Chapter 6 – Chance Encounter
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I made my way to the Crafts Guild, carefully selecting my steps, until I stopped in front of the building's doorway. As I prepared to head in, a gruff voice boomed out.


"Kids aren't allowed in here without adult supervision. Move along."


"I-I just wanted to check out w-what's inside." I stammered as I tried peering behind the man for a better view.


The man shrugged and stressed. "If your parents aren't here, you can't come inside. That's final. There's too many dangerous things in this room for a kid to wander about in."


"Don't worry. I won't touch anything. I promise."


"No means no. Now, move along. You're blocking business."


Dejected, I turned around and walked back into the streets. Did the gods interfere with my choice here? What did they choose for me? I closed my eyes and wandered about. If the gods had chosen a place for me to go to, then by doing this, I would arrive at that location no matter what happened.


After wandering about and bumping into countless people, I found myself still in the streets. Strange. Could it be that the gods did not choose anything for me? In that case, what happened at the Crafts Guild was just a coincidence. With that in mind, I made my way towards the next choice - the Alchemy Association.


However, the Alchemy Association was closed - today of all days, they decided to do maintenance and repairs? Who could believe that? It would have been more understandable if it was closed due to some auction or whatever, but to be closed for repairs? Sounds way too unreal and stretched.


Could the gods really have voted? But that's what was strange about it. If the gods had voted, then I would have a choice to make. But then again, if the gods couldn't come to a majority or an agreement...then does that mean I could only stay in the streets until father was finished with his business? Damn it!


If the gods didn't make a choice, then I could not make the choice for myself? I tried going to the Martial Pavilion, the Magic Pavilion, and the Merchant Branch but for some reason or another, I was not welcomed into the building or I was not able to get in because of the long customer lines. This was deliberately trying to tell me that my only choice was to loiter in the streets or find some other place to explore!


And you know what? I will do that. I don't believe I can't find a chance encounter of some sorts like those main characters in them Chinese novels. I turned around sharply and swung my fist up as if to oppose those gods' decision...and heard an oof.




On the ground was a...*gulp*...girl.

What does Lin Tian do?
  • Run!
  • Help the girl up and apologize.
  • Slowly walk away.
  • Hands and knees on the ground, face planted on the floor, and begging shamelessly for forgiveness.
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