Chapter 44
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Yang jumped up to see that Öru smashed the newcomer in the face, sending the individual away.



???: Yang, This monster was about to hurt you, so I stepped in!

Öru: She attakced me, I had no choice!


Yang looked at the red-haired individual and realised who taht person was.


Yang: Mig?

Mig: What did you do to my friend?! He would never side with a monster like you!

Öru: Me? I did nothing to him; not even my brother could harm him; he could easily kill us.

Yang: Thank god that strange power took over me... they still think I am very powerful.

Mig: I will kill you and find a way to free my friend!

Yang: Mig, I am happy to see you again and happy to hear taht you are concerned about; however, in fact, what you believe is the opposite of the reality. I am in control, and they are following my orders.

Mig: I am sorry, but I can't believe in that unless you can prove it; I can't trust monsters!

Yang: Alright, Öru, the moment your brother returns, slap him as hard as you can.

Öru: B-but, I don't...

Yang: I guess you have already forgotten about the contract we made; you have two choices... I hope I was intimidating.

Öru: O-of course! Please forgive me!

Yang: By the way, Mig, what happened to your hair and your appearance? You seem a bit more... mature.

Mig: I don't really know myself, those two did something to me while I was knocked out, and when I woke up a few days ago, I looked like this... I really hate them.

Yang: I can understand that... they do seem to be quite unpredictable.

Mig: I can only remember the girl who knocked me out, I can't remember how the other one looked like, but I think that one was a man.


While Yang and Mig were having a conversation, Zuö finished collecting the items in the dungeon and left. He was holding a battered metal chest in his hand, and once he left, he was surprised because his sister started running towards him. He put the chest down and looked back at his sibling, but the moment she got in front of him, she slapped him so hard he fell.


Öru: I am sorry, brother, I was told to do this; I-I understand.

Yang: See, I told you.

Mig: Sorry I doubted you.

Yang: No, I would have done the same thing; it is totally understandable. By the way, how did you find me?

Mig: I don't really know; I had a hunch, and I also saw a strange red colour around here, so I figured I would check it out.

Zuö: I am sorry to bother you, but I have collected what you have asked... I found some crystals and some coins... thus, I presume there is some sort of mine around here.

Yang: A mine?

Zuö: Yes, also I found a few pieces of Wintrer-Berry... We found quite a few, but Mother ate most of it, and I was the second who ate the most; everyone also got only one. My sister got two because I found an extra one and gave her secretly.

Yang: Hm... interesting. Put the loot here; then you are free to have some free time; I will try to wake this guy up.

Zuö: Alright!


Yang walked over to the guy and kneeled down next to him.


Yang: How the hell am I supposed to wake him up... why did I say that? I want to leave here as soon as possible, but I can't leave him like this. I should come up with something... wait, maybe?


Yang put his hand onto the guy's chest and closed his eyes, and a thin blue burst of energy came from his hand. The energy went across the man on the ground, and Yang repeated this two more times, then slightly started slapping the man, hopping him to wake up. And just as he anticipated and hoped, the man began to wake up slowly. After opening his eyes, he suddenly sat up and quickly looked around and was partially relieved when he noticed Yang and Mig.


Man: W-what happened? I remember being beaten... I still feel quite beaten, but how am I still alive?

Yang: I took care of the fly you were fighting.

Man: YOU? HOW? I think even if I was at the sixth stage of Body Reinvigoration, I would have struggled to beat that monster. But, you, killing that monster with your current Foundation Conception 7 level is highly impossible!

Yang: I didn't kill them... It's more like I terrified him.


Yang: I will show you if you want.


Yang snapped his fingers, but nothing happened. Then he took a deep breath and snapped his fingers once again but this time with more power, thus producing a louder sound. Something landed a few meters from Yang this time, and two figures walked out; Öru and Zuö. Zuö's missing arm had regrown somehow under such a short period of time.


Man: W-what? WHY?!

Zuö: We are here; what would you like?

Yang: Nothing in particular; I just wanted to show him that you are alive and that you are afraid of me... right?

Zuö: Yes, we have no intention of fighting, rest assured

Yang: I can see taht your arm healed... you do heal quickly!

Zuö: Oh, yeah.

Ransou: By the way, my name is Ransou, and my family name is Muno. Thank you for saving me... and please drop the formalities.

Yang: Drop the formalaties? We were already talking pretty informal why would we start being formal after that? Yang, nice to meet you! Oh, and she is my friend, Mig; and these two are Zuö and Öru.

Mig: Nice to meet you.

Öru: hmp...

Zuö: Weakling! I shall acknowledge you and remember your name if you prove that you are strong! Until then, you are noting in my eyes!

Ransou: Nothing?! Know who you are talking to! You don't even know what it means to have a family name, you beast! I might be weak and have some extra kilos; however, I hate being underestimated; I will remember this and have you executed! By the way, since you saved me, Yang, would you like to come with me? I am sure my family would reward you for saving me!

Yang: Thank you for your offer, but I must decline. Unfortunately, if what you are saying is true, you must be of high-status judging by your armour and weapon; I feel taht I am too uncivilised to go there. Also, I still have a few things to take care of.

Ransou: I understand, well let us meet again in the future. If by any chance you would be interested in finding me, you can ask anyone; they will probably be able to give you directions. Oh, and please take this as a token of my thanks... you are my benefactor after all!


Ransou looked around, and once he noticed his sword, he picked up and then shook it and dusted it off. Then he grabbed the edge of the blade with his left and pulled his blade backwards, cutting his hand and painting the edge with his blood. Once he was finished, his injury and the blood on the blade started smoking. The edge of the blade turned slightly red, and the blood vanished. Also, the damage on Ransou's hand stopped bleeding.


Yang: What are you doing?

Ransou: Giving you a token, as I have previously said. If he managed to tame these beasts, I need to befriend him! Now please extend your hand; I will need a drop of blood from you as well.

Yang: Erm... alright


Ransou walked over to Yang, grabbed his hand, and the moment he touched it, his eyes slightly widened but went back to normal. Ransou used the tip of his sword to make a thin cut. However, his sword couldn't cut Yang's skin with a simple touch, further surprising Ransou. So he pushed the blade with a bit greater strength and finally managed to cut Yang's finger. The required drop of blood and Yang's injury started smoking, and the tip of the blade turned slightly blue.


Ransou: And now, turn!


The blade started glowing and suddenly shrunk into a tiny blade. It was almost as big as a piece of jewellery for a necklace. Then Ransou gave the small item to Yang.


Ransou: With this, you can prove that you know me.

Yang: Alright... thanks.

Ransou: I guess I have to go back and report that the threat of the ants has been eliminated! So see you later!

Yang: Yeah, see you later!


Ransou walked away, and Yang was left with Mig and the two ants.