Chapter 2
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Everyone in the dining hall was speechless. To say that Edward was feeling uncomfortable for the first time in his life wouldn't be too far from exaggeration. He awkwardly shifted in his chair as all eyes were on him. He looked to his side and blushed as his dainty left hand greeted his vision. 

How could this be happening! He screamed in his head. This was my day, my night and now it's ruined! He angrily thought to himself. Someone finally gathered the courage to speak up. This person in particular was a princess of a rivaling kingdom, one he'd had his eyes on for awhile. And her words hurt all the more because of it. 

"She..he's a beast now! A bloodsucker can't you see his eyes!?" She said with deep disgust in her voice. The king jumped at this and called the remaining guards into the banquet hall. "That's enough!" His voice boomed throughout the hall. "This is to be kept quite! Or I'll have the first person who breathes a word of what happened tonight hung in the square. This is an order from your king!" He yelled at everyone in the hall. 

"Guards escort my.." He paused and glanced at Edward. "Escort the prince to his bed chambers immediately. The feast is over! Everyone leave at once!" He barked. The king's heavy hand slammed onto Edwards shoulder making him wince. "Don't worry my son, we'll find that witch and make her set things right!" The king boomed. 

Edward awkwardly shifted in his seat and stood up, his personal guard looking at him with a mixture of lust, fear and pity. He held his Ill fitting pants up around his waist as they continued to slip down on his significantly smaller body. His face burned a deep Crimson as he saw all eyes were still on him. 

He shuffled slightly and followed his personal guard as the guests were led out of the dining hall. They ascended the stone spiral staircase to Edwards bed chamber. Once Edward reached the door his guard bowed and quickly left, seeming to not want to be around the prince longer than necessary. This made Edward feel something he'd never felt before. Hurt. He thought he had a good relationship with his personal guard, considering him to almost be a friend.. Although now that he thought about it he didn't even know the man's name. 

He closed his bedroom door and tore off his ill fitting clothes. Staring at his new body in the mirror made him sick. Why did she have to make him so small and pretty. He gagged. He'd never be seen as a prince looking like this, much less respected as he once was. A sudden knock on his door startled him. "Come in.." He said hesitantly hating the soft, sweet sound of his voice. So different from the deep commanding baritone he was so used to hearing. 

A pretty young maid he'd never seen before stepped into the room. She bowed and smiled at him. "My lord has requested that I take over the duties of your personal servant.." She paused and smiled slightly, seeming to be amused at Edwards predicament. "My lady." She said with a grin. Edward glared at her. "That's my lord to you not my lady. Who do you think you're talking to!?" He seethed at her. 

She smiled and made her way over to him. She had about 3 inches of height over him and he internally cursed the witch again for making him so small. "No offense my lady but you don't look like much of a lord now. It would be improper for me to refer to you in such a manner." She said with a smile. 

"Now let's get you measured, the king has ordered me to have new clothes fitted and made for you." Edward awkwardly let the maid run a tape measure around his lithe body until she seemed satisfied. 

Giving him a silk robe to wear until his new clothes were made. She ran a hot bath for him and proceeded to wash and prim his body. He couldn't say he wasn't enjoying it, at least this part, the bath was very relaxing afterall. Once he was ready for bed he felt a strange urge and his stomach growled. His eyes widened and the maids heartbeat seemed to pound in his ears. 

She giggled as she looked at him. "Please try and control yourself. I've dealt with your kind before so I know exactly what you need." The maid proceeded to cut her wrist and let her blood trickle into a crystal wine glass. "Here, drink up. This should be enough for tonight." She said handing him the glass and wrapping a bandage over her wrist. 

Edward wasn't sure what came over him but as soon as the blood touched his lips he greedily gulped down the entire contents of the glass. He let out a satisfied little burp when he was finished and smiled up at her. A warm feeling of intense euphoria flooded his brain and body and he felt extremely dazed. She smiled and wiped the blood from his lips with a cloth napkin. 

"Sleep well my lady. I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast." She said with a little giggle. "W..wait!" He said as she turned to leave, opening the door. "You never told me your name?" He said softly. She raised an eyebrow. "My lady for that to be possible you would need to grant me permission to behave casually around you." She stated matter of factly. Edward nodded. "You may act casually around me." He replied quietly. The maid beamed at him. "In that case my name is Amelia and you may address me as such. Goodnight princess." She said closing the door behind her. 

Edward lay in bed thinking of all that had transpired tonight. He didn't want this, not at all. What had he ever done to deserve such a fate. Eventually the euphoria faded and he found himself crying deep scarlet tears that stained his silk pillow. For the first time in his life he cried himself to sleep.