Chapter 11 Her Reason Part 2
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Would you guys mind if I publish a chapter dedicated to creating a poll to ask you guys a question?
  • Yes Votes: 9 21.4%
  • No Votes: 6 14.3%
  • I don't care Votes: 27 64.3%
Total voters: 42 · This poll was closed on Jan 8, 2022 07:01 AM.
REMINDER: please leave a HEART. Tq

1/5/ So... I don't know if the three views were from you guys or myself but I took the chapter yesterday because I saw one flaw in one of the first 10 setence and wasn't satisfied. So here ya. I stop editing.

Would you guys mind if I publish a chapter dedicated to creating a poll to ask you guys a question? I had multiple questions to ask and multiple more in the future.

But I don't want to spam chapters too much if people think "oh boi a new chapter- no wait it's just a poll. What a killjoy- aha~"

Author note: Also, I kinda mess up where the previous chapter-end but whatever, I will never be satisfied with the series so might as well have the fun while I'm at it. And if I delay a chapter a few more days, I might add 2-3k more words and have to divide it. So here ya go.



"But has there ever been a time where your condition worsens?" Ask Silver as she cut him off.   

Carl paused for a good second to think to answer the question, with his intelligence, he would be able to quickly within a split second to think of the answer to her question. 

Carl answered, out of realization. 


Carl realizes how truly odd yet at the same time, incredible his body is, or rather specifically, his Gamer Body and The System influencing his physical body.

The former allowed Carl to heal at a much faster rate compared to other normal humans, despite the minimum point in CON attribute. All Carl need is to have proper sleep and before you know it, broken bones, bruises, cuts healed as if Carl have slept for longer than several days instead if not a whole week depending on the type of injuries Carl has received.

The latter manipulate Carl's body to be in a certain condition according to its Attribute. Which existence is nearly impossible to be noticed by the doctors. 

Carl's body is fascinating enough for the Medical Industry to give him a nickname, "Miracle Body" which was ironic considering the body isn't remotely healthy.

But in the medical perspective, it was the most fascinating thing they have ever seen. 

It even convince some greedy doctors to try to kidnap him, smuggling him outside of Sokovia so they would be able to do more research, to some unethical method of research that could be mistaken as Nazi human experimentation from WW2. 

They were tempted enough to risk everything that they have, their job, their medical license and their own life, figuratively, and literally, guaranteeing of receiving the death penalty if not life imprisonment for harming a member of Sokovian Royalty.

They would have succeeded in smuggling Carl outside of Sokovia but Carl Father, Baron Zemo is ten steps ahead of them.

"Then there's a chance, that one day you will be healthy." Said Silver, interrupting Carl train of thought.    

"Yes... A chance." Carl knows one of the doctors that check on his body have a similar hypothesis of that as well, that one day the condition of his body would improve for the first time ever, but with limited research and evidence, such theory is instantly thrown away, as it was seen as false hope, a cruel thing to give to parents that desperately prayed for hope for eight years straight.

Although Carl's condition has been "better" but only because, over the years, his parents have poured a massive amount of wealth to improve their son quality of life through science.

So technically, he's actually not getting better in reality, it was consistent. 

But if Carl were to be honest, even he has a feeling of something "weird" were about his body, it is more than a frail body and he knows why. He knows he possesses a "Gamer Body", the biggest factor that makes differentiate his body from normal people. 

But he has a feeling it is not because the "Gamer Body" is the cause for his odd feeling, but it doesn't matter in his opinion. 

Perhaps something good will happen as he becomes older, perhaps not, but part of him somehow detest it for some reason, but he can't put a finger on it.

"But still..." Carl continued, for it is not enough to convince him, for hope alone are not able to be pillar support for a relationship, Carl doesn't want to get hurt, to be hurt by the person he loved.    

Before Carl even say another word, Silver finish what she presumably Carl will say to her.

"I know... I know... Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. That's what I'm doing."

"I may accept the fact that your health condition might never improve, but I have hope, sooner or later, your health will be improved, things will get better. I'm sure. Ever since I met you, I always have you in my thoughts, praying that my adorable baby cousin health condition will improve, but the day I fell in love with you, there has never been a time where I stopped thinking about you, praying for you, praying that everything will get better whether through some miracle or some newly develop medicine."       

"Please Carl." Said Silver, begging him as she hold his hand with both of her own. "Understand that I'm praying FOR you, not for myself." 

"Whether or not you will become a healthy normal boy, it doesn't change my love for you even a bit because I will always love you, whether in sickness or in health, just like the wedding vow."

"Your health is merely part of who you are, it never and never has defined you." 

"I don't and never have and never will care the fact that the boy that I love is weaker than me."

"Someone once told me the bad and ugly things that happen to innocent people doesn't define them, it doesn't define who they are or what they become in the future, not unless they allow it in the first place."

