Chapter 1 Long Prologue (not edited)
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My body was drifting in a white empty space. Is this what weightlessness feels like? I had no idea where I was, where I was going, or where I was going.

"I was in the town of Quincya. I thought I was in the town of Quincya. ...... Have I been transferred?"

I've been playing this game for a long time, but I've never seen a place like this before. Could it be a newly discovered area?

It's been two years since I became known as the top player in the game. Once again, I'm reminded of the vastness of the game world.

I want to explore this area as soon as possible. But I was floating in midair, unable to move. I flapped my arms and legs, but my body only rotated slightly.

"How about flight magic? --Fly!"

Hmm? I can't get the magic to work. Is it a magic nullifying space? But if you can't use magic, you're really stuck.

I thought it might be the start of an event, but nothing seems to be happening.

"Hmm, I'll take a scrapshot of it anyway. I'll have to upload it to the bulletin board when I get back."

But the camera didn't start, even though I tried to take a picture. This game is a full-dive VR game. The game is a full-dive VR game where you can control various parts of your body with your brain waves, but this is the first time I've ever had the camera not turn on.

Then I tried to manually activate it from the status screen.

"What? I can't even see the status screen."

It's impossible not to be able to see the status at any place. Maybe it's a bug?  It's not a new discovery, it's just a bug?

No, I was careless to begin with. I thought it was a new discovery and got too excited.

"This body is not ...... avatar."

My body now looked just like my real body. I don't understand. I'm sure I scanned the real body data when I started the game, but it was .......

I've never heard of such a phenomenon. It seems to be a bug after all.

"I don't have a choice, I'll just log out and go to ......?"

Why? I can't log out! No, no, no, no, this is impossible! If you can't log out, it means you're trapped in the game world.

"You can't log out. Is this some kind of death game?"

I hurriedly tried to remind myself of various things, but there was no response.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

I'm living alone. If I can't log out, I don't know what will happen to my real body ....... I've already been logged in for about 100 hours straight.

Starvation is the word that comes to mind. What's going to happen to me? As I was scratching my head in anxiety, something unexpectedly tapped me on the shoulder.


It was so sudden that I let out a pathetic scream. But it's not my fault, right? It's my fault for trying to scare you from behind in this situation! God damn it!

"Well, well, don't be so angry, okay?"

"Um, ......? Who's that?"

I turned around with only my head, and behind me was a young man about 20 years old. He had a fox face with a thin face and narrow eyes. He was probably younger than me. He was wearing a loose-fitting kimono-like garment that looked like a hunting robe.

"My name is Sel Enon. Hello Vaidee, or is it Toru Yanagi?"

"You know my real name, so you're from the management?"

I was relieved to think that help was on the way, but the young man who heard my words burst into a belly laugh. What's so funny?

"Hahaha! Do you still believe you're in a game?"


"There's no place like this in the game you were playing."

"No, no, no. Well, then, where are we?"

To my question, the young man answered smoothly.

"To put it bluntly, it's the afterlife."

"The other world? What do you mean, the other world? "

"Hahahaha. Yes, the other world. And I'm God!"

That's impossible. You're lying. He's carrying me. A lot of words went through my head. But before I could open my mouth, the self-proclaimed God guy started talking again.

"Well, I can't blame you for not believing me. But let's put all that aside for now."

"Not, put it aside. ......"

"I've got some good news for you. You can think about what to do after you hear it."


"I couldn't be bothered with all the questions, so I had to cover my mouth. I can't say anything. I'll untie you when you're done listening to me. Oh, and if you get violent, I'll restrain you, too, okay?"

I really can't open my mouth. Are you really a god?  No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I still can't believe it.

"You're so skeptical! I don't think even the game's management could do something like this."


What?Did you just read my mind?  Well, no way. What's one plus one?

"Yeah, I can read your mind if I want to. Would you rather have a rice paddy than two?"


Oh, come on. Seriously? No matter how advanced the VR system is, it's impossible to read the other person's mind. It is said to be able to read the joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure from the waveform of brain waves, but ....... Is this light-weight thing really the real God?

"Yes, sir. God. Sorry for the slight, okay?"

It's true. What? Then am I really dead?

