Failing the Mission 2
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The way back to the sect was even more uneventful. During the two days they spent going back, they were almost all involved with cultivating, practicing their martial arts, and licking their wound's. Dai seemed to have become much more solemn since Lin Huiling's poisoning, but contrary to the expectation, she was the most cheerful one. It seemed that beeing that close to death had opened her eyes to something, but Wan Bo didn't really care.  When they arrived at the sect, they all went their own way, with Wan Bo also returning to his house, but not before agreeing to meet with his new comrades once again next week.

"Haaaaaaa....." Wan Bo released a breath of relief as he felt the coarse bedding and smelled the somewhat moldy smell of his house with excitement. It was shabby, and he was tired , but the feeling of familiarity triumphed over all. " This is the best.....

With those words, Wan Bo fell into a deep and fulfilling sleep that would be his reward, but the demon inside him had different plans. Rey, who had just gained all the information he wanted from the soul of the ghost cultivator, had been very excited. With the gaining of a soul core, something he hadn't ever obtained in the desolate hell he had lived for a long time, he had begun to experiment. At first, he had thought of absorbing the remaining soul power of the soul core to increase his reserves, but the memories he had gained made him halt. The ghost cultivator he had killed was a Body Formation realm cultivator, but the information he had on souls was better than Rey's, especially the formation of a Ghost Servant. The method of splitting up the soul to form an independent version of himself was very exciting to Rey, but he waited. He was the grandmaster of waiting after all, so he decided to do something else in the meantime.

' It seems that for me to reap a great harvest, I have to sow more than I expected. It's better that I gain more spiritual energy first and make sure that Wan Bo doesn't die too early. It would be a pain in the ass to look for another host. '


Three days later, Wan Bo had come home tired once again. He changed his clothes, kicked them in a corner and fell into his bed. His eyes slowly fluttered closed, but instead of entering the realm of sweat dreams, he entered a ghostly place filled with statues in different poses.


As soon as he saw this, Wan Bo's face twitched and his stomach fell. He had a bad feeling about this , but he didn't have time to think as a tall and hazy figure appeared in front of him.

"Master!" immediately exclaimed Wan Bo as he keeled down and greeted Rey who was smiling, but Wan Bo couldn't see it. 

" Raise my disciple. " solemnly said Rey as he waved his hand, and Wan Bo rose. Rey took a carefully glance at the 16 year old young man in front of him. Wan Bo who had been somewhat chubby had become thinner, stronger and more flexible since he had begun to practice the Demon Body Formation Technique. It would be called a miracle for such an improvement in such a small span of time and every senior cultivator would hope for such a disciple, but Rey only shook his head. Seeing this gesture, Wan Bo clenched his jaw, not saying anything.

" Wan Bo, in the last month you have improved a great deal. As you cultivate the Demon Body Formation Technique you grow stronger every day, but you are still weak, don't you agree?" said Rey as he waited for Wan Bo to answer. It took a couple of seconds, but Wan Bo answered.

" I apologize, master! Even though you taught me this technique, im still too weak."

" Oh, are you saying my technique is inadequate? You think you deserve more?" jokingly said Rey, but Wan Bo took it to heart. He immediately kneeled once again as he apologized repeatedly. It made Rey stop for a moment , but when he recalled the respect one showed towards their master in this world and that he was an unfathomable demon in Wan Bo's eyes, he nodded internally.

" So you don't think that the Demon Body Formation Technique is inadequate?"

" Of course not, master! The technique is definitely a heavenly technique....

" But even with that, you are weak." interrupted Rey "I expected something like this to occur, but I didn't expect the results to be seen so soon. If you compare the body to a sword, the Demon Body Formation Technique is the hammer that gets rid of impurities and makes the sword stronger, but no matter how strong or indestructible a sword is, it's useless without a decent edge. This was clearly shown in your last battle, so I've decided to correct that mistake." said Rey with a wave of his hand. Immediately, one of the statues making a pose came to life before rapidly transforming into a grey clone of Wan Bo who just silently watched on with curiosity. Rey smiled at this and nodded his head.

" Wan Bo, this is a perfect clone of yourself. All your physical attributes are the same, but the fighting capabilities are different. Now, it's time to start your training."

Wan Bo saw his clone with surprise and turned towards Rey for further explanation "Master, what....


Without warning, the clone punched forward, hitting Wan Bo's jaw and immediately bringing him to the ground. It took about 20 seconds for Wan Bo to regain his senses and get up, but what awaited him was the fist of the clone once again.

* Bam Bam Bamm*

Three more punches hit Wan Bo , and his spirit was completely demolished. He fell to the ground once again as he winced in pain while the clone coldly looked at him. Seeing this, Rey smiled as his experiment was successful. During the last day, he had transferred all his techniques of boxing to the soul core and created this clone. It didn't seem like much, but if this clone was a human in Rey's old world he would have been someone with decade's  and decade's of training. Putting Wan Bo who knew only some basic martial arts he learned at the sect against his clone  was like a professional boxer fighting an amateur.

" From today onward, this will be your opponent. Feel grateful......" spoke Rey as Wan Bo looked at his expressionless clone with fear as a fist once again hit him.