Chapter 12: Claude or Letia?
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“Wait-wait... you’re Letia?!” Marcel asked after seeing the man who suddenly carried him away from the demon lord instantly transform into someone he indeed did recognize; Letia, the demon lord’s secretary. The woman who led Marcel to the demon lord where he got deflowered. 

"Yes, indeed I am. I guess this is the first time you’re seeing me in my other form. Let me introduce myself again. I’m Claude Alfhea, the demon lord’s secretary.” He said politely to Marvel and then transformed back into his male form, from Letia to Claude.  

Marcel was super confused about the whole thing. Which is he exactly? Is he Claude or is he Letia? Why can’t he just choose one and stay with it?  Thoughts like these went on inside Marcel’s mind. 

Let’s not forget that Marcel is still being carried away by Claude or Letia or whatever. Claude continued moving until they came to a place that was unfamiliar to Marcel. He placed Marcel down and then he began speaking. 

“I’ll be taking care of you from now on so do ask if there’s anything you need, your highness.” He assumed a bowing gesture after speaking. Marcel was very flustered by this and did he just hear Claude call him your highness? 

Yes, Claude did indeed call him your highness and when Marcel asked him about it, here’s what he had to say about it: “You’re the demon lord’s wife, meaning you’re his empress, meaning you’re to be referred to as your highness. Please get used to it as that’s what a lot of people are going to call you from now on.”  

Ha, Marcel was feeling stressed right about now. Suddenly going from an orphan boy who knew nothing about where he came from to the wife of the freaking demon lord. His chain of thought had begun to spasm out of control. First, there was that incident a few moments ago where he woke up to discover he was in his enemy’s bed and also that “he” happens to be his supposed enemy’s wife. His enemy wasn’t even his real enemy, then there’s the fact that his sentient sword suddenly turned into a handsome guy who also happens to be a powerful dragon. He sees something incredible thanks to the demon lord and then he’s stricken by a headache that also makes him collapse. After that, he gets into a fight with the demon lord where he learns that his abilities are majorly disappointing and then he gets carried away by a hot guy who happens to be the person that led him to his doom in the first place. Just how much was he have to go through today? And it hasn’t even been an hour yet since he woke up. 

While Marcel was busy recollecting how much he had gone through in just an hour. Claude decided to get a few things ready for Marcel. He’s technically aware of the steamy night Marcel had with the demon lord since he basically led Marcel to the demon lord. He knew something like this was going to happen, but he didn’t anticipate the consequences of leading Marcel straight to his future husband who’d been anxiously waiting for six years. It’s really bad. 

“Um, your highness... would you consider taking a bath now? I don’t want to be the one to say this, but the aura around your body is very threatening.” He said a hesitating manner. Marcel looked eager to hear more, so Claude continued, “Currently as we’re speaking, your body’s emanating a very threatening aura that will prevent anyone that isn’t strong to a certain level from getting anywhere close to you. I think it’s better I show it to you rather than talking about it.” Wow, Marcel is going to be confused throughout this whole chapter so hang on guys. 

Claude opens his eyes widely and then these two lenses appear in front of his eyes. He moves those two lenses from his eyes to Marcel’s and then move the lenses from Marcel and places the back in front of him. 

“Now close your eyes slowly and then open them...” Marcel does as he says and then he gasps in shock. What is it that he’s seeing? Is it himself... and what’s the sinisterly powerful aura that’s around his body? Is that really him? 

Claude thinking that Marcel had seen enough made those lenses disappear from his eyes and then asked Marcel, “Did you see it? That’s the demon lord’s aura around you right now... and if you don’t take a bath right now, I'm afraid the effects are going to be long-lasting.”  

“Wait, what do you mean by long-lasting?” Naïve Marcel asked again, but he got a feeling that the answer wasn’t going to be anything good. 

“Hehe...” Claude let out an awkward laugh and then continued, “... you see, the vibes you’re giving of right now are saying, ‘I’m the demon lord’s, so hands-off’ and if it keeps right now, the aura is doing its best to assimilate itself into your body. If it finishes the assimilation, it’s going to be very good news for the demon lord since it’d mean that he’s branded you as his bride, but not a whole lot for you since people are going to swarm around you like flies, waiting to get into your good graces. I assume you don’t want that, now do you?” Well, I got to hand it to Claude for making it sound not so bad as it actually is. You see, it’s worse than what he just told Marcel. 

