1. The start of an isekai
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??? POV


As many isekai stories start, it's usually the MC that becomes a splash-zone by my nephew, vroomin truckington, or as you mortals call him truck-kun, because no one taught his dumbass to look both ways before crossing the street, and thankfully the truck driver doesn't get sent to jail for vehicular manslaughter, cuz he doesn't exist!

Or he pushed some thot out of the way of a truck-kun because she made the same mistake as MC, who was the only one to see her and can somehow outpace a speeding vehicle that apparently has shitty brakes. 

Also has no self-preservation whatsoever as he was immediately willing to lay down his Life for someone who'd most likely only give him a thank you and may or may not stop speaking to him after like a week or two when they find out they have zero chemistry whatsoever in his soon-to-be short-lived glory. 

Or some supposed "god" apparently says they killed him by "accident", as if they hadn't done something like this in over billions of years ruling all creation or some shit. 

And from many lives I've seen, apparently a hormonal teenager saving one girl is infinitely more heroic than any one of the countless soldiers laying down their lives to serve their country. . . Also more important than the kids in Africa, cuz what's a dozen kids committing cannibalism? 

BUT!!! What if I told you the tale of the most interesting human I've met in centuries? Well settle down and listen to what I'm about to say. . .


??? POV


???: y'know the thing I've had in my mind for a while but never found the chance to say it? 

???: what is it? 

???: it's fucking numbers, man! It's busted as hell. Like, why are there numbers twenty-two, thirty-three, forty-four, fifty-five, sixty-six, seventy-seven, eighty-eight, and ninety-nine, yet eleven isn't onety-one like the others!? 

???: Jesus, are you drunk? 

Trev: I'm neither Jesus nor drunk, I'm Trev. 

[Trevor A. Ulmer]

[Likes snakes]

[Born in Florida]

[Once Canceled on Twitter for drawing a black character white because he thought it'd be fair.]

???: NO. are you drinking right now at the moment? 

Trev: nah, I was drinking last night *sharp inhale* but now i feel like shit; like someone swung a bat right at my head really hard. 

I started rubbing my head to try to soothe the pain until I felt something moist and slightly, which I then felt around for more until a sudden sting made me wince and pull back my hand, speckled with dried blood on my fingers. 

Trev: Actually, that might not be far from the truth. 

???: Stay right where you are; I'm bringing aspirin. 

Trev: pfft, Sweet but you ain't the boss of me. Sweet but I'm gonna go outside for some fresh air.

???: wait Trev! no--


Ah good ol' Bryce, such a chill pal.

Now, Let's put some bandages on my head and call it art!

*sniff* *sniff*

Ok maybe I should take a bath first. . . After I take a minute or two of breathing in fresh air. Y'know, to get my senses?


3rd POV


Meanwhile elsewhere, a large white truck was perched at a corner not far from RN's place, seemingly waiting for him to get in its line of sight.

[Vroomin Truckington "truck-kun"]

[Kill count of 1047612]

[Loves vehicular manslaughter]

He has been there for at least a few hours and is getting quite impatient. That was until RN stepped out his door and to the sidewalk with bandages on his head, though poorly made, as he inwardly grinned and started driving the vehicle which people would consider the normal speed of a truck.

RN, intending to cross the street, looked both ways of the road out of basic common sense. Seeing it was clear to move, he traverses the painted walkway, but all of a sudden--



Truck-kun appeared out of nowhere and was merely a few feet away from sending RN to the afterlife. 

The moment he glanced at his impending truck-shaped death, he turned his foot forward to the right, leaned himself along the way, and threw his body into that direction until he was laying on his stomach, All the while truck-kun just drove over him, doing no damage to RN.

After truck-kun seemingly added a kill to his long list, he started bobbing up and down as if he's dancing in his own way until RN got up. He had scrapes on his arms and a ripped shirt, but he took zero damage nonetheless. Looking at what happened, RN narrowed his eyes and flipped the bird at truck-kun.

RN: As great as going to a fantasy and getting a harem is, im'ma have to put my death on hold until I finish business. Cool? Cool.

Then proceeded to sprint his way home as if his Life depended on it as truck-kun just stood there in the middle of the road, unsure of how to feel of this predicament.

For the past 30 years, he had always mangled and killed his targets with 100% efficiency and has never missed. That was until he had met his current target, who made possibly the biggest insult to him he could've ever imagined.

Filled with unimaginable rage, truck-kun was set ablaze with raging fires and zeroes in on RN, leaving a trail of fire as he moves.




Sorry if it seems short or random, but by the next chapter, it'll be longer and a tiny bit more serious. . . . And ranty.