"Yes, you are. But I have good news for you! What's more, you can be transferred to a different world and live again! And it's a fantasy world of swords and magic! Wow."

God claps his hands.

But I didn't have time to react to such a thing. I'm dead, you know. If God says so, then I'm already dead for sure. It was so easy to tell me that .......

And transition? Me? Why? I'm not religious, and I don't have any special powers. I'm just a regular part-timer. 

If I had to pick an anomaly, it would be that I spend all of my non-work time playing video games. He's in his late twenties, doesn't have a regular job, moves from one place to another, and spends all the money he earns on games.

"Hahaha! That's what's important!  I'm the god of games. I'm a god of games, and I found you dead while playing a game, and I thought it would be fun."

Sounds like a good reason to be a God of Games, ....... No, now you have a more important question. Can you really transfer? And if I do, what will they make me do?

"It's true. And I don't have a role, do I?  Well, I'm expecting some interesting behavior."

Oh, interesting behavior? That's it?

"Yes, interesting behavior. Well, take it easy. You don't have to die. You don't have to die, I can invite interesting people into my world, win-win!"

...... What happens if I say no?

"I don't care, but if I say no, I'll just die, okay? Even now, I'm just barely not dead from my powers."

Are you talking about transferring or dying? If that's the case, there's no need to hesitate. If I didn't have a desire to transfer, I wouldn't have gotten so involved in VR games in the first place.

My family has long since given up on me. I don't have any friends. I don't talk to anyone at work, and the only connection I have with other people in the game is by forming a temporary party with other players. If I really could be reincarnated, I would have no desire for this world.

"The lack of attachment to this world is one of the reasons I chose you. So, it's settled then, is it?"

"I can really-- Oh, I can talk."

"When I thought about it, I realized it didn't make any sense, since I was talking with my mind."

"Why didn't you think of that before?"

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you that.

"No, no, no. I know you don't respect me one bit. I don't mind."

"Is that okay?"

"I'm fine!"

Light! I don't know if this is a stinky thing, but I'm not sure I can trust you.

"You want to ask me something, don't you?"

"...... Are you sure it's me? There's nothing special about me."

"I don't care, I don't care. I don't care, I don't care. In God's eyes, we're all incompetent!"

"...... Also, I don't really like people. I don't like people very much and I'm not very good at socializing."

To be honest, I can't even remember how long it's been since I've had a private conversation with another person face to face.

My first discomfort was with the teacher. As I was talking to them, I felt very thin-skinned. And I thought, "Why do I have to let these people talk down to me?"  I thought. That's when I started to feel the meaning of school. Moreover, there were too many trivial things like bullying and caste, and cram school was enough to study.

Some people say it's a place to make friends, but I had no interest in my classmates either. I felt like a little kid. To put it bluntly, I didn't feel the value of being close to them.

I gradually began to miss school. I would stay in my room and play video games from morning till night. And my parents were the type of people who felt it was a shame. We fought over whether I should go to school or not, and they finally gave up on me.

Now I understand. I was just a kid, looking at society with an oblique eye and feeling superior, like I knew what I was doing. And when things didn't go well, I threw everything away and ran away to games. If I had been in the right frame of mind back then, I might have had a completely different life. A life full of friends and girlfriends.

But now that I've grown up, there's no way I can change, and I'm still spending my days as a bachelor, with games as my only friend.

"Yes. I don't mind at all!"

"I'm not a proper person to benefit from the miracle of transference, you know?"

"What are you talking about? Dying in the middle of a game because you were too absorbed in the game is worthy of the blessing of the god of games! In fact, there is no one more deserving than you."

"...... Hey, what was the cause of my death?"

"The direct cause of death was a myocardial infarction. The direct cause of death was a myocardial infarction, but it was indirectly caused by playing the game for too long and putting too much strain on my body. I'm sure, thanks to you, they'll put restrictions on long dives into VR games! You did it! You just changed the world, okay?"

"I'm not happy!"

I'm sure a lot of VR gamers will hate you. I'm sure they'll be slammed all over the internet. You're never going to make it back to Earth.

"Well, well, well, I'm dead anyway, so why don't we just reopen our minds and hope for the next life?"

"...... Yeah."

"Oh, you've finally accepted the transition."

