66. The Crafted
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Luna clapped her hands and giggled as the Champion of the Hearth's body was lifted upward off the ground. Four metallic spindly legs had come from... somewhere? Also, the voice with seemingly no origin spoke again "Unconscious host detected. Initializing automatic defense mode: Low Power." Luna pointed "He's like a spider or something!" L had no idea what Luna was talking about, the silvery metallic legs were spidery she supposed, but the rest of his body was being covered in a smooth silvery substance. Something about it reminded her of her reforged sword. "Attribute: Fire. Countermeasure: Ranged Assault." The Champion of the Hearth's body turned toward the Fire Champion. His body was now entirely covered by the silvery metal, a smooth metallic representation of a human. The metallic being's face started glowing, L could feel what she could only describe as static in the air.

Eika was inches from the giant's eye when he suddenly shrunk down, causing her to whiff entirely. She slammed into the rooftop, skidding to a halt and launching herself back toward the now normal sized man. He readied another projectile, managing to fire before Eika could reach him. The small rock once again turning into a boulder in midair. "You cannot hide from Eika!" She landed on the flying boulder, and used it to push off toward the man and at an even faster speed than before. The man attempted to dodge, but was stopped by the golden spirits. Eika slammed into him, and sunk her elongated teeth into his arm. Again, the man grew to colossal proportions to mitigate the damage. However, Eika was prepared for this, she had seen his intentions in the man's eyes before she connected with him. Instead of letting go, she tore into his shoulder. Forcing her hands through his skin, like a rabbit burrowing into the dirt. For the first time the man cried out in pain and surprise. After a moment he transformed to be miniature, causing Eika to be momentary suspended in the air awkwardly before falling to the ground. The man, who was now only a few inches tall, decided to make his escape, however, his flight was sort lived. An arrow from the other side of the street impaled him. Or, more accurately, due to his size, turned him into a smear on the cobblestone. Eika squinted off into the distance, she deftly dodged a second arrow fired from the same direction. She bounded off the street, rocketing toward the location of the shooter.

Alice swore to herself, this was going nowhere. A massive number of mousekin corpses littered the ground around her, and yet still more assaulted her. "Are you getting tired yet? I can see it on your face. No one can fight forever! Well, other than me of course." The mouse girl still wore her wide smile as she was cut in half again. Meanwhile another one of her got a strike in, Alice had figured out she was some sort of martial artist class. Her unarmed blows hurt more than they should have. She had yet to take any meaningful damage, but there were much more dangerous champions out there then this mouse, however due to her ability Alice could not simply flee. If she wanted to kill the people here, the mouse would be able to do it in record speed. "We need to finish this up quickly woman. Just let me through, or die. Either way." One of the mousekin spoke as she launched herself at Alice again. "You’re going to be in trouble if you don't leave soon. And so will I, I expect."

Luna pointed excitedly; did you ever see anything like that before?! It was like "DAGON!!!!" L had to admit, she had not seen anything like that before, apparently the Crafting Champion had crafted something rather impressive. After a few seconds of glowing, the Crafting Champion, or the metal being, or whatever he was, launched what L could only describe as a cannon blast of light from its face. It connected with the Fire Champion, who was clearly not prepared for such an assault. He was knocked a few feet backwards and skidded across the ground. His wall of fire flickered as he jumped back up, it shrunk in size and he started making another hand motion. After a moment he launched a massive sphere of green fire from his wall. As it rocketed toward the group of champions, the silver covered Crafting Champion spoke? again. "Divine Blessing incoming. Deploying negative space." What L could only describe as a dome of... inverted... actually she could not really describe it. From her perspective it looked like a barrier a foot wide had been erected around them. When she looked into it, it was as if everything was reflected, and inverted, or something. Looking at it caused her head to hurt. One thing she was certain of however, was that the barrier was quickly, somehow, causing everyone inside to be unable to breath. The fireball hit the barrier and just... disappeared. The metallic being quickly dispersed the barrier and began charging another blast from its face.

Checking his body, V noticed he could move again. That was good. He got up slowly and looked around. He analyzed the situation as best as he could. So Eika was gone, there was blood all over the place further down the street. The man who was size changing was nowhere to be seen, nor was Eika's body. He took a brief look around, there was also no indications of where either of them went. Standing here alone was only going to get him killed by something sooner rather than later. He decided it would be best to try and find L and Luna, as it's not like L could have moved far. He took one last look around inside the nearby buildings, to see if Eika had taken shelter inside of them before he set out.

