Chapter 4 – Endure or Not Endure
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And so, I began practicing the Lightness Skill as well as familiarizing myself with the flying dagger. The first few days were spent playing with the dagger, throwing it around and using it like a regular dagger.


Nothing profound since I don't have the necessary skills or techniques to handle the flying dagger. And the next time I could acquire a skill book for it was during the annual Youth Tournament.


Every tournament's top 100 were allowed one hour in one of the family's two pavilions - Martial Pavilion and Magic Pavilion. There, I would be able to find a skill book to take out and practice with. Naturally, this would mean that I need to get into the top 100 or all would be for naught.


While I played with the dagger, randomly slashing it about, I had the necessary equipment for my training in the Lightness Skill bought. There were arm weights, leg weights, and a weighted vest. Filled with metal bars, each arm and leg weight weighed about ten pounds. The weighted vest itself was about twenty pounds. In addition, there was a pair of foot-long stilts.


From that day forth, except for bathing and sleeping, I wore the weights and the stilts. Many times I tripped. The bruises and concussions I suffered here and there were numerous. Naturally I persisted...despite the constant bullying and insults from my 'fellow' peers.


I even acquired a new nickname - Weak Legs...probably because of the stilts. I kept stumbling about because of them. Many people enjoyed attempting to trip me whenever I walked past...and they usually succeeded.


Things like these I could endure. I'm not like those main characters in those xianxia novels who suddenly couldn't endure the insults anymore and started issuing challenges left and right like brainless idiots. I, at least, know that I needed to increase my strengths and leave this place. Who cares about this Lin Family? I should find my own path elsewhere.


Of course, that's what I had thought...but then I woke up one day and realized that I had blacked out due to some events that happened the day before. The only thing I remembered was...second elder's youngest son - Lin Hu - killed the young kitten I had taken a liking to. But did I endure it...or did I not?

Did Lin Tian endure seeing his young animal friend killed before his eyes?
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  • No
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