Chapter 42 Summer vacation comes to an end.
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POV Valentine

The sadistic woman is scheming something.

"Valentine: Why am I doing this again? Wouldn't I be torn to confetti in my current state? How the hell did you even get official approval?"

I do not understand what she wants to achieve by throwing me into the lion's den.

"Kate: Hah! I just laid out the facts and submitted a few forms. This is a prestigious institution, can you imagine how much dirt would be smeared on their faces if you were to be rejected? That would be a stain on the PR side of the academy for decades. It's much safer for them to allow this, and you can get some much needed exposure. You do understand that it's impossible to keep you 100% as a secret? It's for the best to leave a little bit of a positive impression on the students. That way, if unexpected things do happen, you won't be beaten half to death on sight."

'Right, hit me where it hurts. If I've had the physical boost from the Lv ups, I wouldn't need to worry about that! And what makes ME a hazardous material exactly? A? Of course they should be rejecting your nonsense!'

"Valentine: Tch, I don't understand politics. Haaaa…Fine, I need a break from this place anyway. Maybe I'll gain something from this too? Sometimes you learn more by teaching others, or so I've heard. Ok, I'll need to make a menu and a write out a few pages to be printed for the students."

'I'm too tired to fight this nonsense… .'

It's been a lifetime since I've had to do this and I have no idea how the Japanese fill out the calculation forms, or if they do it the same way I've learned how to. I … I think that my memories have become more spotty and unreliable as of late.

`Sigh. 'Fuck my life.'

I ask about the number of students and the available equipment. Catering to rich people does have its perks, as their kitchen is fully decked out with high-quality equipment. After making clear what she wants from me, I'm left to do my work.

'Now the most fun part… .'

"So, what to choose for the menu…hm… something with a homey vibe… . Fish balls?…yes, a good way to use any leftover cuts of fish meat, or in my case those little fishes from the fourth floor."

'Main course? Main course? Something not too Japanese, but still liked by all…'

"Oh! They have clay pots! Mmm, yes, yes, chicken, veggies, rice, broth. A nice change from those rice cookers. This can be put together and left unattended for a good chunk of time while we finish up the appetizers."

'Now dessert…fuu… traditional or modern?' "Eh, girls like parfaits. It's visually pleasing and tastes good. Plus it can be kept in the fridge before being assembled and served. Hmm… workflow…there..and there.. maybe.. work in groups to make puff pastry dough from scratch. Yes, otherwise, there will be gaps of free time."

'A full meal plus a little snacks for later, this should work.'

I go over the ingredients, adjusting the values needed for two servings and adding a bit, on account of losses incurred by novices. Better to have a little bit bigger portion than not enough because someone peeled the veggies too thick, or the fish wasn't de-boned properly.

I try to get the methodology just right, timing it so that there will be a few minutes of down time every now and then. I also need time to give a demonstration. This gets messy once you have a crowd of people working all at once and there might be bottlenecks like: getting the ingredients from a single place, using the big oven all at once, waiting for equipment to be available for use.

'I better not make the workflow like in a restaurant, otherwise it will become useless.'

In the end I decide to start from the dessert and move up to the appetizer, and the pastry will be put into the proofer before we start putting the parfait together. This should give everyone enough time to clean up and do their club things. By the time they are ready to leave, the pastry will be cooled down and waiting to be taken away.

POV Mitsuko

"Kate: Mitsuko, tomorrow you and Hana will be attending the home economics club activities. There will be a special guest giving a lesson. He will be accompanied by a female physician, so your main duty it to make sure that the students behave and don't bother him too much. Also… Mitsuko… Don't cause trouble in the kitchen."

`Gulp. 'No falling over, got it.' I don't like it when I'm stared down by the Libra, I feel helpless under her gaze.

"Mitsuko: Got it. I'll just sit in the corner and won't touch any sharp knives."

"Kate: Good. I'd ask Risa to go, but…that may scare the advisor, again. If Mari or I were to go, it might cause even more commotion instead. Here… The files here need to be printed out and delivered to the clubroom, one copy for each person."

I take the flash drive and head out to make printouts. I've come to the decision that I won't be running for any position at any of the student councils next year, but for now I need to survive until the end of my term.

