Chapter 3 : Black Dragon Raid (Part 1)
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         Rainy crafted a lot of BBQ feast food buff for her raid team and guildmates. The food buff gave 10% HP and MP, +10 Critical Power, Magic Power, HP/MP Regeneration and +12 Endurance. This food buff was extremely useful during dungeons and boss raids.

       The boss that would spawn at 7:30 PM was a 5-star World Boss, Black Dragon. It had 1.5 billion hp and its minimum damage for his normal attacks was 35,000. A good-geared player usually had 150,000 HP. However, taking all the boss's normal attacks without getting healed was asking for death. Tanks could block the normal attacks through their block skills, but some special moves and mechanics called for accurately timing their iframes to dodge the attacks. Failing to iframe certain attacks guaranteed death. However, certain healer classes such as Herbalist and Holy Priest could use damage reduction buff and shield to help tanks survive with at least 1,000 HP. They had to be healed immediately after to survive more attacks from the boss.

         Rookie players would think only tanks had it tough, but they'd find themselves crying and hugging their healers for their lives if they were ever in high-level dungeons and raids. DPS players had to do mechanics to avoid the entire team getting wiped. Fortunately, the Black Dragon boss didn't have many mechanics for the team to do. Unfortunately for DPS classes, the boss had 3 shield phases and failing to break the shield meant wipe. If they didn't save their ultimate skills for the shield phase or if their DPS were not high enough to break the shield within 30 seconds, they would fail the raid.

         In Elite guild, before they'd go to a raid, they planned their positions well. Their healers were divided into those defending the tanks and those babysitting the DPS. Crowd Control classes like Raven focused on debuffing the boss and some of their skills could weaken shields and barriers. Only thirty people were allowed to enter the Black Dragon's lair. LordAgni chose some of the guild's best DPS, tanks, healers and crowd control players for it. The rest was to guard the entrance so no one could enter the lair before the raid started.

       The PK was the fun part and Discord was in chaos because of that. Those in the chatroom were yelling, cursing and screaming. Rainy had no choice but to close her Discord. She couldn't bear it. She had to focus on stunning and slowing the movement speed of the enemy players. Surprisingly, more than 3 guilds were trying to get in. Everyone was killing each other on the way to the portal. The good thing was Rainy's guild has secured the portal much earlier. Their healers were surrounded by tanks and melees. They had to protect the healers. After all, dying and resurrecting in nearby towns would make coming back to the portal difficult with all the enemies trying to get in. And players could only do 5 resurrections in a dungeon. If they ran out of it, healers could resurrect them. They had to make sure the healers were safe because enemies were prioritizing them.

       OilTycoon : Protect HealingLight!

      HealingLight : Don't worry about me. I can survive xd

     OilTycoon : Ok... Protect QueenBee. She's a noob!

     QueenBee : Shut up! You're a noob Warlock! You have no future! Uninstall the game, please! Cancer! Damn it!

      QueenBee got hit by a Shadow Master's ( a dual blade melee class) Nightmare Slash and died. She was low on HP and couldn't shield or heal herself on time. She dropped dead in a graceful manner the way elves did.

      DodgeThisLoli : Light, careful!

      That same Shadow Master used his Teleport Jaunt skill to close the gap between him and HealingLight. Loli's stun grenade didn't reach him at all. HealingLight used Back Step to dodge the attack. He then cast his Vow of Silence to stun the Shadow Master.

      HedonistPotato : Not good!

      The enemy gunner used his ultimate skill Atomic Blast (a very long-ranged and powerful attack) and targeted HealingLight and the surrounding players. The massive ball was fast descending from the sky and ready to blast everyone.