30. The Library
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V awoke suddenly. He held his head as his hand trembled slightly. He could not tell exactly why, but he felt horrible. He did not remember having a nightmare, but something felt like it was scraping against the back of his mind. Perhaps the run-in with the specter left permanent damage... "Eh? Are you ok?" Eika placed the items she was holding back into her pack and wandered over to V. "Ya, I think so. Just woke up with a headache." Eika nodded and gestured at the door "Eika just got up! I think L has been awake from a long time though. She almost always gets up before Eika... It’s sort of strange." She still looked at V with concern in her eyes. He patted her head, hoping to reassure her. "Well, let me get ready, and we will go find L. Today we are going to be trying to figure out your class situation, so you can look forward to that!" Eika jumped up "Yes! Eika will soon have a better class and then become a divine champion." Eika seemed to have the presence of mind, this time, to keep her voice down. V gathered his equipment as Eika rambled about her class in the background.

As they walked downstairs, they heard L conversing with another patron "I see. Well, I don't think it will be much of a problem. I can take care of any ruffians who think it’s a good day to harass children." She looked over and nodded at V and Eika. As the two sat down and ordered something to eat, the man L was speaking with excused himself. "What was that about?" V was curious as to the context of L's words. "Ah, he wanted to warn me that the man from last night might try to take revenge of some sort. Not a revolutionary idea." V nodded as L continued "I also asked around and what I’ve learned is there is someone, locally called the "Class Counselor." It seems as if the archive of class information is almost entirely operated by one person, this "Class Counselor. " An elf who has held the position for quite a number of years. It seems as if he is well regarded by the handful of people I asked." Although gathering that information was a small act, V was thankful. He often operated alone in his old life, only occasionally being accompanied by his friend. "Good work. I assume you got directions? I don't enjoy the prospect of wandering around the city for hours." L nodded "It should be easy to find, although who knows how long it will take to get the information we need. We should get going as soon as you are finished eating." V nodded and quickly ate the modest breakfast that had been placed before him.

"Wow! It looks even better during day time!" Eika looked around in wonder. "And the people, there are so many people..." Eika's mood fluctuated between excitement and anxiety, the drunkard’s misconduct had clearly left a lingering sense of danger. They had been walking through the city for a few minutes now and V had noticed a few things. It was obvious that most of the guards they passed were checking statuses. Many of them elbowed their companions and gestured at L as they passed. This was a bit strange, as most people other than the guards and the shopkeepers kept their statuses hidden. Not to mention, even if someone had their status public, it’s not like they would be obviously using a criminal class. V furrowed his brow as he considered the situation. Given these facts, there was only so many reasons the guards would be checking status. First, they were looking for someone specific. Perhaps even L, maybe rumors of her entrance to the city had spread already, and they merely wanted to get a look at the newest champion to wander the city streets. Secondly, there was the chance the city guard could see hidden statuses. Eika had mentioned that certain classes could see the statuses of humanoids who had them hidden. However, that seemed unlikely, as if they could see his status, they would also know he was a Divine Champion. V had decided walking the city streets was dangerous enough to use his divine class. Surly they would react to seeing that? Thirdly, perhaps the guards were just incredibly bored and hoped to see something interesting. V shrugged to himself, it could happen, he doubted they saw much action in such a well patrolled city. At-least in the central parts.

V's considerations were interrupted by L "I think that is the building." L said with a simplistic tone of voice. The three of them stood before a large, but not very tall building. It was made of fanciful stone blocks, many of them had designs on them. "Well yes. This certainly stands out." V headed to the large double doors "Nothing to do but enter I suppose." Eika followed him as he pulled open the door, it was heavy but well maintained. Inside of the building looked very much like a library. It even had a front desk. Eika ran up to the women setting behind the stone desk. "Hi my name is Eika! We are here to learn about my class!" The women raised her eyebrow as V followed up behind Eika. "Yes well. As she said, we heard that this place held information on different classes. We were hoping you could help us in our investigations into such matters." The women nodded. "You're going to want to head to the basement. This first level is for non-class information, novels, farming almanacs, etc." She paused a moment "If you ever want to get out of here, don't get the archivist down there talking about a class he likes. You will never get a chance to leave... He is uh, eccentric." V thanked the women as Eika ran around, looking for the stairwell, paying no attention to the women pointing it out. "L?" V gestured at her, grabbing her attention. For some reason, L was examining the front door they had passed through. "Ya I’ll be there."