'We don't usually get special guests for the clubs. Hmm? It must be some older, retired master if he needs a physician to watch over his health. I was so scared that I didn't ask any questions…'

"Oh! Parfait with tropical fruits! `Fyuuh, I thought he would go for something too old-fashioned, some old people tasteless dessert. This will be a nice change of pace."

'And I'll get a moment to talk to Hana. I haven't heard any suspicious stories being circulated about her by the students. Maybe she is a normal person like me?'

I only need to drop off these printouts. Everything else has been prepared and the students were briefed on what to do and what not to do by the advisor.

.. .

I'm waiting for the start of the lesson. The club members are just finishing up their preparations, and Hana went out to bring in the chef.

'….Eh? He .. isn't an old man?'

Following behind Hana is a normal looking young man, probably in his very early thirties. If not for the walking cane and obvious lack of youthful vigour, I would have thought that he is just a fresh university graduate.

He has the bearing of a professional, wearing an immaculate uniform and having a stern gaze. Following behind him is an exotic looking woman. She is positively brimming with energy, but … I feel my gut dropping when she sweeps her eyes across the room.

'Ugh! I feel bad vibes from her! This one is dangerous… like Risa? It feels more real this time… .'

It's decided. I will stay in my corner and pretend that I'm not here. Too many dangerous people are walking around the academy for my tastes. 'Righ, let's read the book I've brought, that should help me pass the time.'

The lesson starts with a quick introduction and a few words about the dishes. Nothing too fun to follow along, as I'm usually not very compatible with cooking.

When he starts doing the actual work, any doubts are wiped away. There is beauty in his smooth flow of actions. The whisking is purposeful, the cutting crisp and precise, hand movements are minimal and to the point. One can clearly see his experience and competence at a glance.

When the students begin cooking, he walks around providing assistance and advice. He manages to keep everyone paced and the work undisrupted by the tidbits of information he explains from time to time.

I was actually engrossed in his actions, so I've noticed that his hands started lagging behind and his walking speed has slowed down. That was also the point that the exotic woman moved from the back of the room.

"Juliana: You are pushing yourself. Sit down before I have to pick up your ass off the floor. You can still keep an eye and give comment while sitting."

He looks at his shaking hands and sights, before obediently being brought over to a high chair and helped up. The students don't slack off as he watches over the class while being seated. Once it was time to make the dough, he once again demonstrated his skills. The dough was mixed by hand and put away to cool. The students did the same under his watch. The layering was done by hand too, and it was performed beautifully at a fast speed.

That was the point where my fellow students had problems. Too much force and the dough starts tearing, too thin of a layer and it merges with the other ones. It puts into perspective how easy it looks while being done by a professional, compared to a novice.

A couple unfortunately damaged ones are selected to be turned onto simple sugar pastry that doesn't need to hold form. The good ones are sliced, stuffed with cream, fruits, nuts, jams, then folded and ready to go into the proofer.

"Hana: Here you go, I've snatched us the best servings."

"Mitsuko: Thank you Hana. Um.. shouldn't these be left for taste tasting?"

"Hana: Nah, it's fine. I didn't take everything, and I doubt that the rest would mind. It's not like they are studying to become future chefs in a restaurant."

"Mitsuko: No, probably not. Itadakimasu."

'MMmmm this is good. Simple and good tasting.' We shared the appetizer and got to the main dish. The hot pot blasts a delectable aroma upon opening and I start salivating. 'M!M!Mmmm this is really good! As good…as.… HE'S THE SPIRIT CHEF!!!'

It tastes as good as the food that the crows bring to us. It has that special spiritual flavour that is impossible to mistake for anything else.

`Gulp. 'Did Hana take the food made by the chef away, so that the others wouldn't notice? Did she know all along? Of course she knew! They always order the crows to bring them food, like it's the most common thing to do!' I look around, everything seems to be normal, even Hana is eating like nothing is wrong.

Once again, I decide to give up. I'll do my work as the ASC secretary and be happy that I don't get involved with anything dangerous.

