Part II – Chapter 33: Adonias/Om/Gaia
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I am retribution given form, I take life to balance the scales of the life taken from me, with these hands I am death incarnate. I face the Barbarian before me, giving him the time to come to terms with his demise. To realise that this is where his path ends and watch the despair and desperation in his eyes. But the bloody savage grins in the face of death as he sways on his feet.

Barely able to stand he takes up a fighting stance to face me. I hate these bloody barbarians, I hate them to my core for they took my daughter, my beautiful Aaliyah. But by the spirits do I admire them.

I've moved from village to village killing them to sate my grief and all I've found is the smell of death and blood. This bloody division I've been traveling with has been emboldened by my presence into scouring deep into tribal lands. Stupid of them, but I didn't mind, it gave me more chances of killing these monsters.

And now here one of them salutes me and grins in the face of his demise. Not once have I seen them beg or prostrate themselves before any of us. Even the women and children fight to the last of their strength or till death before being subdued.

Even in my anger I have lost the taste of this fight, and my grief is just a damn hole that is never filled no matter how many I kill. 'One more Aaliyah, one more dead barbarian killed in your name and I will join you in the ever after'.

The young barbarian tribesman with the exotic longsword and strange powers bunches up getting ready to attack. Our eyes meet as he rushes to his death, and all I see there is a determination and an iron will. I will kill him cleanly, the least I can do.



I move in to attack Sachi's killer with a roar of Rage as I jump the 30 meter distance between us. Not looking as the discarded remains of Sachi fly in almost different directions, almost cleaved in half from shoulder to hip.

I land with hammer on shield to a resounding gong as I summersault over and land behind my opponent while spinning back around with a devastating blows that cuts the air as though it were a viscous fluid.

The pressure wave is like an explosion as he blocks the strike on his shield. Not even moving back a step yet frowning slightly as his feet dig deeper into the ground.

My hammer is a blur as I spin it before me with my wrist, my aura flared as much as it can go the entire time. Increasing my strength and speed on top of my Rage. Orange sparks fly as every other spin deflects of his sword, me moving a step forward every second yet he doesn't move back.

I step foward until there is no more space to spin my hammer and my arm is caught in a grip of mythril, arresting the spinning. I knee catches me in the abdomen, spilling everything I have ever eaten onto where my opponent was but a moment ago.

A backhand to the back of the neck leaves me paralysed from the neck down with a snap like twigs. I crumple like a sack of stones, blinking incomprehensibly.

The southerners cheer but are quickly silence by the flare of the warrior's aura.

"We are leaving." Is all he says before starting to jog through the battlefield, even Barbarians making way for him. After a moment the rest follow, collecting the wounded still alive and leaving their dead behind.

I watch this all unfold feeling nothing but my face, but already smelling the shit from my loosened sphincter.



The entire world shakes and rumbles at the birth of a new world. A tributary world Gaia has been preparing for the coming of the calamity.

The oceans foam all over the megaworld Gaia, volcanoes that have been asleep for centuries erupt. Glaciers break off and drift away, mountains crumble to the ground while new ones are formed.

The Ancient of Days stops on his journey to acknowledge the birth of a world. A sleeping dragon awakens from its den in the depth of a former molten river, having absorbed all the heat and power of the lava into itself and its eggs, which crack in preparation of the hatching.

The soul of an old warrior of the Hito people fully heals after nearly two thousand years of him bringing something completely new and unheard of into the world. The old warrior laughs in joy as powers burst from him and his soul shines like a star being born as he unsheathes the Universe's first true Soul-sword, finally completed.

The gates to the mysterious world of the Ascendent open a moment, allowing clouds. Smoke, ether, rain, wind, flowers, pollen and other unseen things into Gaia. A phenomenon that has never before happened and thought to be impossible.

The recent guardians of the Gates unleash their power as they warn any creature that thinks to come through to a world of a lower realm of power, a world ripe for the taking for such powerful creatures.