As the group headed down the stone steps V examined the torches lighting up the stairwell. They clearly were magical as they produced no sparks, and seemed to be burning in a semi-eternal state. If the wood was being charred, it was doing so extremely slowly. He wondered if it was an enchantment, or a direct spell? Either way, as soon as they hit the bottom, they heard a voice call out. "Oh lovely! Lost adventures coming to find their way in the world!" A spindly male elf in opulent clothing approached them. "Oh, what’s this? The lady is a Divine Champion! I suppose even the divinely chosen need guidance from time to time!" V could immediately tell this person and L would mix like oil and water, so he decided to intervene. "Uh actually, she is just protecting us. Me and the girl here owe L our lives, so we are travailing with her to help support her. We are here about her." he gestured at Eika. What he said was not exactly false. Both of them had been saved by L, and in theory, they were supporting each other. "Ohhhhohhh a small rabbitkin! I would guess about eighteen years old perhaps? Probably never seen a city before today, expression is too innocent! Of course, one of their kind could use my guidance. Their lives are so tumultuous after all! Especially in the city." He slid over to Eika, examining her as if he was measuring her for a suit. "Well, she’s not much, but I’m sure we can figure something out... Come over here, and ask your questions!" He walked further down the hallway.

As they entered the basement proper, it was, somewhat surprising, set up remarkably like the first floor. V had expected something eccentric or strange... "Now! What are you here for? I could suggest the best types of initial classes for the girl. Perhaps a pickpocket of some sort? Her cute nature and innocent face would make it easy in the main streets! Or maybe a dancer? While not exactly an easy class to make a living off of, perhaps she could join a troupe?! Ohhh very nice...." The man was gliding around the book shelves as he spoke. "Eika already has a class! I like to think I’m good at it!" The man stopped for a moment "Ohhoohoh? How pleasant, let me see then!" Eika looked at V who nodded. Eika unhid her status, the man looked for a moment before speaking. "Well of course! A tracker! Well, your people are naturally adept at that sort of thing. Being from the wilds and all that. Even so, that class is only so helpful. I can see why you would want to change!" Eika seemed somewhat disheartened "It’s not helpful? It seemed helpful in the forest..." Eika trailed off as V picked up the conversation. "It is helpful in the wilds. And in some ways, that IS why we came. We want to know if it can be more helpful. We heard that there is an advanced version of the Tracker class and was hoping you could help us." The man tapped his chin and glided to one of the bookshelves "T...T...." he pulled a book from the shelf and thumbed through it. "Yes, I believe there is an advanced class for the tracker.... Oh! Joyous day! The tracker is one of the few, relative to the number of classes I know of, that rolls other classes into it. So, to speak!" V, L, and Eika looked blankly at the man's proclamation. "We uh, don't actually know what that means. We don't actually know much about classes" L offered.

"Oh?! Well let me enlighten you! It is so fortuitous that you came to see me this day!" The man pulled out a blank sheet of paper and wrote the names of a few classes on it, one on top of another.

Master Enchanter


Apprentice Enchanter

"These are the "normal" enchanting classes. I’m sure you have seen the apprentice version before. Many people come to me after trying and failing to become an enchanter. They see the money the masters make and think it’s a quick money rout!" V waited for the man to re-focus, figuring it was best to just let the man go, trying to refocus him would probably be pointless. "Luckily I am able to assist them!" As small awkward pause hung in the air as the man looked at them before suddenly continuing. "Anyway! Once one becomes an "Enchanter" they do not lose their "Apprentice Enchanter" class. Just as an "Apprentice Enchanter" cannot enchant items with combat-based enchantments, an "Enchanter" cannot enchant non-combat enchantments. A Master enchanter has the same restrictions. They can neither enchant with combat nor non-combat enchantments, but rather with special enchantments." Coming to this man was the right choice. At first, V was unsure if he was going to be anything more than a strange elf, but this information already had value. "As a "Master Enchanter" you surly gain skills that can be used with your Apprentice and Standard versions of the class, so they do have so overlap, just as any classes that provide skills does. However, despite being a lateral increase, you never lose your old classes, and they do not share abilities. However!" the man drew a box around the three classes, and to the right of them wrote another name.
Grand Enchanter

"Once you acquire this class you really made it big time! I myself have only seen one Grand Enchanter with my own eyes!" He awkwardly paused again, and stared at V for a moment. "Anyway! Once you Acquire this class, you lose the other three! Or to be more accurate, they are rolled into "Grand Enchanter." A grand enchanter possesses all the abilities and features of the other three classes! As the "Grand Enchanter" levels up, they gain everything from the equivalent levels the other three would have gained!" V nodded, that actually explained a few things about this world. He had been wondering how a world with a class-based system would avoid societal collapse. For example, if "basic" classes where worthless, why would anyone willingly be a base class? Society would turn chaotic as everyone dedicated their lives to gaining the "better" version of the class, with no one being a normal farmer or basic pottery class, always trying to become a "master farmer" or something. However, the way the God's set this world up actually solves this problem. A Level 20 novice enchanter, was just as useful to society as a level 20 Master Enchanter. Sure, the Master Enchanter might be rarer and make more money, but were also in less demand. Sure, everyone would "want" to be a Grand Enchanter, but it seemed as if it was not a particularly easy thing to achieve, so most people would write it off.  V did not like giving the Gods any credit, but he had to admit, the system worked well enough. "And lucky for you! Tracker is one of the classes that, eventually, roll into one larger class!" He wrote three class names down on the other side of the sheet of paper.




