49. The Statue
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To be honest, V expected something to happen after the blessing activation notice popped up. However, nothing seemed to change with L's condition. He tried touching her, perhaps it was some type of energy transfer? "Apparently not." he muttered as he withdrew his hand from her forehead. V had no other way of determining what "Mother's Care" was actually doing. Assuming it was doing anything at all. Either way, he saw no way to utilize this supposed blessing activation. He considered trying to "Use" his blessing on L via willpower, but that was somewhat dangerous. His blessing seemed to do whatever it wanted regardless of his actual intentions. On the subject, why did his blessing activate randomly to un-hide Eika's cursed status? He was unable to see the connection between "Motherhood" as a concept and "Cursed rabbit girl." Importantly, it was not some side effect of being the "Godfather" of their group, as it happened before his blessing created the family titles. V checked his own new Title

Title: GodFather
A title given to the head of Vet's Family.
Allows the user to command the Family.
Allows the user to plan Family events.

V furrowed his brow, that last thing sounded more like a normal family thing than a mafia family thing... Also, how exactly was he supposed to do that? He did not wish to experiment too much while L was still incapacitated, the inherent unpredictability of his abilities made it risky. In lieu of more experimentation, V decided to simply watch over L and monitor her condition.

Not being able to see the sun, V was unsure as to how much time had passed. On the other hand, Eika was definitely aware of how much time had passed; enough for her to get bored. "If L is doing ok, let's go explore the city! Or get some food. We also need more water!" Eika shook one of their empty waterskins at V. "Oh. Food might be nice..." the fox girl wistfully looked into the distance. V nodded, now that Eika mentioned it he was getting hungry as well, it was probably around dinner time. "Let's go get something to eat." V checked their money situation as he led Eika and the fox girl out of the hideout. He only had enough coin remaining to buy dinner for the evening, tomorrow he would have to solve their monetary problems, at-least the immediate ones.

As they left the hideout, Eika spoke up "Hey, I guess you don't want to call the new girl "E" huh? What do we call her then?" V shrugged and spoke to the fox girl "Would it bother you if we re-named you?" The girl tilted her head and thought about it "No not really. Not many people talk to me or use my name. I don't even remember what it was!" V nodded "Actually, I don't think any of us can remember our names. " The fox girl looked at Eika "You can’t remember your names? That seems troublesome!" Eika shook her head and sighed "No that's not... Look anyway, Eika will think up a new name for you!" V smiled "Let’s just call her Eika Two." The fox girl nodded "Oh Eika's a nice name. I don't mind being the second one." Eika stomped her feet and yelled, drawing a few looks from the people in the street "No! That is Eika's name! I don't want to have to call her Eika Two! That's crazy! How about Alice, or Chris, or Fox..ing...ton. Ok Eika messed up on that one."

A short while later, they sat at a bench in one of the plaza's inside of the city. Eika was eating some form of cooked vegetable assortment wrapped in fried dough. V had purchased himself a sandwich, he had no idea what type of meat was inside of it, but it was pungent. The taste also considerably powerful. He wondered if monster meat was something that people ate in this world. The fox girl was sitting there holding her food, a fruit bowl, and was staring at it. After a minute of this, Eika spoke up "If you did not want fruit you should have said something before we bought it." The fox girl shook her head, "It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. It’s got no dirt on it or anything!" V glanced at the girl, even he had to admit that was a depressing thing to hear. Eika frowned "That's so sad...." her voice wavered a little as she spoke. "It’s sad that its beautiful? I don't understand..." The fox girl had a look of mild panic on her face "No uh, don’t cry! I'm sorry! It's um... not beautiful at all! It’s very ugly!" Eika shook her head "No that's not the sad part. Look just eat the fruit. If you don't flies might come and land on it." The fox girl nodded "Ah! That's true. All sorts of things will come steal your food, like rats and stuff!" As Eika started making another sad face, V sighed.

Eventually, all three of them finished their meal. It was too early to go to sleep, but too late in the day to really do anything productive. "Hey let’s look around a little bit! It would be nice to just look at the city a little more." The fox girl mimicked Eika "Ya the city is probably great to look around in!" V considered for a moment, walking the city streets for no reason was dangerous. The events of this afternoon were more than enough to make that clear. On the other hand, a bored Eika could be just as troublesome. Relenting he nodded "We can walk the streets for a little while, but keep your eyes out for trouble." Jumping up and down, Eika grabbed both his and the fox girl’s hands, dragging them down a street. "Eika saw this fountain or something we passed the first day. I really want to go see it!" As V went along with Eika, he spoke "Did we ever decide on a new name for the girl?" Eika shook her head "I was distracted by the food! Let’s see... Lucy? That's a cute one! Or maybe Andilicouse? No that is terrible, why did Eika even say that? What about naming her after something, like Hope, or Mercy, or Anthill?"