The students eat while boasting about their results, sharing a bite with each other. It seems that the results are better than usual. They keep the noise on the lower side, as there are guests and both student council's members are present. After the plates are cleaned, comes the most fun part.

The parfait assembling and decorating is left to each student's individual taste. I get mine from the chief again, tasting the same ice cream that we usually get from the crows. The tropical fruits are very sweet and fresh, much better than what I get from the shops. 'I should order a fruit salad from the chef, tomorrow, he looks tired today.'

"Hana: Students, let us give our gratitude for the lesson. … Stand. Bow. Good work today! A few parting words from chef Valentine and I'll be taking him away for a bit of rest before sending him on his way."

He doesn't appear to be much of a spokesperson, opting for a few standard lines and slowly walking away… . This also leaves me alone with the club members, who look starved for gossip and are no longer held back by anyone with a domineering presence.

"Student: Secretary Mitsuko! Tell us! Tell us! Who is he? How come he is giving a lesson here? He's a foreigner, right? His Japanese is perfect."

"Student: What about that woman? She looked to be of Arabic decent and had quite the pressure in her gaze. Where did chief Valentine come from? Secretary Mitsuko! Tell us!"

'I've been thrown to the wolves! I should have eaten faster! I don't know anything! I thought that an old man was coming!'

"Student: I kinda think that I've seen his face at the sports festival? There was that stand with potato snacks at the very corner."

"Mitsuko: I'm really sorry! I actually don't know much about him. You'll have to ask President Kate or President Mari about this. From what I know, it was the two of them who put this suggestion forth."

This gives them pause and enough information to gossip about. A representative of the club will have to be chosen to ask questions, as trying to approach either of them with the whole club will be frowned upon and require more courage than they have.

I make my escape while they discuss things among themselves. 'Sorry for leaving behind the dirty dishes!'

POV Mari

They’re Only Human【covered by Anna ft. @Caleb Hyles】

"There are few things more terrifying than humans. Given enough time, our roles will be reversed. Pick a better song tomorrow." Waking up to mockery isn't the best way to start a day.

I follow my morning routine and get ready to head out. Only a few days are left before the second semester officially starts and we will be restricted in our free time. We need to focus on exploring the fourth floor while we have the chance.

Today, we are going in full force to the last island. The initial aerial survey didn't reveal anything too dangerous, but we have to stay cautious regardless. Too much can be lost from a single mistake.

We follow our own routines and eventually get all together for the expedition at the HQ.

.. .

"Kate: Any takers for the guard duty today? Whose turn is it?"

"Risa: Oh, it's my turn, isn't it?"

"Mari: Let me check the schedule… Yes, it is."

"Kate: Good, I can be assured that nothing will happen at our back while we are away. Risa, don't let your guard down."

"Risa: I know."

We divide into two groups to balance out our forces and make the trip on two boats. Most of the luggage is packed on the bigger one, and the smaller boat will be deflated for storage. If we have to retreat in a hurry, then all the luggage will be left behind and we will squeeze into the bigger boat. The logistics are becoming more and more problematic.

"Caw caw" "CAW caw caw" "Caw Caw Caw"

"Valentine: Too much foliage in their way and the banana ninjas are very active. You will be going in mostly blind."

"Mari: Thank you for your effort, rest well and keep an eye out here."

'Those damn overgrown bananas! Trying to eat my brave little warriors!' One of my scouts has been hurt in an ambush, nothing a little bit of potion won't cure in a minute, but I'm angry, nonetheless.

Each of these damn islands is a giant trap. Each leaf can be hiding an acid spraying shell cat, each tree can be used as cover for a kunai throwing banana ninja. Any bush can be home to a camouflaged predator.

If the third floor was a test of physical strength, then this one is a test of our mental fortitude. Being on alert every second is draining us very fast and losing focus on our surroundings during battle is a horrible mistake we actively strive to avoid.

Juliana and I have the best perception and usually take up the watcher's role, Kate and Anna lead the teams, Yumi and Meiko provide plenty of brute force, and Tai together with Hana are deployed as a rapid response.

"Kate: The monsters are highly concentrated. We should expect another leader variant."


Pineapple Boi by Thomas Chamberlain-Keen

Pineapple Boi by Thomas Chamberlain-Keen.