"I didn't let what happen to that day bother me, not anymore." As she placed her right hand on her chest, Silver said to both of themselves. "It merely part of my past. I can't make it disappear nor can I run away from it, which is why I should- why I must embrace my past."

"This is something that took a whole month for me to understand what you were trying to convey when you comfort me every night."

"And it would have taken a longer time of you weren't there for me." Thought Silver to herself.

"So neither should you." Silver continued as she points her finger to Carl's chest where his chest is located and gently tap it. "Let your health, your weakness define who you are, as it is merely part of what you are. You are more than just a boy with poor health, more than just a boy with a pretty handsome face, more than just a business prodigy, and that is what I love you. My lovely Carl is more than what others see him as. He's more mysterious and much more cooler than other people realize."

Carl was caught off guard once again. To think Silver use the experience she learns from that dark time 'against' him that he can't help but smile at the fact.

First, to stop his tear, she surprises him by kissing him.

It was such a simple yet effective move which is why Carl did it in the first place, and it was clever on her part to copy Carl action and do it on him, and it is hard to say whether Silver knows if it works or not, or whether she just won't return the favour, more likely for both reason.

But now, she used her own experience of facing her trauma to help Carl to face his own.

Carl has yet to realize this but he has a personal trauma as well. 

Trauma isn't something that the victim can personally identify themself, they don't even realize they need help most of the time, not unless someone points it out for them or one is an expert or doctor that specialize in mental health and even then, the doctor themself would sometimes visit another doctor to confirm it and to receive professional help.

One does not live a frail body without suffering mental illness as well. 

While Carl is a mentally healthy boy of his age, free from intellectual disability and other mental disorder such as autism and down-syndrome as Carl possess high INT and WIS, it does not mean he is immune from possible mental illness.

When he first learned that he can't have children of his own, he didn't break down because of that one fact, it was all stress that he build up since he was born that he was never able to express or even release.

The news of him to unable to have children is merely but the last straw.

Because Carl possesses such a weak body that even a few minutes of walking is too much for him to do, he was never able to do a simple exercise that can release hormones that has a positive effect on the human body such as dopamine and endorphins. 

Both hormones when release can help the human body deal with stress and generally feel good.

While Carl does yoga and other simpler exercise that he can perform for his physical health, and even doing yoga for half an hour is hard for the body, thus he is never truly able to exercise sufficiently hard enough to release the natural hormones or perhaps his body is incapable of producing it in the first place.

Whatever the reason, one thing for sure is this was but one of many reasons that causes a chain of stress that lead to Carl nervous breakdown. 

Although it is nothing compared to what Silver have to experience, it doesn't change the fact that when Carl realize that his dream of having his own family is impossible to achieve before he even had the chance in the first place, the shock he experienced was strong enough to leave damage to his mental health.

Silver doesn't realize this, but if weren't for the fact that she always visits him every week or so, Carl was quickly able to get over his trauma without realizing he has one in the first place, but not completely all of it.

Just like how Carl didn't even realize he need to seek a psychologist for professional help until today, his parent's didn't even know their son nervous breakdown was much more serious than they realize. 

It sounds like Carl's parents are incompetent but they really aren't, Carl is their only child thus they are able to pour all of their attention and affection to him alone despite the fact how busy their work can be, especially not when Carl was back to normal in the next several days when Silver visited him.

It will much easier to fool other people that they are fine when they were able to fool themself beforehand.  

As much as they want to be the perfect parents for their son, being perfect parents is simply too unrealistic for every parent but that doesn't mean they shouldn't or didn't try their best, as their efforts did not go to waste as Carl sees his parents as one of the biggest reason to stop Thanos and to become 'strong'. But Silver to Carl was his biggest ray of sunshine in his dull yet dangerous world filled with Gods and Monsters. 

Without both parties even realizing what had just happened, Carl was finally able to accept who he is and his physical weakness, if not partially more so than before.

Carl now understand he shouldn't let his health define his future, he never let it stop him from trying to gather amass amount of wealth nor did he let it stop him from trying to make a plan to stop Thanos. 

So why should he let his health stop him from trying to find love in the Marvel Universe?

Carl, quickly able to gather his wits before giving her an answer. 

Silver might help him to accept himself more so than before but... unfortunately, that doesn't necessarily mean he will accept her confession. 

Carl truly care for Silver, perhaps it is familial love as Carl see her as an important family, or perhaps he loves her as a friend which isn't lesser to love as a family, or maybe he truly loves her as the opposite sex, the same love Silver has for him. 

Perhaps Carl type of love for Silver is a combination of all three but one thing for sure is that he truly cares for Silver and he knows he can never accept Silver confession.

Perhaps he will regret rejecting her love but one thing for sure is that he always cares for her.

"Silver, I-" 

But before he can say a word, Silver, quickly stopped him once again as her instinct as a woman screams told her to.



To Be Continued...?