".... Or what about Galie? That one is kind of nice." Eika had not stopped talking since she started leading the two of them to where she glimpsed the fountain previously. "There are a lot of names huh?" The fox girl asked V as Eika continued to talk. He nodded "Technically there are an endless amount of names. If you think of a name you like, you should tell Eika, otherwise she might never stop..." The girl's eyes widened "She will go forever? I better find a name! She needs to do other things..." V was stuck in a nightmare. On one hand he had a girl who was the definition of naive. On the other hand, someone who had endless energy and was easily excitable. He never realized how much he appreciated L's often silent company until this exact moment. "Oh look, the fountain!" Eika pointed ahead of them. Situated squarely in one of the cities many plazas stood an impressive fountain, multiple tiers of water cascade down over carved art. By the positions of the figures and the obviously large amount of care put into its construction, V suspected it was created to honor someone specific, or perhaps some historical event. As the three of them looked around the area, it became apparent that this part of the city was some form of park crossed with a memorial crossed with religious location. A few priestly looking individuals tended to the flowers and the statues scattered around.

Eika ran up to one of the priestly looking individuals who was cleaning a statue depicting a beautiful woman with a noble bearing. Eika admired the statue as she asked the priest "Who is that?" The elderly man looked down at her as he replied "Oh. This is the greatest hero of the fifth age! We don't actually know what her original name was, but in her later life she was often called Luna, this was because she carried the will of the gods with her, just as the moon is their messenger, she was their warrior." Eika gasped "Woowwww. All the gods at once? That is crazy because..." Eika realized she was about to talk about a topic that we best left secret. "... they uh, don't always get along."  She recovered, managing to not sound too halting. "Hey that sounds like a good name! Luna. I’ll use that one!" The fox girl had been tailing Eika around the area, looking at statues with her. "I don't know if that is such a good idea, considering uh... your circumstances." Eika guided the girl away from the priest as she spoke. The fox girl started to pout "Oh... I guess that's true. I bet someone named Luna never has dirt on their clothes. I’ll have to try and find a name for people like me..." Eika acted like she had been stabbed in the heart "N... no that is not what I meant. You can use the name Luna. I just thought that... look anyway, its great! Luna is great name for you because your... uh... eyes look like the moon?" Eika tried to find something to mollify the girl, but it came out sounding more like a question than a reassurance. Luckily, Eika was not talking to the wisest of people. "Oh! Oh, I guess they are round like a moon! I guess I’ll be Luna after all!"

V stood before a statue that was a little different than the others. It was destroyed, only the feet remained. The base of the statue was also ill maintained, having left to tarnish, moss and ivy grew along it. A younger priestly looking individual walked over, "You seem interested in the statue of the Grand Deceiver, The Demon Lord, do you not remember the story of his treachery?" The young women seemed almost eager to tell the story, V sensed that she was, perhaps, a zealot of her particular faith. The title of "Demon Lord" triggered a memory, when he had first met her, Eika spoke to him of a "Demon Lord" who led the rabbit kin. Supposedly it was the reason they are considered a cursed race, perhaps hearing the story would help him gain some form of insight into her curse. Nodding he responded "To be honest I don't even know if I ever heard the story. I would appreciate hearing it." The look on the priestly women's face reminded him a little of Eika's when she thought she had gained the power to read his mind. Also, he realized he had forgotten to correct her about that.

"First, you must understand that records of the period are scarce. It was a time of great turmoil and strife, much of the world was ravaged by horrors, both natural, divine, and manmade. On top of that, it was an incredibly long time ago, we believe it was in the second age. Some scholars argue that it was actually the fourth age, and a few outlying individuals claim to have evidence that this occurred in the seventh but that is just..." The women cleared her throat " Gehm. Sorry, I got off track. You see the time surrounding the birth of the Great Deceiver, or Demon Lord as is more commonly spoken, was a period of terror and great cruelty. The demon race had yet to be wiped out, nay at the time of the Demon Lord's birth, the demon race was more powerful than ever. Strong enough to defy even the Gods. The Demon Lord was born to a human family, we are unsure how many siblings he had, but we know he had at-least one sister. Somewhere between his fourth and seventh birthday the demons descended upon his village, taking everyone back to their wretched realms. Everyone except a single child who was discovered in the rubble of the village. The people who found him sensed the blessing of a great deity upon the child, they hailed him as a chosen one. They assumed that his survival of a demon raid, and the blessing as powerful as the one that was lain upon the child was a sign that he had been sent to end the demon threat. Many times champions blessed by the gods had risen up and tried to stop the demonic invasions, none had succeeded. Yet, the priests he was brought to sensed his destiny, his destiny to end the demon race. Of course, we now know that what they sensed was no blessing, nor some great destiny. He was tainted by the demons, something deep within him was touched by their dark powers, it fooled the priests and the mages, all who followed him believed him blessed.

