5. The Town
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Apparently, the moon was not always green in this world. As everyone stood looking upward at the moon, he bent toward Eika, whispering "What is the deal with the moon?" Eika excitedly started talking, before a look from V quieted her down "Ah! I guess you don't know. The green moon means that the gods have decreed the start of a new age! The current age, "The Age of Dragons", is now over! The Age of Dragons has lasted for almost five hundred years!" V nodded, this probably meant that the Gods "game" was starting in earnest. Considering this was the first night since he had been brought here, he wondered if it meant that he was the last of the Champions to arrive.

After a few moments of awe, the guards continued with their tasks. Two of them carried L off, presumably toward the church. The captain spoke with V. "I have never seen you around these parts, I would recommend you find someplace to stay for the night." After apprising V's lack of equipment and simple clothing, he continued "If you cannot afford a room, the church should let you shelter for the night, although, it might be a bit hectic tonight." V nodded. He was unsure exactly what a "new age" implied for the people of this world, but if it only occurred every few hundred years, he imagined it was big news. As V started toward the town, the guard spoke up one more time. "Could you take the slave back to the guild? We would do it, but I’d like to be ready to deal with any rowdy individuals tonight." 

V gestured for Eika to follow him; she fell in line behind him obediently. "Maybe you beating that huge woman made the era change?!" Eika energetically spoke, dangerously close to launching into a ramble again. V shook his head "We did not even really beat her. More like, we did not lose." Eika was silently thoughtful. She then remembered that V had no idea where he was going. She pointed him down a few streets, toward a large building. It had four floors, the top floor's windows seemed to be covered from the outside, but the other floors seemed normal. As they headed toward it, V observed the town as it sprang to life. People knocking on their neighbors’ doors, pointing out the moon to their sleepy eyes. A few people seemed to be celebrating, pouring drinks and whooping. On the other hand, a hefty portion of the citizens seemed to be concerned, perhaps even afraid.

Before long, they arrived at the guild. Eika walked inside, not bothering to knock. "Eika is here!" she called out. To V, the first floor reminded him of an office reception area. There was a long desk, a few chairs, and a few hallways leading off from the main room. At the moment, no one was manning the desk. "Hello?" Eika called out. After a few moments, a man that V could only describe as "Intense," strode out from one of the hallways. Fit, large, with a harsh expression.
Name: Gergor
Age: 32
Race: Human
Class: Slave Master Lv 15

V wondered if perhaps the man felt no need to hide his status, confident in his abilities. On second thought, perhaps persons of business, shop keeps, money lenders, etc, would keep their status displayed, so you knew you were dealing with the real merchant, and not an imposter. Either way, V wondered if a level fifteen slave master was stronger than a level 5 tracker, or if he only had slave related abilities. He attempted to look at the class, but it seemed as if the man had hidden the details.

"You are extremely late." He stared down at Eika and spoke in a harsh voice. "You also seem to have abandoned the party who rented you." Eika's ears drooped as she pulled on them. "Eika is sorry for being late and running away from the adventurers!" As she spoke the man crossed his arms, displeased "You ran away from them?" Eika started to stammer "Uh... well... There was, it was a, from behind us, over level 10. Didn’t know-" Cutting off her "You know the rules. Get to Edna, she will clean you up and see to your discipline, and you will not be getting any food tonight." V watched as Eika obediently walked off toward one of the rooms in the back. He heard a soft sniffling as she left.

"Thank you for returning her, I suppose I should provide you with some form of reward." The man tussled with something behind the front desk before tossing a small bag toward V. As he caught it, he inquired "The girl ran because she would have died otherwise. In the long run, that is better for you right? She can’t make any money in the future if she is dead." The man nodded "Sure, that is why she will be given water tonight. However, if a slave we lend out runs at the first sense of danger, what sort of reputation does that give us? What if someone rents one of our combat-oriented slaves as a bodyguard? Although, it's also those idiots’ faults. They should have ordered her to stay with them from the start, an oversight that saved me a lost slave at-least." V nodded, that was sensible enough from a business perspective.

In his old life, V was forced to accept that slavery was a part of life. Someone would always want to take the freedoms of someone else. As a previous slave himself, he was not a fan of the practice. He never participated in the buying and selling, or acquisition of slaves. However, he never crusaded against it. It was an establishment, a part of the darker side of his old world. To rail against it was pointless. It was something he simply had to accept as a reality of life. In this world, it seemed a normal part of everyone's lives, not just the darker lives. Ideally this meant that slaves were treated better in this world than his own, but he doubted it.

"Well, I’ll be going, I have to find somewhere to spend the night." The man nodded "Careful out there, you never know what people might do when they are worked up. Oh, and if you ever need any servants, slaves, or gladiators feel free to come and see what we have to offer! The Shivering Shackle is the oldest, most reputable slaver guild in the area!" As he opened the door to leave, V paused a moment, "Uh would you mind giving me directions to the local church?"

As V headed toward the church, he checked the bag that the owner had tossed him. It held what appeared to be ten silver coins, on one side the visage of a dragon, the other, the bust of a regal looking Elf. As he looked them over, he noticed that they caused his fingers to tingle ever so slightly.  Weird, but not immediately threatening. By this point, the town was fully awake. Some people seemed to have organized something that reminded V of a block party, but medieval. Others sat and spoke in hushed tones. As he approached the church, he realized his goal of shelter might be impossible. A large group of people had assembled in front of the church. I suppose that made sense. Eika had said that the green moon was believed to be sent by the gods.

