Chapter 5 – Moonlight Lilies Quest Part 3
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"Let's just go to Cave #1. The vines there mean that the cave is suitable for plant growth. Maybe the Moonlight Lilies are in there." Greg reasoned.


"Cave #1 it is." Kyle confirmed as he hoisted his bag over his shoulders and led the way in.


After a certain point within the cave, the light became dimmer and the pathway became a tad bit harder to see. To solve this situation, Kyle pulled out a torch from his bag and lit it.


No sooner had he lit the match on fire when the fire flared uncontrollably and the match exploded. Luckily, Kyle perceived it early and dropped the match before the damages could affect him.


"What happened? What was that?" Kyle asked with an incredulous look on his face.


"My guess is that it is most likely due to the vegetation in this area. My mentor once said that plants can make the air rich. All these plants in this tight little space must have filled the area with extremely rich air. And you know how air is needed to feed the fire. More air equals larger fire." Pan deduced as he wiped his greasy mouth.


"So, how are we going to see in the dark? I'm not a dwarf." Kyle murmured after realizing that Pan wasn't talking about food.


"We ask Greg for help, duh." Pan rolled his eyes and glanced over towards the acolyte, who nodded as if he understood what needed to be done.


Greg looked at the torch in Kyle's hand and raise his hand. Murmuring ever so softly, a spell was cast. It was Illumination! With this spell, the target would lit up brightly for an hour. It was a handy spell for adventuring and didn't require a lot of mana.


With the pathway lit up by the Illumination spell, the trio continued onwards. Soon, they arrived at a fork. On one entrance (Entrance #1), Kyle was able to hear sounds of dripping while on the other entrance (Entrance #2), he was able to hear a faint and periodic thudding noise.


Kyle turned towards his comrades and told them what was going on. "So, which way should we go?"

Which cave entrance should the trio head into?
  • Entrance #1 (Heard dripping sounds)
  • Entrance #2 (Heard thudding noises)
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