always the first thing that gives away who you are and most of the time easiest to mimic, unlike other identity markers.'


I don’t like strangers myself too, thus there were no hard feelings on that part. However, absolutely the worst thing to do right now is, to go straight into a settlement of any size without any money on, wearing non-local clothes, and at that with a translator whose loyalty is questionable at best. Hostile in this particular situation.


'The first thing -I- we should do is to find a good shelter on high ground with a good vantage point nearby.’ I agreed with Reason.  ‘Hopefully, I can access the Central Command interface, and while waiting for the global positioning I can interrogate the woman and understand the situation better. Why does the damn thing doesn't work anyway?'


With that, the plan was formed. Just like Reason said the best course of action would be to follow the regulations of the Black Covered Book in this situation. 'Yeah, definitely not mental conditioning.' Reason opposed but I didn't care. 


‘When you don’t know what to do, always follow the book. Stay away from any civilian settlement or military installment, find a temporary shelter at a high ground with a good vantage point nearby, and interrogate the locals to gain a better understanding of the situation.’


The rations I found among the woman’s belongings were enough to sustain two people a week to a fortnight depending on the usage. The water was limited though, two or three days of worth at most.


Although these could sustain me more than enough to decide and plan my subsequent actions, I had my own reservations to consume food and water of unknown origin, again due to the Black Covered Book procedures. Not surprisingly even Passion was not objected to following the book when it was blatantly stupid not to do so.  


Despite I was unconscious during most of it, I haven’t eaten or drunk anything in approximately a day and I was walking from late morning till now to put some distance between myself and possible ally or enemy pursuers of the woman. 'She said the man was dead, but I have no reason to trust her word at this point.' I thought.


'Yeah. It's not like we are bonded mentally and emotionally, thus she can lie as much as she likes without us detecting.’ mocked Passion. Seriously, it was too demeaning. 'Patience.' I thought. 'Don't feed the troll.'


The bond was obviously strong enough to let us communicate with the woman without skin contact, good for emotional isolation. It lasted more than two periods up to now and was still going. Alas, I had my own reservations about it, and just as always Reason was the voice of the obvious. 


‘You know it too. Her, thinking the man dead and the man being actually dead are two different things.'


I started to feel like losing strength during the walk and even become aggressive while feeding the woman which was an obvious indication of my low blood sugar. Thus, I decided to take a break as soon as possible and rest while filling myself. 


‘You shouldn’t eat or drink anything raw or nonboiled.’ Reason reminded the obvious again. ‘I can’t even risk a traveler's diarrhea or food poisoning and anything more serious could cause death.’ I thought while trying to find a suitable place. 


Although I couldn’t imagine the effects of unknown food and water in an unknown environment with a different climate in unsuitable clothes, I know enough to realize that I could get infected with dozens of things that may not even necessarily be infectious to the local population.


The Black Covered Book was filled with examples of armies decimated due to wrong judgment and logistical problems. Even without it, I knew enough that soldiers sent to Eleli borders are usually vaccinated for at least eight different types of diseases.


‘You should take any necessary and even seemingly unnecessary precautions to reduce the risk of infection. Even if it is not possible to outright remove them, these precautions may reduce the number of contaminants contacted and increase the incubation time which may save our lives and help us to deal with it in a safer environment.’ Reason elaborated on details. 


Seriously, it was like he was helping me -Passion- without being obvious, summarizing the concepts to decrease the number of urgent memories he has to scan later.


I, you, and we, singular, and plural were obviously mixing during my internal dialogues at that point. The bond with the woman was not helping either.


‘I should find somewhere safe and meditate without bond until my consciousnesses reach a temporary equilibrium.’ I thought, but  Passion interjected.


‘Screw it! Don't think, just act. Drink something already. I am dying of thirst.’ he proposed again. This was absolutely the worst time to get lost, just five days after the second awakening of my mind. 'Is it six now? Seven?'


‘Patience! Don’t exaggerate. We have seen worse.’


Reson warned. Although he was trying to restrain Passion, the new guy was already starting to lose it. 


‘I can hear you just fine. You know that, right?’


