Chapter 5 – Going to the City
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I endured it. Thank me I was able to endure it! What? Did you think I was going to thank you?


PEH! I spit.


But the young body I resided in hadn't learned how to spit yet so all that came out of my mouth were a few trickles of drool. I embarrassingly wiped my mouth and got out of bed.


OW! I grabbed my head and moaned gently. It seemed that the shock of losing that young kitten didn't cope well with my mind. Perhaps that was the reason why I blacked out and couldn't remember much about the day before.


It was a good thing I endured. That Lin Hu is a genius with high potential. I heard that he received blue rank during his examination. Not to mention, he's blessed with 'Magnetism Affinity' - a Tier 3 blessing from the God of Lightning Magnuro.


"As the say goes, a gentleman's revenge, ten years is not too late. Naturally, I won't wait ten years. Maybe three years. In three years, I will cripple that bastard." I muttered as I began putting on my training gear.


As I waddled downstairs to the living room stilts and all, I smelled the fragrance of sweet congee. Mother was busying laying out side dishes while father and my other siblings distributed the congee. I saw that father was wearing his city clothes.


Father had definitely decided to go to the city today. I've never been to the city before. It would be great if I could go with father. When I asked him if I could join him, he gave me a look.


"Are you going like that?" Father asked as he pointed at my training gear.


"Didn't you say that a cultivator must always train whenever and wherever possible?" I asked as I munched on some sweet congee.


"Lose those stilts just for today. The weights, you can wear them underneath your clothing."


"Alright." I responded as I rushed back upstairs to change.




Ten minutes later, father and I were strolling down the streets. There were many street stalls along the pathway, selling food and groceries. There were even a few stalls selling raw materials and crafts.


While father and I browsed some items from an antique stall, I asked him where we should go first. His response was as expected from a fatherly figure like him.


"Your eldest brother - Nan-er - will be celebrating his eighteenth birthday soon. I plan to head over to the Magic Pavilion to buy him a book that will help with his cultivation." Father replied as he handed some money to me. "You don't have to follow me in. If you want, you can browse through the other stores and buy something that you find interesting. Just make sure to stay within fifty meters from me."


"Alright." I nodded as we approached the Magic Pavilion.


The city's Magic Pavilion was different from Lin Family's Magic Pavilion. For one, it was at least ten times larger in size. Not to mention, it holds more than ten thousand spell books that people could look through and buy. However, the Magic Pavilion did not catch my attention. It was the buildings surrounding it that made me gasp with wonder.


There were four other buildings situated next to the Magic Pavilion. They were the Martial Pavilion, the Alchemy Association, the Crafts Guild, and the Merchant Branch.


With one glance, I knew where I wanted to visit. I've decided to head over to the Crafts Guild...or so I thought.

Where did Lin Tian go? (Each option has a chance of encounter with someone.)
  • Magic Pavilion Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Martial Pavilion Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Crafts Guild Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Alchemy Association Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Merchant Branch Votes: 0 0.0%
Total voters: 2 · This poll was closed on Aug 4, 2019 08:28 AM.