He was trained to be the greatest warrior of their Age, every country united under the hope they thought he represented. The Elves crafted for him the finest arms and armor, the Dwarves gifted him the most powerful wards they could create, The Gnomes sent their wisest teacher, the humans their greatest warrior, the beastly races were small in number back then, but even they contributed in their own way. The feline races trained him in grace, the canines in ferocity, the beastkin of the air gave him a new perspective that only they held, any number of races and peoples put all of their hopes and resources into raising him to be their savior. Perhaps however, the most damning of gifts was from the rabbitkin. If they had not aided him, perhaps the devastation he eventually wrought upon our world would have been greatly lessened. They gifted him a friend. The rabbitkin saw the great responsibility on the small child’s shoulders, their carefree and gentle race worried for the boy. They sent a child who volunteered to stand alongside of him to be the boy’s companion, to aid him in carrying the weight of the world, so he would not be alone. In other circumstances, their gift might have been called the greatest of the gifts given to him. In the worlds haste to proclaim him their savior, not only did they overlook his tainted soul, but they also forgot that he was still, in essence, a child.

As he grew, the rabbitkin, whose name was lost to time, became his faithful companion. Their bond continued to strengthen well into his early adult life. At the age of fifteen he led the first assault against a demonic force. For the first time, the civilized races triumphed. It was of course not the first victory ever won against demon kind, but it was the first that did not carry with it a terrible cost. No one under the command of the "Chosen One" died in the battle. It was at that point that we should have grown suspicious. Even if he was blessed, how could he lead a force of mortals against the demons, and take not a single loss? Their accursed race defied even the gods. After his first conquest, his support and power only grew. Victory after victory followed him, over the next few years he drove the demons from our world, one village at a time. However, the demon’s leaders did not set idly by as their doom approached. Indeed, what humanity thought was the demon's great warriors, where only scouts. A vanguard. On the boys twentieth birthday a celebration was held. It was the first time he had been able to return to the capital in years. The party was to be the greatest celebration the world had seen. However, we underestimated the power of the Demons even then...

Early on the day of the celebration a rift opened up in the middle of the city. The size of a palace. Out of it poured innumerable demons, nothing like the demons we had seen before, these were the elites, their strike force. It is said that a single demon from that portal could kill fifty thousand men before even needing to stop for breath. The "Chosen One" fought viciously, killing many of the demons. In the end however, he was captured. They did not kill him right away, which was to their great error. They bound him and started to carry him back to their portal. No doubt they planned to take him back to their realm, and awaken the taint within him. To turn him against his former allies. However, his only friend and companion the rabbitkin, sacrificed themselves in a magical ritual. Their life gave the ritual enough strength to destabilize the portal, collapsing it moments before the "Chosen One" would have crossed its threshold.

For reasons that are poorly understood, they were unable to re-create the portal. For months the remaining demons occupied the city with their captive. No one is certain what transpired over those months inside the city walls, but one thing is certain. He was not treated kindly. On the outside, the rest of the world stood stunned in horror. They lost not only their "Chosen One" but the most fortified city in the entire world in one day. Panic set in, the priests could sense that the "Chosen One" had not been killed, but the fear and infighting that started without the "Chosen One" to unify them caused the civilized races to be unable to mount a rescue attempt. One minor race however, would not allow their friend to suffer at the hands of the demons. The rabbitkin had grown close to the "Chosen One." He often spent time among them when his friend visited their family and friends among the rabbit clan. Their race was unsuited for battle, docile and pleasant creatures. It is said that they knew there was no real hope of success. They were certain to be slaughtered by the demons, however few, remaining in the city limits. If things had turned out differently, the rabbitkin would have been the heroes of the world. Instead however, this was only to be seen as a step along a staircase of tragedy.

