Chapter 5
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It’s dark… I can’t see a thing.

ugh… my body hurts all over the place.

I hear a voice.

It is a faint one, but it’s clear enough to understand.


“… Is nothing wrong with his physical state, but his mental condition is the reason what caused the frailty in his body. His brain activity dangerously exceeds the levels of performing under high pressure in comparison of a normal brain with the same circumstances. From the looks of it, he has to stay for a while… ”


I slowly opened my eyes without letting the voice know I was awake. Apparently, I found myself in a hospital. That explained the boring white colour I saw everywhere. I looked a bit to my right and saw the source of the voice I heard. it was a nurse, talking to, I presume, a doctor on the phone. The doctor on the phone talked really loud for some reason. How rude.


In the meantime of this discourse, I managed to fully open my eyes.

“Where am I?” I asked plainly.



No response.


“strange, isn’t it? The distant feeling of distress… and you don’t even know why.”

I looked to my left where the voice originated from.

There was a person at the right side at the feet of my bed.


Aside from the suit he was wearing, it was a normal looking young man. If you would describe him, you could say he was straight from a Hitman movie, except that he was not bald. But from the look on his face you might say he just got rejected at a job interview.

It was an average looking man, around 20 years old, I guess. He had dark hair, dark eyes and was quite short for a man. No, for even a person. Of course, it’s rude to judge…


But who was this guy anyway?

“h- hello, may I ask who you might be?”

I tried to sound polite, but then again, I’m very bad with my communication skills.


“isn’t it rude not to introduce yourself first before you ask another their name?”

He smiled kindly.



“I’m sorry sir, My name is *1@q6#^. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Ah, Now that’s more like it. As for me, names are redundant. But, There isn’t any creature on this planet who didn’t hear of me and my story. I’ll let you guess who I may be.”

That wasn’t quite what I expected.

“S- so, are you a super famous person or something. Like a president from a country? Or a singer? No… uhm… sorry sir, I don’t know who you are.”

He looked surprised.

“well, that’s the first time anybody didn’t recognized me. I surmise it’s due to the fact that my appearance is different for anybody. But that didn’t happen in quite a while.”


I couldn’t keep up with his talk at all.


“I don’t understand. Who are you?” I asked. This time, with more confidence.


“I guess you are an exception. It also depends on the country and area people live in or the believes they share, But my purpose will always be the same.

All tales, folklore's, myths and chronicles comes down to one final result.”


Nice to meet you. I’m what you humans call death.” He said while he held out his hand.


“Oh, btw, you’re dead."



“… huh?”