Chapter 38
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A few hours have gone by since Yang was healed, and he finally woke up. As for the black being, it was sitting on Yang's chin till he woke up and then flew up. Yang slowly opened his eyes, and his left eye partly turned back to green but still had a slight red tone to it. As soon as his eyes shot open, Yang lifted his head up, and his mouth was left open.


Yang tried to close his mouth, but his entire body was so numb that he couldn't do that. So he decided to look at his body. First, he looked at his chest, which still had a very slight reddish glow. Then he looked at his leg and hands, and when he realised that he was healed, he put his head back onto the ground.


What he didn't notice, or instead felt, was that although he had no blood on his upper body since he was lying on the bloody floor, his back was covered with dried blood, even his hair was a mess.


Yang: So I was healed once again... I don't get this world...


The black being flew over to Yang's eyes and was floating above them to make sure that Yang could see the creature.


???: Don't move too much! Although I have healed you, I am not a professional one, and also, it took a toll on your body, so it would be wise if you stayed put for at least a few days... not that you are able to move.

Yang: A ar u alkin aout?... A a ell??!! (What are you talking about? What the hell??!!)


Yang tried to speak, but he could barely move his tongue, let alone his mouth.


Yang: Ait... Aen u...Iuno? (Wait, aren't you Miuno)

Miuna: Yes, is there a problem, master?

Yang: I an I eak noraly? (Why can't I speak normaly?)

Miuna: Master, I am sorry, but I had no choice but to paralyse you, even your face, in order to heal you and to reduce the chances of you getting injured during the process. And before you ask, it would be hard to explain how I did it; but let's just say that I used fractions of myself to heal you.

Yang: At? (What?)

Miuna: I am a being made of liquid despite having a solid form, and I am part of you, so I could accelerate your healing through your body. Bluntly speaking, I reattached every fibre within your body and used myself to hold the part together till they were healed.


Miuna landed on Yang's nose, sat down, and continued his explanation.


Miuna: You are unable to move because I am currently not letting your neuro system work properly. If you were to move, I wouldn't be able to keep you in this state, and you would get more injured than you were before.

Yang: uh...

Miuna: I advise you to start cultivating because I have no idea what that thing is within you, but I do know that that is changing and altering your skeleton in some way. Also, that thing became one with you; I couldn't remove it; it fused with your bones.

Yang: ...

Miuna: Don't speak, just start cultivating... You will need your strength to survive this.


Yang slightly nodded and closed his eyes, and he began cultivating. After a few minutes, Miuna flew away from Yang's nose and landed on his chest, where the red object was still glowing.


Miuna: Good thing I have already shut his nerves so he won't feel anything.


Miuna touched Yang's chest, and from Miuna's hand, a black liquid started flowing, slowly covering Yang's chest, and once it covered about the area where Yang's wound was, it stopped extending.


Miuna: Let's try to neutralise this object's harmful effects.


The liquid soon gained red veins, and their centre was Miuna's hand. The redness got more substantial and more concentrated as the minutes went by, and soon Miuna's fingers turned slightly red, and the redness spread through Miuna's body. But, once it got to Miuna's head, it dissipated; even the veins on the liquid vanished.


Yang was cultivating, and Miuna concentrated on the liquid and steadily grew as time went by. After about an hour, Miuna's size almost doubled, but the growth didn't stop.