Under the cover of night, the rabbitkin infiltrated the castle. Their ability to hide and their speed were their only real assets. A large portion of them "charged" the city in a war party. This was only done as a distraction. Their only hope was to somehow free, or escape with, the "Chosen One." The war party was slaughtered, not a single rabbitkin survived. However, a large amount of the infiltrators had slipped past the demons, who were taken with their own blood-lust toward the war party. Quickly they searched high and low, every building every cellar. They did in-fact discover the "Chosen One." He was unattended, the months of demonic torture had left him weak, but even more than that he had lost his willpower. The desire to fight had left him, he realized after months of being a prisoner that the civilized races had abandoned him. As the rabbitkin worked to free him of his bindings, he managed to ask them if his dear friend had escaped the castle. No one was alive who witnessed the rabbitkins fate, so they told him that they did not know. His will was truly shattered then, the rabbitkin had to carry him out of the cell. As they quickly attempted to escape the castle, they were discovered. Many more rabbitkin sacrificed themselves to distract the demons, running in every direction, screaming and yelling. The group carrying the "Chosen One" had to find a different way to escape than the route they came in. As they searched they came upon what was once the "Chosen One's" companion. The demons had found their body, recognizing them as the reason their portal collapsed, they had strung up their body. Preserving it with dark magic. Although his friend was certainly dead, the body bled as if it was alive, staked to the wall of the keep; a perverse trophy.

What came next would be known as "The Great Cleansing." As the "Chosen Ones" eyes drifted over the strung-up corpse of his closest companion his spirit shattered, replaced with rage and hatred. They say his cry of pain could be heard on the opposite side of the world, carried by the wind. The exact details of what happened next are.... hazy to say the least. Come morning however, all that remained in the city were the bodies of Demon's torn asunder. Hearts torn from their chest. Bones broken in half. Skulls smashed in. The "Chosen One" arrived at the gates of the nearest city. He destroyed them with a casual motion, and demanded to be given arms and armor. He demanded that the civilized races stand behind him once again, so they he may end the demonic threat forever. The rulers of the world trembled, where once stood their "Chosen One" was now a man covered in dried demon blood, barley clothed. However, he was still their only hope. Partially because he was still their "Chosen One," partially out of fear. They stood behind him once again.

What was once an army dedicated to "Defending the World" became an army dedicated to the destruction of all demon kind. He led the forces of the civilized races against the demons. His tactics ever more wild and vengeful. Relentlessly he hunted them. Over time, those that supported him started to fall away. While none of his men, or the rulers of the world, ever publicly condemned his actions, they could feel that something was wrong with the Champion. They say that he could often been seen fighting the demons with his bare hands, a wild expression upon his face. He was often caked in demonic blood and viscera. Eventually, he discovered a way to enter the demon realm. He tore open the portal, desperate to get revenge on those that ordered the assault that ended his friend’s life. As he stood in-front of the portal, the civilized races refused to enter. They had cleansed their world of the demons, entering their demonic dominion was both suicidal as well as inviting disaster. They begged him to reconsider, to celebrate the victory that they had already won. However, the taint within him had grown with every victory over the demons. Now only revenge filled his heart.

He stepped into the portal, expecting to be alone on the other side. However, when all other races abandoned him, the rabbitkin stood with their old friend. They entered the portal alongside of him. For days no one heard anything. The portal simply stood there, swirling in its dark energy. Fearing a reprisal by the demons, the remaining armies of the world built defenses around the portal, hoping to ambush whatever evils it might unleash. As the world and its people waited with their breath held, the portal remained. After ten days suddenly, without warning, the "Chosen One" stepped forth. No longer however was he the chosen one. It was the "Demon Lord" that had emerged from the portal. Behind him stood the remaining rabbitkin, ever faithful. The Demon Lord's eyes burned with fire. He wore armor of some demonic creation. The priests asked him to stand down, they promised to help him cleanse the taint from his soul, but it was far too late. He struck out at the priests, killing them instantly. What followed was a bloody war. The civilized world attempted to hold the Demon Lord and his rabbitkin followers back.

Despite his fearsome power, the Demon Lord could only be in one place at a time, he could only do so much alone. His rabbitkin followers had gained a fragment of his cursed power, as powerful as demons they were. However, their numbers were reduced to an amount so low that even they could only accomplish so much. As the mortals tried to hold the Demon Lord at bay, the priests begged their Gods for assistance.  Eventually, their prayers were answered. The demons could perhaps resist the God's power, but the Demon Lord, once their "Chosen One" had no such ability. The Gods used their powers to strike the Demon Lord as he fought against the civilized world. Eventually he weakened, a mortal whose name was never recorded managed to run the Demon Lord through the heart as he was assaulted by the God's power. As he fell to the ground, he looked up at the Gods, and swore he would get his revenge upon them someday. With the Demon Lord's death, the God's sealed the dark powers of the rabbitkin. As they were only following their ally into battle, their only crime was loyalty. The Gods showed them mercy. Decreeing them as the Cursed Race, due to their actions, and their accursed powers. They were to be enslaved so that they could never act against the civilized world. The civilized races believed this a fitting punishment, as they had been a slave to their loyalty to the Demon Lord, and now would be a slave to the world he ruined."