‘Yes! Of course, you can hea- Wait! Are you talking to me?’


‘Am I talking to me? Hahaha!’


Passion was too young and immature to be of any use even in a controlled environment let alone in a hostile one. He had already caused an uncontrolled explosion and thus, left me to the woman's tender mercies. When I think about it I couldn’t help but shiver and now he was definitely mocking my unstructured thoughts.


‘Thank God, I am still alive despite Passion. Even if she didn't harm me intentionally, if the woman would have left me out there, I would have died horribly. Probably eaten alive by a predator.’ I thought involuntarily only to be mocked by my own unconsciousness again. 


‘Nothing happened though. You are just being a worrywart. Just relax already and don't think that I missed it the first time. You are the unconsciousness, not me.’


At about noon, we reached our destination and found a vantage point that is concealed enough not to be seen easily. Although there was still no connection to the interference, I decided to stop for a break and meditate to collect myself, Passion mostly. 


The clearing was near the edge of a precipice. It was a good vantage point that gave a good view of the road that connected one of the towns nearby, to a village further away -both of which I didn’t care enough to remember the names of- according to the woman.


I simply held no intention to learn the names of villages and towns, which I probably never going to visit, or roads I never going to use. All I know was they were places that I never have heard of and that was enough.


I signed the woman to stop and started to observe the perimeter while she threw herself to the ground and tried to control her breathing. The first thing I realized was the condition of the road -that spans towards what could be called a middle-sized town, vertical to our position. The road was arching with a downward slope which let me see the town, probably less than seventy to eighty lengths away, approximately one range.


There were scattered travelers on the road, some of them on foot, others riding some kind of hoofed animal. There were even a few carts that were drawn by another kind of animal and one caravan which consists of a few carts, a dozen riders, and plenty of people on foot.


‘We are definitely staying away from the road. It is too crowded and it may also indicate a hint or two about the town below. Let's stay away from attention until we learn more. This place is good for the night. We should find a suitable place for the camp around here.’ Reason suggested but Passion objected as expected. ‘Why though? We still have plenty of sunlight and no Command Center connection.’ 


Now, those were good arguments. But ‘I want to observe the road thoroughly.' answered Reson. 'However, one thing is certain. We are not going to that town.’


Just as I thought he was going to object again the fickle thing surprised me again. ‘I don’t care. Just let me eat and drink, and then find some stream to clean. I hate dried blood on my skin.’ 


‘Just decide already!’ I thought but Reason cut me immediately. ‘I am going to arrange something about the food.' He informed Passion. I definitely needed some rest and meditation before snapping. ‘‘There are some utensils and ingredients in the backpack. I will prepare something as soon as we find somewhere to light a discreet fire. I don’t want to draw unwanted attention because of the smoke.' Reason gave the good news. 


Then he continued with the bad news. 'However, you have to make do with a wet towel for today. We are not going to soak ourselves in an unknown body of water even if we find one.' 


Thank Lord, bored out of his mind mostly, Passion didn't object and compromised. ‘Whatever. Let’s just drink some water and eat something.’ 


I informed the woman through the bond that we are going to descend a little bit to avoid being seen and find a camp place and hoped that she would understand. She was getting better but also getting tired really fast. It was only a few periods and she was already showing the signs of a heavy migraine. 


Although I was the one who is shouldering most of the strain of the bond and Reason was keeping it clean of emotional baggage and making it easier to understand, she was still getting tired way faster than me.


Advantages of being awakened of mind I suppose. Despite it was Reason being the one regulating the bond, the mental strain was being shared between all of us making it easier to manage. 


After informing the woman, I left her with our load and started to walk around to find a suitable place for the camp. A short while later, I reached a clearing I have seen while climbing, surrounded by rocks and short bushes, less than half a length lower than the precipice. Thus, I climbed the slope again to take the woman with me.


When I arrived, she was sitting under the shade of a tree, resting her eyes. However, before I call her, I realized the commotion on the near side of the road.


Multiple men flanked the caravan from before and blocked the way of the travelers both from the front and the back. There were glints of weapons on their hands, already drawn, and they looked like discussing something. I have prepared the appropriate image and pumped more power towards my eyes to increase my eyesight, hoping it will not hurt like the last time.


