The Reckless Start
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The sun was about to fell and the as the last rays of the sun touched upon the fallen mountain village , everyone including esteemed heroes made their way back to their homes in a hurry . In one of the houses , a girl who has been noticing this activity for a while now , made up her mind to ask her mother about this strange activity.

"Mom, why does everyone hide inside their house after the sunset ? Even the priests and the magicians don't go out . "

"Come here , Sarah . I will tell you a tale."

Following her mother's words , the little Sarah sat on her lap , and with innocent eyes she stared at her mother .

"Long ago , there was a black dragon . It was bigger than small towns and powerful enough to destroy nations in a single attack. "

The child's eyes glittered and she said , "that's so cool ! Is that drag still here ? Can I ride on it mom? " Her mom could not help but smile at her cute and naive daughter's remark .

"No absolutely you can't . Because that. dragon was an evil dragon that destroyed nations and killed many people . "

The child heard her and suddenly became scared , "will it take you away from me , Mama ?"
As she said that , she could not help but get teary . The mother could not help but feel her heart heavy when she thought about it. After giving her a gentle kiss. on forehead , she said "don't worry my child, because that dragon was killed by hero , Sir Charles . But the dragon still had some powers left , so it escaped and flew till it finally exhausted and died . And the place where it died was called 'The fallen valley.'

Since then no man , no matter how much of a legend he was , was able to explore 'The Fallen Valley' without giving up their lives . The legend says that after the fall of the dragon , its energy started infecting the area . Now, in this valley 'rank 8 beasts are as common as stray dogs. ' Mutant creatures , monsters and even plants haunt that place and kills each other mindlessly.


The Fallen Valley.


Ryan made his way through the forest at an astonishing speed. He was so fast that all the tree along his path were bent almost 90 degrees. Faster than most projectile attacks ; his movement was enough to turn everything in his path to dust .


'Ahh , there are monsters fighting ahead . I should probably...'


'Oops, Never mind, they have turned to dust thanks to my speed. '

as he said that a small fly like robot came out of his robes and flew back .
'Good . With this robot I will be able to collect all the resources present in here. '

Yes , he wasn't running around for no reason , but for collecting all the riches this mystic forest could offer . After he realised that he was in a different world ,Ryan , who was one pf the scums on his previous life, decided that in this life he will miss use his power and would aim to become the strongest in the world . Whether it was in sheer power or resources, he would sit on top of all the races .

'This place is full of magic . I could sense magic in everything , whether it is a small bug or these monsters . From what I have read in mangas and novels magical stuff always sell at a really high price. I need to rob this place of everything ! '

He smirked , as his eyes grew cold. A huge number of robotic flies flew off his robes .

"Go my children and GET EVERYTHING ! "