Chapter 6 – Moonlight Lilies Quest Part 4
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"Let's go towards the dripping sounds. Perhaps there's water there." Greg suggested after hearing Kyle's statements.


"You're right! And if there's water, there must be plant life. I bet that's where the moonlight lilies are at!" Pan exclaimed as he snacked on some popcorn.


"Seriously, Pan, can't you stop eating for one second? The food is going to attract unwanted guests." Kyle sighed with disgust.


Pan didn't respond but instead, he reached into his bag and pulled out another drumstick. He gnawed on the drumstick as if to spite Kyle's remark.


"Nevermind. Let's go." Kyle sighed in resignation. Why bother arguing when he knew Pan wouldn't change. Instead, they should just be more vigilant as they proceeded.


The trio headed down the first entrance. As they walked deeper into the entrance, the sounds of dripping grew louder. Soon, they were so close to the sounds, they could feel it. Looking about, they see a small pond...actually it's more like a big puddle, filled with some sort of transparent liquid.


The liquid looked still and not a single ripple could be found, even though there were clear sounds of dripping. The liquid looked clean and pure underground water.


After looking at it some more, Pan decided to take a drink. "Whew! All those eating has gotten me thirsty!"


As Pan bent down to a knee and reached over, the others looked on...each a bit hesitant in whether to stop Pan or let him drink. What should they do?

Should Kyle and Greg let Pan drink from the pond/puddle?
  • Yes
  • No (Just tell him)
  • No (Grab him)
Total voters: 6 · This poll was closed on Sep 12, 2019 06:46 PM.