Marcel nodded his head in agreement. He asked afterward, “How did this happen exactly? I didn’t notice the demon lord do that.” He seemed pretty sure that the demon really didn’t do anything other than embarrassing him in the worse possible way. 

“Yes, he didn’t really do it intentionally, but he sure did it... and the answer’s right there, that white stuff that’s trickling down from your behind. It’s the demon lord’s magic after all and it holds a fair amount of magical power. It’s from when he cum...” Marcel stopped him from saying any further since he got the gist of the situation and hearing Claude talk about it so nonchalantly was so embarrassing that he thought he’d once again die from embarrassment. He was blushing like crazy. 

“Okay-okay. So, I need to take a bath and it’ll all be fine?” Claude nodded to Marcel’s question. He entered another door inside the room and then came back moments after and carried Marcel once again, then took him to where he’d been just earlier. 

“You know, it’s a shame that we have to get rid of it. You know, a lot of people would do anything for the stuff that’s inside you right now, you could obtain immense power just from keeping it inside your body for about two hours or so, you know?” Claude gave Marcel his honest opinion after they came into a small bathroom. After all, it’s not every day that you get to obtain the demon lord’s power. 

“No, I don’t want anything to do with it. Just show me how to get rid of it.” He answered honestly in panic.  

“Yes-yes. That’s exactly something someone from the hero clan would say. I wonder if this is why he suddenly to take a hero as a wife, no less.” He mumbled, though Marcel didn’t hear any of it. 

“Then I'll teach you how to remove it then.” He said and then walked over and picked up a bottle of shampoo that was lying near the sink.  

“Use this. It’s got magic erasing properties inside of it, although I'm not sure if it’ll be able to get rid of the aura around your body, I'm sure it’ll at least minimize it enough to not cause you any inconveniences in the future, your highness.” There’s that ‘your highness’ that Marcel doesn’t like hearing again. He didn’t want to prolong this any further than he had to since well, he had sex with the demon lord about ten hours ago. Who knows how long he has left until the aura fully assimilates into his body? Marcel agreed and took the shampoo that Claude handed to him.  

“Oh, and one more thing. Can I touch your forehead for a minute? There’s something I'd like to give you.” He asked. Marcel allowed him and then he experienced a feeling that he deemed overwhelming. Memories that weren’t his, but wasn’t entirely not his either. He suddenly knew what to do now. 

“What was that?” Marcel asked, deeming the experience that he just experienced quite strange. 

“That’s Dragon Link. I just taught you how to get rid of all that stuff. It’s supposed to work on only dragons, but strange enough, it works on heroes too.” Claude said and then he hurriedly left the bathroom leaving Marcel alone to deal with his own business. 

A few seconds after Claude left the bathroom and Marcel already has a problem. You see, from what Claude just taught him through Dragon Link about how to get rid of the demon lord’s seed inside his body, he has to um, reach into his anus and slowly lead the semen deep inside him to the entrance, meaning he has to finger himself.  

Honestly, you seriously don’t expect him to do it, now do you? Yes, Marcel thinks it’s a ridiculous idea too at first, but if he doesn’t get rid of that semen inside his body right now, he might have to live with the demon lord’s aura around him all the time, and considering what Claude just showed him, that’s some really powerful stuff. He doesn’t want to involve himself with the demon lord more than he has to anyway, and what’s this about being his wife anyway? He just doesn’t accept any of it, so he does it; he fingers himself. He fingers himself until he both gets rid of most of the demon lord’s semen and cums when he touches his prostate by mistake. 

After he was done with that, he took a quick bath and then used the towel and bathrobe that Claude brought to him just a few moments ago. He then went back to the bedroom where Claude stood, waiting for him. 

“Are you hungry?” He asked afterward, and Marcel with no hesitation at all replied with a nod. Claude then took that as a yes and then he magically made a table and chair appear out of thin air, just like when Marcel uses his storage space. Marcel was very delighted to see such a sight for what Claude had just done was highly advanced spatial magic, a type of magic that’d normally require a huge amount of manner and multiple casters to do. Marcel once heard that it even cost a bunch of magic casters their lives when they tried it once and now here he is, witnessing something that’d be considered highly advanced magic in the human world, done by a single person as if it was nothing. Just how bizarre was demon standards anyway. And judging from the amount of power that Claude possessed, it wouldn’t be weird if he could continue casting that spell over and over again.  

Marcel’s really bad at estimating the power level of others, but he knows, Claude is definitely no ordinary person. As you’d expect from someone who was the demon lord’s secretary. 