"These classes all join to become...!" The man-made grand hand gestures as he wrote.


V put his hand on Eika's head. Hoping to steady her. He could literally feel the excitement boiling out of her, the man's grandstanding was certainly contributing. "Eika gets to be three classes in one class?! THATS SO AMAZING. I DID NOT KNOW THAT EVEN EXISTED!" If V had one word to describe Eika at the moment. It would be "vibrating." The man slammed his hand on the table "YES! It is amazing isn't it! You will have the strength of three men!"  V sighed, that was clearly not true. He simply shook his head at the spectacle happening in front of him, an old elf and small rabbitkin congratulating each other and acting as if they had won the lottery. He looked over at L, who had simply started looking at a random book, checking out of the situation entirely.

After the two of them had calmed themselves down, the elf suddenly continued talking as normal. "However! For this combination, you have to get all three classes to at-least level seven! And since Archer is a pure combat class, it will take some time, and some danger!" Eika looked a little crestfallen, but not by much. "I already have tracker at level six! It should not be too difficult to get the others! ... Right?" The man nodded "I’m sure you will achieve this great feat with the aid of your companions!" V tried to bring the conversation back to a more practical location. "So, uh, I assume the Archer class is gained by using a bow to kill something, but how about hunter?" The elf shrugged "Actually I don't know. No one has ever gone out and cataloged the requirements for the hunter class. Most people who have the class simply got it while doing the normal things a hunter does. Tracking and killing animals, skinning and preparing them for transport or cooking. Camping in the wilds, it’s probable it’s a combination of those things. However, as a tracker, your companion probably fulfilled most of them already." Eika spoke up "I’ve never killed a normal animal before! Only monsters. Maybe if Eika kills a deer or something I can get the class!" V nodded to her "You might be right; we will look into that when we leave the city." The elf continued talking, "Archer is simple, as you say, two kills with a bow. Although, if you kill a human, you will probably get the murderer class. So..." the main trailed off. After a few moments he continued. "There is another transformation the Tracker class can undergo. However, the requirements for such are not known. At-least not by me! Not to mention, it’s not a class a friendly girl like you would want!" The elf suddenly glided back to the bookshelf, placing the book he had removed back in its place.

"And you sir? Do you need any help?" The elf gestured toward V. "The girl over there has a Divine Class; I doubt she is looking to change. However, I’m sure I can help you out! You did not even know about the way classes worked. I’m sure there is much I could teach you!" L stopped what she was doing, and looked at V, curious how he would handle the situation. "Well actually, I had heard about a class from someone at an inn, and it sounded interesting. Right now, I’m a swordsman, but I heard about a class called "Champion" It sounds powerful, and I was wondering if you knew how to acquire it!" V changed his class to swordsman while the man was speaking with Eika, and unhid that part of his status. The man's eyes lit up with an even greater passion. "Champion you say?! Actually, I do know about that class. It’s one of the stranger, more useless classes, despite its imposing name!" He picked out a dusty tome and flipped through it before continuing. "You see, there have only been two or three recorded champions. The requirements for gaining the Champion class are staggering, and the reward is incredibly underwhelming." The elf sighed wistfully "Oh I wish there were more examples of that class, it’s one of the great mysteries in the studies of classes. Such a pointless class, with such outlandish requirements. Most of us believe the class is a joke played on us by the gods, or a punishment for those who are discontent with a "normal" class, and struggle to obtain power, rather than be satisfied with a normal life..." V listened intently, any information on his class, however esoteric or theoretical, could still be helpful.

"You see, the Champion class requires you to have at-least twenty other classes at level fifteen or higher. We are not sure the exact requirements, as the concrete examples are few. However, I have spent quite a few years of my life trying to collect information on this elusive topic. You see, the Champion class seems to refer to the fact that you have gained a basic level of mastery over many ways of life. A Champion is someone that can do anything, or at-least that is what someone who claimed the title of "Champion" would say, would they not? However, the class it-self is lack luster. The only confirmed elements of the class that we have are its attribute ranks, and its first ability. Its attribute rank are all C! Not a B or A in sight! As for its first ability, it allows the Champion to permanently increase one rank of one of the champions classes! An almost pointless reward! Most classes gain an attribute rank up here or there anyway. The time and effort dedicated to become a Champion is simply wasteful. If you were to dedicate the time it took to acquire at-least twenty classes, all to one single class, you would much better off. As for the levels beyond that, my studies have been able to confirm very little. The only things that I was able to find that seemed even vaguely accurate, was that the champion class has the highest of any classes experience requirements to level, and that only one level three champion has ever existed, in our worlds entire history!"