As the metallic being and the Champion of Fire exchanged long ranged attacks, Luna pointed off down the street. "See down there?" L struggled and squinted to what Luna was pointing at. L sighed, of course it was O. "When she gets up here, things are going to get really interesting!" L watched as O fought off innumerable golden spirits as she slowly made her way toward them. Their weapons seemed largely ineffectual against her. L wondered if it would be better to die burning to ashes or ripped in half. Not long after Luna pointed her out, O started charging toward them roaring. "Your deaths will help me make up for lost time!" As she spoke, the silvery being spoke? once more. "Secondary hostile target identified. Recalculating." The Champion of Fire laughed "Finally! Took you long enough. Careful, that thing is powerful." O ignored him and continued her charge. "Initiating automatic defense mode: Standard Power." The silvery being stepped in front of O's path, raised its hands, and took her charge full on. L was certain the charge could have blown through a castle wall, but the being only recoiled slightly, its legs did not even skid along the cobblestone, the only real change was a soft blue glow in the being’s spinal area. "Force Dampener engaged." The being engaged O in what could only be described as a contest of strength. Both trying to force the other to the ground.

"Third hostile target identified. Recalculating." Luna looked around, spotting V limping into the area. She stood up and tapped the metal man on his back he has struggled against O. "No no! metal man sir! He is on our side! Don't identify that one!" The silvery being did not directly respond, but after a few moments spoke? again. "Friendly registered." V had stopped in his tracks once he came into visual range of this... mess. L wondered if he was going to just turn to the left, and walk out of the city, and away from all of whatever this was. To be honest, she would not even blame him. However, after a moment of examination, he dropped to the ground and began to crawl along the street toward them. L wondered if crawling was really going to help him, but she lacked a better suggestion. O lifted the silvery being off the ground and attempted to throw him, and although she seemed to be able to get him off the ground, she could not break free of his grip. A ball of green fire enveloped both of them. "WHAT THE HELL!" O started roaring in anger. "YOU BACKSTABBING BASTARD!" Luna gasped. "I did not know he was part of the bastards!" O attempted once again to throw the silvery being, this time toward the Fire Champion. The being was indeed thrown, or rather used O's throw to increase his own momentum toward the Fire Champion. Both him and O were on fire however. "Second skin engaged." A soft yellow glow appeared around the silvery being’s neckline as he flew toward the Champion of Fire with a somewhat astonishing speed. Between O's angry throw and his own push off of her, the fire champion had no hope of dodging. O, for her part activated her blessing. Her body seemingly became made of green fire.

"Stop hiding! Hiding is what good girls do. YOU ARE NOT A GOOD GIRL!" Eika was prowling around a large building. By the look of things, it was some sort of artisan guild. She had rocketed through a window, but the shooter had already retreated. She now crept low to the ground; her ears flat against the back of her head. She suddenly plunged herself through one of the wooden walls, a small creaking sound had come from the other side. She grappled with something; it was hard for her to see through the chaos of crashing through the wall. After a moment, the thing she was grappling with exploded in a cloud of smoke and ashes. As she wiped the ash from her eyes, she heard rapid footsteps, the shooter was trying to run away! She stumbled after them coughing soot and ash.

V was close enough to call out to Luna and L, but after witnessing O's body turn into green fire, decided it would be best to keep quiet. He still moved toward them however as they seemed to be relatively safe considering the absolute chaos in the area. Something he did note, the green fire that the Fire Champion had around him also seemed to have destroyed the golden spirits. Perhaps they were considered a part of Alice? A large amount of the flying spirits still filled the air, as if waiting for something. Which was probably not a good thing. V watched as the silvery being crashed into the Champion of Fire, one of its spindly legs impaling him through the lower abdomen, and one of his hands grabbing the Champion of Fire's face. O charged toward the pair, her green flaming body seemingly now immune to the Champion’s fire, which made enough sense V supposed. The last time O used her blessing her body became metallic. Apparently, that was not all it could do.

Luna got up and walked toward V. "Hey! Things are really wild and fun huh? Look at all the crazy stuff!" Luna grabbed V and "Helped" him get to their little group, heedless of what was going on around them. The Fire Champion had been blasted backward again, taking a blow directly to his face. He was bleeding, but seemed otherwise unaffected. The Silvery being was on fire, but seemed unfazed. The wind had picked up noticeably. V thought it was due to all the fire in the area, but then he remembered that the green fire did not function that way... as he crawled over to L he looked up in the sky, the flying spirits had taken up a new formation, centralized above them. V assumed that was not a good thing. "How are you doing?" V asked L, she clearly was doing better than before she fell asleep. "Not... great." She eked out. V nodded, "Eika's gone. I think she is alive but my blessing activated and she ran off. Alice is... was... fighting some multiplying mouse woman, no idea how that is going." 