Even among the different kinds of magic, spatial magic is one of the rarest and the most difficult for people in the human world to develop an affinity for. Casting spatial magic involves making use of the multiple rifts of time and space. Controlling even a small storage space as small as a wooden cube with a volume of 20 cm3 is a hard thing to do, but Marcel can currently freely control a room’s worth of storage space without much difficulty at all. Comparing Marcel and Claude, if Marcel can freely control a room’s worth, then Claude can probably control tens of thousands of mansions worth of storage space, showing clearly the difference between the two of them. This much analysis was done by Marcel from seeing that one spell Claude did and yeah, he’s right. Comparing them both to each other as spatial magic casters right now was a bit insulting to Claude. 

Marcel desperately tried to feel the presence of the ripples in space that appear when advanced spatial magic was used as Claude once again made food appear with spatial magic but nothing, absolutely nothing. He felt nothing at all as if the spell that Claude cast was as ordinary as his usual storage magic where no ripples were created at all. That’s the level of control Claude had compared to him. 

“Now eat something, your highness. There’re a few things I'd like to discuss with you while you have your meal. I’d like to discuss how we proceed from now on.” Claude beckoned Marcel after he sat. Marcel as naïve as he always is just asked, “Proceed with what?”  

“Well, sorry if I offend you in any way by saying this but, the demon lord said you’re very weak and also quite inexperienced and also a bit disappointing, so he asked me to personally be in charge of training as well as other things. I’d like to know what kinds of magic you have affinities for.” Well done, Claude. Way to hit Marcel’s sore spot so hard that he almost spit blood. Under normal circumstances, Marcel would say something like “What do you know?” or “I’m not weak!” thanks to his very stubborn nature, but since arriving in the demon realm, his headstrong and stubborn demeanor has been cut in half and it’s shrinking as time goes on. Who knows how much of it he’ll be left with after he’s done dealing with the demon lord? 

“Hmm, all six elements except for the dark element. I think it’s unbefitting of a hero to use the dark arts since dark magic is evil.” Marcel answered, his mouth stuffed with food. 

“Huh, what’re you talking about? Who said that it’s unbefitting of a hero to use the dark element? Do you know how many of your clan who excel in the use of it? And there’s no such thing as dark arts being evil since every magic has two sides, that of good and that of evil. Do you know about the great things the dark arts can do? If it’s used under the right conditions, it can save an entire dimension, just so you know.” Claude seemed a little bit touchy about this subject. He was very serious while he scolded Marcel about it. He continued to scold him and told him about how fire magic and water magic; the two elements in which most people have affinities for can sometimes end up being the darkest forms of magic there is. Every force is unique and has both a good side and a bad side, that’s the new lesson Marcel was taught by Claude today. 

From how much information Marcel got from Claude today, basically everything he thought he knew about magic was a lie. No wonder people suffer so much when they try to use magic. Claude and Marcel continued talking for a very long time and then Claude left to take care of some demon realm related business, although not forgetting to tell him that he’ll be given three personal maids who’ll tend to him while Claude’s away on business and a personal chef to suit his culinary needs. He also mentioned that there’ll be a teacher who’ll come later on after he’s settled in to teach him some things that he’ll need to know since he’ll soon be the demon lord’s wife and a bunch of other stuff too. 

Marcel spent the rest of the day wondering if this is how his life will be from now on; being the demon lord’s wife, living in a fancy palace where he gets his own servants and also training with a mentor. He also wondered if he’d been too late in removing the semen that was stuck in his body earlier and if the aura around his body was now his instead of the demon lord’s. 

Oh, and Marcel thinks he got rid of the demon lord’s semen that was stuck in his body but he didn’t fully rid himself of all of it because when he gave himself that prostate massage and came earlier, he sort of accidentally pushed a little of the semen deep inside him, meaning that the magic from the demon lord’s semen has already assimilated deep into his own magic power. It’s small enough that he won’t notice the changes right away, but when he actually realizes that the demon lord’s magic has already assimilated into his own, he’ll have trouble controlling his magic power that to him suddenly amplified in output. 

Another moment of silence for Marcel and future predicaments. Light a candle for him if you can and let's both pray that this won't end badly for him. Hehe~ 


A/N: Sorry for not updating for so long. A lot of stuff came up and I had to pause my update a day later. As an apology, I'll make sure to update one more chapter before the end of this week. See you later~ Bye.