The ancient self appointed guardian of the mystic Ascension Gate grins, a creature that has been waiting for a worthy fight for 13 thousand years now. Glad he took the offer of the mysterious barefooted human with an old soul.

The Archaeans whisper across the universe. Communicating with their kind on the other side of the gates, asking about the state of things there. They seem unmoved as they stand vigil at the The Heavenly Gate and the Gate of Lost Paths.

Eragon the Sleeping Dragon of The West awakens as something comes through the portal. He watches curiously as a small group step onto Gaia, bow respectfully and fly in different directions. He goes back to sleep as the portal becomes one way again.

No one told him to stop creatures coming from the other side. Besides, he remembers some of those creatures fondly that just returned back to Gaia after their Ascension.

The Ancestral beasts throughout the world unleash their power as they show that Gaia is not without protectors. The portals connecting Gaia to Terra, the wild garden, the second habitable world closes.

Stranding all those who are on this world from Terra here indefinitely. Stranding all those on Terra from here there indefinitely, unless they could travel through different portals and reach Gaia through the only portal to another world still open.

The portal between Gaia and Aqueous, the water world of the mer. The mer people, the most prolific human killers in all the known worlds. Rulers of not just the oceans on their world but most of the oceans on all worlds. But many of them die on Gaia as their homes are destroyed.

Many creatures die on Gaia as another world is born from her depths. It rises from deep within her largest ocean, taking small islands and landmasses with it. Killing millions in the process.

The insubstantial barrier separating the Underworld from the surface world on Gaia dissolves. Allowing all to travel between the under and the surface world freely without the need for specific safe routes of travel.

Portals form all over Gaia, portals leading to this new world that will become a refuge for all those not strong enough to survive the coming of the Ascended. A world that will be a home to all those who haven't Awakened, all the creatures that have no magic in their blood, all the people considered 'mundane', all the fae considered 'base born'.

The new world disappears before the wondering eyes of all on Gaia as they understand the purpose of the new world. Knowledge they inherit from Gaia herself as she whispers to those with ears to hear.

'This new world will be called Earth and it will be a refuge to the down trodden and the weak.' She seems to say to the masses.

The Earth fully disappears in it's own time stream. A time stream prepared in advance by the agents of the Universe. A time stream that flows uniquely enough to be almost considered it's own realm, a new lower realm of worlds being established for the first time.

Even as the Gaia finishes a revolution and day becomes night a thousand years have already passed within the realm of the earth. The world already having changed since its birth only a moment yet a thousand years ago.

In comparison to Gaia the new world is small, practically the size of the continent of Pangaea and Atrium combined if not smaller. But it will do, for Pangaea and Atrium are known to have the capacity to house trillions of different beings comfortably.

And the Earth itself is not meant to be a permanently occupied world. One day, after the coming of the calamity, a path will be opened for those refugees that leave Gaia for earth to return. At least that's the hope.

More spiritual bodies fall from the skies onto all the seven worlds. What the mortals know as meteorites of celestial ore.

The power of all the spirits in the mortal realm increases slightly before settling into whatever it settles into. There are spirits aplenty on Gaia, but most prefer the seventh world of the mortals. Lucifer, the bright world of the daemons.

Furthest from Rigel, the central sun the seven world's revolve around. Lucifer is another sapient world, said to be a child of all the seven Lucifer is a power almost comparable to Gaia. Boasts being the home and birth mother of the daemon race, creatures born of flesh and spirit.

Having more in common with celestial spirits than any other mortal creature. And as spiritual bodies fall onto Lucifer, the beautiful world absorbs them. Moulds them and manifests 13 avatars that hold a part of its spirit.

Many other creatures take advantage and think quickly, realizing what must be falling among them. Poseidon and his people quickly secure a deposit in the oceans of Aqueous. The monkey emperor of Vegita secures a deposit on Terra.

The days ends to a silent world, shocked by the revelation of the coming calamity.