Alice had never realized how tiring killing the same person over and over would be. She wanted to save this till later, but she needed to get away from this mouse girl. Alice began to activate her blessing, but a sudden shift in the battlefield caused her to pause. The mouse girl had jumped backwards, and all of her were skittering away. "Time’s up! Sorry! We can finish this later. Or probably not." Just as quickly as real mice, they scattered in all directions, disappearing almost instantly. Alice prepared for whatever was coming, if the duplication mouse was afraid of it, it probably had the ability to affect a large area. As Alice prepared herself, a terrible realization came over her, and her face paled.

The silvery being had withdrawn slightly, moving closer to the group again. The wind had picked up to a concerning level. "Third hostile target identified. Recalculating."  The silvery being paused a moment. "Gravity compensator engaged" A soft purple glow now emanated from the beings’ feet. "Initializing automatic defense mode: Full Power. Warning: Host may be damaged with prolonged use of Full Power mode." A squall suddenly kicked up, the remaining golden spirits on the ground began carrying the wounded inside of the various buildings around. Apparently, they decided it was safer in the busted buildings then outside now. "No thanks! We will stay out here!" Luna was speaking to a few of the spirits who were trying to drag the wounded champions away. After a second of hesitation, they nodded to her and went to help the others. A moment later, V swore under his breath. "Of course. Of course, there is a dragon." Above them a massive dragon appeared, it was green, and it had to be something like a hundred feet long. "Behold my Glory!" The dragon called out in a thunderous voice as the wind continued to pick up speed and force. Before anyone had the time to react further, the silvery being crashed into the underbelly of the Dragon, planting its pointed feet on the dragon’s underside. "Reversing gravity compensator." Both the silvery being and the dragon crashed to the ground with extreme speed. 

As L watched, she heard a voice in her head, or rather... no. It was not really a voice; it was a feeling pretending to be a voice? "Look it's hard for me to talk this way, just tell V to use the substance I gave him. Otherwise, you guys are definitely going to die. At-least one of you needs to be able to fight." L knew in her heart that the voice belonged to T. She tried to talk back, but was unsure how. "Why did I not contact V directly? Because it’s easier to contact you. Some people’s hearts are easier to read. Less chaos. Yours is normally fairly orderly in comparison. Although you have had some troubles in this area recently, eh?" L did not like T mucking around in her heart, but what was she going to do, stab it? "As to why I am not fighting, U and her crew are still looking for me. I would prefer if they did not catch wind of me. As to why I do not want you guys to die, it is because you guys killed U's favored servant, the Sword Saint. U will certainly desire revenge for that. It buys me some time. If you die, she will be right back to looking for me." It somehow brought comfort to L to know that T was using them as a decoy for his own safety. It was a return to normalcy, and it made his motivations considerably more trustworthy. "Thanks for trying to convince him. Also, stop worrying about the never-ending bleeding effect on him. That substance is as close to a "full cure" as you will find. Although...uh... since he’s going to be dumping it directly inside of him through a hole, the pain is going to be overwhelming. It's not really supposed to be applied so quickly, and all at once."

"T said... gave you something. You... must use it." V withdrew the vial with the thick green sludge and showed it to L "You want me to actually use this? Why? How did you even know about it?" L struggled as she spoke "In... communication with T... says we need... to fight." V considered for a moment; it would be nice if he could move his arm again, but he was unsure how that would be that much help if he was still half dead. "Just...do it..." L was watching the fighting as V deliberated. Green flaming O was now straight up fighting the Fire Champion, who was also now made of fire, apparently. The dragon had somehow gotten the silvery being inside of its mouth and was trying to crush it between its jaws. Luckily it seemed as if it was unable to muster enough strength to do so. "This is already bad.... We have no reason to.... believe it's not about to get worse." V shrugged, to be honest he was tired of feeling this sick, either this would kill him or help him in some way. So really it would solve part of the problem no matter what way it went. V undid the bandages on his arm and, very slowly, poured out the green sludge. The substance glooped out of the vial in one bunch and fell into the hole. V swore he saw the true meaning of life, death, and everything in between. He saw flavors, and felt colors, he swore his brain exploded, and it felt like his body had been dissolved into a puddle, was frozen, and then chiseled back into the correct shape. L watched the substance slide into V's injury and then watched as V fell dead still for a few moments. Suddenly his body knitted itself back together flawlessly, the hole in his arm looked like it had never been there in the first place, the bags under V's eyes were gone, his face stopped being pale. His physical form did in-fact seem entirely restored.