"I don't care about any of this anymore."

"Well, I've got some very good news for you that's sure to get you excited."

"What is it?"

"I'm going to give you a blessing to help you transition. That's what you call a cheat."

"Are you serious?"


Whoa! Yay, is this the winning route?

"Well, you can't have the power to destroy the world, or even defeat a god!"

"Still, it's better than being a normal person, right?"

"Yes, that's true. It's a blessing strong enough to make you a hero, if you use it right."

"Good enough."

Holy shit! The gods gave me power to transfer, I'm like a hero in a novel.

"What kind of power does that give me?"

"I've thought about it a lot, but I'm going to give you the power from your favorite game. I'm going to give you the power of your favorite game, and I'm going to make it available to you in that world, Krenakrem."

My favorite game would have to be the VR game that caused my death. You mean I can go to the other world with the power of that avatar?

My avatar, Vide, is a magic swordsman who is supposed to work solo. My sword, magic, and equipment were all of the highest rank in the game. He also possesses many S-class skills like Ultimate Destruction Magic and Zetsuken.

Is that what this is? Is there a pattern where the gods don't think you're very strong, but you're awesome enough for normal people?

"Hey, can you really bring the power of the game to the other side?"

"Well, we're going to make some changes to the specs to fit Krenakrem, but we'll do our best to recreate it."

The god makes a munch and a power bump to show his motivation.

"Please let me transfer!"

"Hahaha, you are true to your desires. But I don't mind it. I don't mind it. Play is a field that can't be developed without desire. I'll transfer you as soon as I can."

"Wait, wait, wait. What will happen to my body? Will it be an avatar?  Will I be me?"

"You'll be you. You'll only be empowered."

"Well, ......, okay."

That's too bad. It's a shame. If I could transfer to a beautiful avatar, it would be a dream come true to be popular. I might be able to do it all over again, but I don't think I can expect to be popular with the ladies with my ugly face.

"Okay, I'm off then. Here we go!"

The call was too light!

It was right after I thought that. Just as I thought that, the white space I had been in disappeared and I was standing on the ground. It was a moment, really.

There was nothing to be thankful for, but it seemed that I had been transported to some forest somewhere.

I checked my body for now.

"Hmm, it sure looks like my body."

There is a familiar scar on my right arm from an old injury. The clothes he was wearing looked like a sorcerer's robe.

"But it's not the same equipment my avatar was wearing."

Or is it some kind of awesome magic robe?

"Well, it looks like you made the transition without any problems."

"Oh, Sel Enon?"

I heard Sel Enon's voice echoing in my head. I couldn't see him, but he seemed to be talking to me from somewhere. This was supposed to be another crazy experience, but I've gotten so used to being surprised that this doesn't surprise me anymore.

"Yes, it is. I'm going to explain about Kago now, so listen carefully."

"Okay, okay."

"First of all, what colors do you like?  Red, blue, green, yellow, white and black."

"Well, out of the six, I guess green."

I don't know what that means. I don't know what that means, but Sel Enon continued at his own pace.

"Next, you have to remind yourself "

"Case, get out?"

I still didn't understand what he meant, but I did as he asked. Then I felt something heavy and weighty appear in my hand.

"A silver box?"

It was a silver metal box, slightly larger than a cigarette box. The surface was covered with elaborate tribal patterns with plant and animal motifs, giving it a mysterious and noble atmosphere.

"This box - no, the pattern in the middle of it, it looks familiar. What was it again?"

"Can't remember?"

"Did I see it in the game?"

"What is it? It's the main emblem of your favorite game."

"The main emblem? --Oh!"

"Do you remember it?"

I remember it! This was the emblem of Monster & Magic Masters (MMM), a card game I was into before I got into VR games. I remember seeing this logo on every pack of cards.

How can a boring guy play a card game? No problem. I usually played on the Internet. In real tournaments, as long as you can say "please" and "thank you," all you have to do is say the card game terms like attack and guard. Even though I'm not good at talking to people, it was no problem.

There were a few people who persistently tried to talk to me, but I just ignored them and they soon shut up.

"I mean, my favorite game is ......."

"That's my special deck case. Isn't it cool? You did it! Now you're a card master!"

"A game is a game, but it's a card game!"