Arc 1 Ch 3 – The 99th Task
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Hugo grinned while setting up his never used webcam. He had been streaming for a long time, but his focus had always been on publishing edited videos. He simply hadn’t felt the need to show his face. However, he wants to become popular and a quick way is to spread his name as fast as possible. 

He set up and named the stream “A Special Treat from ElitePhantom01” and started it, but didn’t turn on his camera just yet. It didn’t take long for one or two people to join. 

“Hey hey!” 

TryHarder96: heyy

TryHarder96: y did u come back?

xXRosettaxStoneXx: Welcome back!!

“Haha. I have a surprise for you~! Let’s get a few more people before we start though.”

GarethDeWise: how boring

TryHarder96: am i not the only one who matters?

TryHarder96: u wound me m8

xXRosettaxStoneXx: :o

xXRosettaxStoneXx: I can’t wait!

Hugo continued to banter back and forth with viewers while playing with stream settings for about 10 minutes to warm things up. “Are you guys ready? Hehe.”

BeautyStrikesEnemiesFall: He’s teasing us! Listen to that smile.

TryHarder96: ya, I hear it 2

mobileDESTINY: Tell us Tell us Tell us!

GarethDeWise: tell us tell us tell us

GarethDeWise: quickly, there is another stream I need to go watch lol

GarethDeWise: who told you to stream off schedule? they should get beaten up

TryHarder96: tellustellustellus

“You guys make me laugh! It’s more of a show than a tell thing...” Hugo enables the camera. A slightly shy face with big childlike eyes almost hidden under the curly blonde hair suddenly appears on the screen. “Tada. I received a camera to review. Tell me quick, how is it?! Good quality?”

GarethDeWise: what, that’s it? False hype :talktothehand: :wave: 

xXRosettaxStoneXx: omfg jdjahdkuahanskdj HQ HQ HQ!

xXRosettaxStoneXx: I know, a romance between a channel moderator and their streamer isn’t meant to be...

xXRosettaxStoneXx: But are you single?!

mobileDESTINY: Haha you made him blush. :grinsmirkthonk:

BeautyStrikesEnemiesFall: :raiseshand:

BeautyStrikesEnemiesFall: I support that the romance with Rosetta is impossible. Star-Crossed lovers, all that.

BeautyStrikesEnemiesFall: But are you single?! #askingforafriend

Hugo chuckles and smiles. “I’m currently single. I have someone I’ve always liked. Maybe I should confess?”

<High Roller enters chat. Everyone say hi!>

TryHarder96: i accept ur love :cuteblushingface:

HighRoller: ...

mobileDESTINY: hahahaha

BeautyStrikesEnemiesFall: May you two have a wonderful wedding~! Try Hard and Roll High until death do you part.

BeautyStrikesEnemiesFall: @ElitePhantom01 I accept your love >///<

xXRosettaxStoneXx: The beauty is so fast. Alas, fate was not in my favor and it was not to be.

“..You guys make me laugh. I wanted to test out the camera, but I think I should play a game or something. Any requests?”

mobileDESTINY: What about a rhythm game?

HighRoller: FPS

xXRosettaxStoneXx: Sing!!

BeautyStrikesEnemiesFall: Sing while playing a rhythm game!!

“You guys say you like me and then ask me to do something like sing... How cruel! FPS it is, High Roller is my new bff.” 

mobileDESTINY: FPS while singing then heh.

“Is this... am I getting ganged up on?? I don’t even know what I’d sing.”

xXRosettaxStoneXx: You are my Sunshine!

Hugo pulled a face at the camera. “I concede, you win. Let me queue up for a round though first lol. I’ll just go into a battle royale...Okay, queuing. About a minute left. I hope I remember the lyrics. I feel like you all won’t be satisfied until you cause me to die in my match.”

mobileDESTINY:  (:

BeautyStrikesEnemiesFall:  (:

xXRosettaxStoneXx:  (:

HighRoller:  (:

“Ahhhhh even my new bff has been corrupted. We can’t be best friends anymore Roller!”

HighRoller:  ):

“Okay okay still friends... oh the match is starting. I’ll aim for the military base.” 

Hugo started the song while in the plane, and parachuted out after the first verse. The backdrop of the in game sky filled the screen as he sang.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey

He touched down. He found and loaded a pistol as fast as possible. He saw at least three hostiles touch down with him, and he was ready.

You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

He found one hostile still looking for a weapon, with only a helmet to protect him. He shot the enemy twice in the chest and took the helmet for himself. Hugo found an assault rifle right before he found the second guy, who he took down without stopping his cheerful singing. He was much closer to the end of the song by the time he found the last person. 

You told me once, dear, you really loved me 
And no one else could come between

The enemy hadn’t seen Hugo yet, so he steadily lined up and took the shot. 

But now you've left me and love another
You have shattered all my dreams

BeautyStrikesEnemiesFall: Am I the only one feeling a little regret? I’m getting some chills from the happy singing about shattered dreams while reaping lives.

mobileDESTINY: Be careful what you ask for. :seenoevil:

HighRoller: This is the first time I knew this game had a revenge plot... I’ll give a follow to phantom-sensei as thanks for teaching me new things~ 

I used a real game, streaming service, and song for reference here. The last is obviously You are my sunshine, does anyone recognize the other two? 

Fun fact: I’ve personally always considered You are My Sunshine a sad song when looking at just the lyrics, but feel really happy when I sing it to the tune.