V blinked a few times "Wh... where I am? What... who..." V coughed a few times, a strange grey substance splattering on the pavement out of his mouth. As V's mind readjusted, Luna made another strange fist pumping motion "Yes! I leveled up! Hey Eika I am level two now!" Luna waited for Eika to praise her, but obviously, that did not happen. L shook her head weakly, even Luna should have been capable of telling if one of her friends was around or not, the girl was even stupider then L first assumed apparently. "Eh? Eika? She was supposed to be here. She arrived with V..." Luna looked around confused for a few moments. "Oh well. It's fine, I guess. Eika is a good girl, she helps me with all sorts of things. She will be ok..." Luna looked around confused a few more moments before settling back in to watch the chaos. The silvery being had extracted itself from the dragon's mouth and was now trying tear one of its wings off by the look of things. The dragon, for its part, rolled over on top of the being. L heard T's voice again "Be careful, if the Crafting Champions creation takes too much damage it goes berserk. Normally that is not an issue, as the Crafting Champion is able to reset it, but uh...." L nodded and looked at V, hoping he could make a difference in the fight. 

After the initial shock wore off, V realized that he felt better than he had in a long time. Perhaps he felt as good as the first day he arrived in this game. "That was some powerful stuff... Could be nice to get a few from T." L heard T's voice again. "Not likely, that stuff was made out of the Champion of Life's body." L decided that information was not worth sharing right now. "Are we certain that the silver monster thing is on our side?" V clearly already had an idea on what he wanted to do in the situation, he had been considering his options the whole time. L nodded and tried to speak, but Luna cut her off "Oh ya! He's great right! Just don't attack him, that would be a mean thing to do!" V nodded, Luna seemed to have, somehow, kept everyone safe so far, and she did lead him to Eika when the curse of violence was over the city. She probably... or rather, she maybe knew what she was talking about. V had what he considered to be a great idea, he just wished he did not have to use his teeth. He silently complained to himself as he withdrew a small vial from his pocket.

After a few moments of preparation, V charged the dragon with wild abandon. He picked up one of the pieces of rock strewn around and threw it at its face as he ran. For his plan to work, the dragon did need to know he was there. If it did not even notice him, this whole thing would be pointless. "Uh, did V go stupid?" T asked L. "Ah well yes I agree there, but if you truly think he knows what he is doing I guess I will not interfere." T went silent again. The rock hit the dragon in the snout causing it to blink in surprise. The silvery being had been thrown off of its back and was reorienting itself in midair for another charge. The dragon looked positively insulted at V's behavior and lunged at him with its mouth open. V charged silently into the dragons open mouth. L decided that V must have lost his mind when T's "aid" restored him. She, for the hundredth time today, prepared to die. However, the dragon's mouth did not close. In fact, the entire dragon was as still as a statute. V inside of its jaws, a few inches of clearance from the teeth on either side. "GAH! WHY DID IT TASTE SO BADLY!" V yelled out as he nearly vomited in the dragon’s mouth.

Luna giggled as L struggled to make sense of the situation. "He bit the dragons tongue! So icky. I would never do that! I bet its smelly in there. Probably smellier than that time I fell into the stable muck when was trying to get some food they had left for the horses...." V gagged as the taste of dragon blood, dragon tongue, and bug poison assaulted his mouth. "Gah. The bug poison tasted bad enough but the tongue..." As V complained he backed out of the things mouth and yelled to the silver thing "I don't know how long it-" V coughed and continued "Will be paralyzed! Kill it!!" V would certainly have liked to kill the thing himself; it was probably a champion after all. However, his sword was lost at some point, and he doubted he was strong enough to simply punch it to death. On the other hand, V turned to look at O and the Champion of Fire's fight. However, something else grabbed his, and everyone else's attention. Alice crashed into the area, grappling with what looked like an inverse version of herself. Instead of golden hair, it had fire red, instead of a cloak of flame it wore vestments of spines, instead of feathered wings, it sported skeletal ones. It held similar weapons to Alice, but in opposite hands. Luna tilted her head "That's not supposed to be here.... Oh... what a weird status."

Age: 29
Race: Other | Herculean/Amazonian
Titles: Creator of the Wretched
Class: Divine Death Knight Lv 17
Blessings: Greater Blessing of Evil, Blessing of the Loud God.

As L checked its status, a massive number of questions appeared in her mind. T's voice cut through her thoughts "Awwww nonononono. Get out of there. I am on my way, if you can’t run, hide."