Retrieved from


"Anna: Most likely. We'll be counting on our heavenly hitters for this. I'd say another 200 m before we see them."

Another peculiarity of this floor. So far we have only ever encountered identical monsters of a given variety, save for the boss monster. Now however, there are variations in appearance and strength. Furthermore, some of the strongest ones take charge of the weaker monsters and form warbands.

"Mari: Two brutes and an ambush of a dozen regulars."

"Juliana: Mm. Sounds about right. Do I go loud?"

"Kate: No, I don't have a bad feeling about this. Keep using the silent weapon and give us support from the back. Hana? Would you mind giving me a hand?"

"Hana: Hehe~ let's peel this bastard!"

"Anna: Tai, provide overwatch, I'll be ready to launch at anything big coming our way."

`Twack! `Pop `Pop `Thud! `Thud!

Tai is in her element, moving about and ambushing the would-be ambushers. We provide ranged support whenever a monster shows itself.

The bigger monsters are charged with ferocity by our attackers, slamming them heavily from the front. After a month of training, our abilities have seen a massive improvement. Evident by the impacts of the weapons that are reverberating in the air and shaking the earth.


Mr Pineapple by Brian Adriel

Mr Pineapple by Brian Adriel.

Retrieved from


`Boom! `Boom!

Meiko and Yumi enchanted each other and launched forth like arrows, striking down the enemies. Kate's approach is more flexible, baiting and dodging, while leaving clean cuts behind. Hana embodies a kamaitachi, barely seen by the naked eye and delivers a hundred cuts with each of her passings.


"Juliana: I don't know, I feel that a shotgun would make less noise than those two are making now."

"Mari: It's good exercise."

'And we save up on bullets. I've never thought that one person can use up so much ammunition so fast. It's practically throwing money into the air! No wonder that the military expenses are so high if people use crates-full of bullets daily.'

I've learned that it's best to keep Juliana in the back, otherwise half of our luggage needs to be ammunition. We did get good results, but our stockpile of bullets seemingly evaporated into nothingness after the second day.

The pineapple brutes couldn't hold out for long under such heavy beating and got literary cracked open. The variant didn't manage to change this outcome and got defeated in short order.

"Tai: There are a few more hiding spots with monsters. I guess that they are waiting for us to be distracted by the spoils and get the drop on us."

"Anna: How many? Can we bait them while the mana hasn't condensed yet?"

"Mari: Spread out around us in one's or two's. We will be missing out on a lot of the exp."

There is no respite on the islands, at any moment we can come under attack from above and below. We throw some of the defeated monsters closer to the centre of our group, the ones further away will have to be left to turn into loot and a few are lost back to the dungeon, as are most of my arrows.

'Haa… This is a nightmare to keep track of exp, loot, equipment lost, monsters slain… .'

We pick off the sporadic assailants as we secure the area. Samples of flora are collected for analysis, a bit of dirt and rocks too, just in case.

We return to the boat for a break and leave everything that we have managed to gather. Thanks to our physical improvements, we are able to keep going after a short rest.

.. .


"Chiyo: Hello, sis, how was your day?"

"Mari: Mm, nothing too unusual. A nasty fruit has tried to get to one of my birds. A few feathers were ruffled. Nothing that a bandaid couldn't fix."

"Chiyo: Those minions aren't cute at all! The fruits are quite tasty, I'll admit that. So, you all good?"

"Mari: Yes, indeed. We are planning a few more sweeps in the coming days, then `Sigh, then we will be swamped with work again. The school festival will be coming up a week after the semester officially starts, but there's already excitement building up in the air. I can see us not having any time to ourselves very soon."

"Chiyo: You can be sure that we will be there to embarrass you! I'll have to bring Ms. Juliana and her children so that we all can cheer you on!"

'Not this time! We will be performing student council work, so I won't be jumping around to some pop song like some fanatical teen.'

"Mari: I'm told that the festival boasts a wide variety, I'm sure that you will find something to your tastes."

We talk for half an hour about mundane things before saying our goodbyes. This is one of the things I've promised Chiyo, that I'll call every day and tell her that I'm safe.