 “[Rasad]” I murmured under my breath and then turned my head to the woman.


(What’s happening?) Reason asked the woman which confused her at first. After a few moments, she trailed my eyes and realized the commotion below.


She tried to describe it using the bond but it was too vague. Then she added aloud when realized that I didn’t understand. She said “Dumruls” and continued her explanation through the bond.


(Thieves… Bandits… Highwayman… Dumruls! They- take- five- whities- as- tribute- if- you- cross- the- road- and- ten- whities- fine- after- beating- you- to- a- bloody- pulp- if- you- don’t- cross it.)


(Whities? Little white?) Reason asked confused.




'Whities? Really? Little white money? The most creative name given a small silver coin I have heard in all my life.’ Passion mocked again but I didn't care. He was six after all. Six days! My mind was on the other word.


I thought about it, dumrul, while still watching the scene below. The word was not translated on the first try, which means it was either a proper noun or an abstract fact. Not that it matters. All it mattered that it was translated after the woman talked it aloud. 


As far as I understand whities were some kind of white rectangular coin with holes on them. They were made of a white metal alloy, probably something that contains silver and is therefore named after its color. There were also reddies made of some copper alloy and yellowies that are made of a gold alloy, probably.


‘Are you sure about the copper coins though? They may be called brownies for all I know?’ Passion mused. 


The formal name of the coins were swords, scepters, and crowns. They were named after the crests on the tail sides of them. The holes on the coins were off-center, probably for attaching to a cord and wearing on the owner, on the neck or wrist probably. There were no portraits on the heads side but instead some kind of structure and text. Reading was beyond me right now but these texts probably be the first things I read after I learn how to do so.  


It was obvious from the hand gestures the woman has taught me this morning that the bandits, dumruls, cut the road and demanded money from the travelers. It may have been a road toll or even extortion or something like that as the woman has said. 'Not my problem.'


In fact, if it was a toll and they were really beating the ones that refuse to pay only to charge twice the amount, it would have been hilarious to watch. Still, Reason was way tenser after seeing the incident. Even Passion was more serious, it was not time for bickering. 


 ‘All the more reason not to travel on the roads or go to towns or cities.’ Reason stated. 


Passion didn't object this time too but only suggested. 'Villages maybe?’


Now, that was definitely an option. But still, ‘Just maybe...' was the answer Reason gave, and “Just maybe…" I echoed aloud. 


(What if you don’t refuse but don't have any money anyway?) Reason asked, somewhat already knowing the answer.


The woman didn’t answer but simply shrugged. Then I watched these dumruls a little bit more as they started to beat a couple with children and started to tear the crying woman's clothes while goading her toward the woods.


Soon, the caravan set off again, leaving the father and the children on the road to their own devices. I didn’t watch the rest. Whether it is just for humiliation, rape, or murder I better not know of it.


‘Not your problem. These are not your people. Better not know what happened.’ I repeated internally like a mantra without waiting for any suggestions. 


‘Just like that. Away from the eye, away from the mind. Clear your conscience.’ Reason stated anyway, obviously not to me which only made Passion more anxious. It was his job to care about these kinds of things in the end. 


‘I know already.’ he spat immediately then added ‘You don’t have to babysit me.’ 


I definitely don't have to babysit Passion, more like I would have put a leash on him. Even now, this far from the incident I was feeling his fury. I don't want to know what would have happened if I was actually there and Passion could have actually done something that matters.  


‘But it is my job to babysit you.’ Reson quipped to distract him. ‘Wait! Did Reason just make a joke? Really?’ I thought involuntarily. Today was really a day of many firsts, the good kind, the bad kind, and the ugly kind. Very ugly kind... 


‘Screw you!' Passion spat only to be chastised twice.





Then the woman asked.


(Huh? Are- you- talking- to- me?)


I obviously am not a plotter, I didn't plan this story, it just happened.  I still don't know what am I doing.


I just learned that they name someone like me a pantser, someone who writes his stories "by the seat of their pants." 


Please leave a comment. I love them, even answer them, really.