"What is the new era to be called?!" "Is there going to be a war!" "Are the demons coming back!" "Today is my child's birthday! Does that make him blessed by the gods!!" An endless tirade of questions poured out of the assembled citizens. The clergyman who had been sent out to deal with the crowd was clearly overwhelmed and outclassed by the crowd. He desperately tried to calm the crowd down, to absolutely no success. A few of the town guard were around, probably just to make sure things did not get out of hand. V watched the crowd as he attempted to figure out a new plan for the night. He silently observed the crowd for a few minutes. To the poor clergyman's good fortune, the doors of the church were thrown open, light pouring out of it. In the entry way, a priest, priestess, and L stood side by side. L looked as if she had recovered from the life-threatening state she was in, but her throat was still bruised. She also did not seem enthusiastic about the situation, if anything she looked a bit disgusted.

"Citizens!" The priest spoke, his voice booming, as if he was using a loudspeaker. "As you have seen, the old era is over! The Age of Dragon's has come to its close. Its mark forever engraved upon our world. However, now our world will pass into a new, great age! Destined to be just as great, if not greater than the ages before! The Gods have decreed that the new age shall be known as "The Age of Champions!" The crowd, swept up in the moment, cheered and clapped. "The God's have seen fit to send to us their champions! We know not why, but for the first time in known history, The Gods have sent not just one, but many of their champions to our world! By now, many of you know, one of them has been living inside our borders for some time. The God of Honor has blessed us with the presence of his champion!" The priest and priestess held L's arms high in the air as the people cheered and celebrated. The priestess spoke over the crowd "We know not what this Era brings, but it will certainly be like none that has come before! To celebrate this momentous event, we will hold a twenty-four hour service, and will provide free blessings to any who participate." Well, V thought it was interesting that this world seemed to work on a twenty-four hour system as well. That was convenient. As most of the crowd entered the church, he noticed L slip away from the proceedings.

Well, he was not going to get any rest here. Perhaps ten silver coins was enough for a room somewhere. He headed off to explore the town, now that he lacked a guide. As he navigated the streets, he mused to himself "I suppose this place has not discovered "City planning" yet" the roads were meandering, the buildings were all over the place. Maybe it was just because this was a minor town, but V hoped that they were not all this badly laid out. V had discovered what seemed like an inn, however it looked expensive. Even if ten silver was enough, he did not want to spend every cent if he could help it. As he moved on, a man, clearly drunk beyond all reason, threw his arm over V's shoulders "Why you look sho grimmm! Itsh the gren moon! Its... Itsh all going to... it all will be better tomorrow! Itsh a new agsh!" The man, clearly not even able to focus his eyes properly, pushed a mug of strong smelling, golden-yellow liquid into V's chest. "Wash all of your worrish away! Itsh delsishouse!" he man then started drinking out of both mugs he was holding. "opsh..ill get you a...a new one!" the man walked, if it could be called walking anymore, away from V.

"Not going to celebrate?" a voiced called out to V from an ally-way. As he turned, there was no mistaking her. It was L. Wary, he responded neutrally "It’s just a new era, does not change my life very much. The sun still rises tomorrow, just like it always does." L narrowed her eyes some, "I've been watching you since you left the church, I doubt someone with the assassin class would have traveled to a town they knew nothing about. You have been wandering around like a lost dog." Well, that point would be hard to argue. Rather than trying to defend the lie about his class, he redirected the conversation. "Why were you following me? It’s not like I have done anything wrong to you, no reason to stalk me." L placed her hand on her empty sword sheath. "To be honest, I was hoping you would help me. I’ve not met many people who have the ability to stand up to that murdering psychopath." V smiled wryly, "I’m not sure I could call what I did "Standing up" to her. More like "ambushed her while she was entirely occupied." " L shrugged "It’s still more than most people in this backward town are capable of. Why do you think she is hanging around here? No one has a combat class above seven. At the edge of the kingdom, in a remote town, she is not going to find anything getting in the way of her fun. Other than me, and I hope, you." V nodded slowly. "Well, to be honest, she did threaten to kill me if I ever left the town's borders. I don’t particularly want to spend my life here. I might be willing to work with you to stop her, however, I am not going to sacrifice myself in some great effort to save you, should it come to that." V wanted to remove O because she was a problem, not to save the town. On the other hand, L seemed ready to die for it. "Sensible. I however, am ready to die if it means bringing her down. It is my duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves. As the Champion of Honor, it is my duty. However, assassin or not, if we are going to deal with that woman, we are going to need to be able to work together fully. It would be helpful if you would reveal your class and abilities, perhaps you may have something that will give us an edge. And to be honest, I would rather know who and what was fighting at my back against an overwhelming foe."

"That is a sensible viewpoint..." V trailed off thinking quickly. Assuming what she and the priests had said was true, that she was the Champion of Honor, there was a extremely low likelihood she would ambush or stab him in the back, should she learn that he too, was a divine class, a player in the game. On the other hand, she may challenge him to a fight he could not win. Although, one thing was certain. O would kill him in any way she could. He could not afford to hide in this town, waiting for some other champion to come by and kill him. Better to take a risk on someone who claims to be honorable, than to go against O alone. "I am willing to reveal my status, however, not here in the open. Do you have someplace we can talk privately?" L nodded "Due to the aid I have been giving the town, an inn has given me a permanent room, we can talk there." She turned and started walking, as V followed, he hoped he had made the right decision.