Chapter 22
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“...What do you mean by that?”

Torum took a moment to process the information.

“It might be hard to acknowledge, but please believe me. As of yet, I have nothing to give you apart from my word.”

This was Leon’s one and only hope. It the lord of this place will accuse him of lying… Leon would need to create a new plan.

Torum’s face was devoid of a smile or a frown, so Leon could not read the mood… He became nervous.

“...May I at least know where you got this information?”

This was a good sign for Leon. And fortunately, he prepared a few answers to this question.

One of them was to simply say it’s a hunch, but a man like Torum wouldn’t believe something like that. It would cause suspicion. So Leon picked another one.

“...I…I’m sorry Mr Torum. I am bound by contract to not disclose my source.”

He bowed. It was bad to lie, however, Leon had no choice. In order to save as many lives as possible, he would lie all day long… It was easier than to explain the whole time-travel thing anyway…

“...I see… Honestly, I find it quite hard to believe.”

“...Mr. Torum… It’s okay if you don’t believe me. As long as you heed my warning and be more careful even in your own mansion… That would be enough for me. After all, you can’t be too careful, right?”


Torum’s reaction proved that he somewhat believed it. Leon knew that, so it was enough… for now.

“Then I will excuse myself… And sorry for ruining your evening, Duke Litor.”

Leon turned to the door to leave, but…



“...I believe you.”

‘He does?’

“You do?”

It was surprising not only to Leon.



It was a reflexive question. Leon didn’t truly need to know the answer as it was a great thing to him…but he was curious…

“...Leon. You are a teammate of a Hero. Someone of tremendous value. Probably second to the Hero himself…”

Torum paused. It seemed like was thinking… Thinking deeply. Leon thought it was a bit weird, but he might just be picking his words carefully.

“...You think too highly of me.”

Leon’s words snapped the lord out of his trance and he continued.

“No, not at all… Someone like you is… Essential… To our country. Your values and kindness prove that you would not speak of something so important just to joke around…”

It was nice to hear such words from Torum himself.

“Thank you for your trust, Duke Torum.”

“No, no need… My decision was not only because of you…”

Torum wasn’t sure if he should tell Leon. So the young man with golden eyes knew that it was classified and very precious information.

“...Mister Torum, I am no stranger to contracts, so if it’ll be better for you to-.”

Torum waved his hand

“*Sigh* No, no. It’s okay… Not so long ago… I was poisoned.”

“What!? Are you okay!? Why are-!?”

“There is no need to panic. It doesn’t harm my health much, I won’t die from it.”


It confused Leon. A poison that doesn’t kill? Is it even a poison?

“I was as confused at first. I didn’t know it was in my body either, until… my strength started leaving me.”

“What do you mean?”

It contradicted with what he said earlier.

“...When examined, my body is fine. But I can’t even execute half of the moves of Litor’s Swordsmanship… I have no stamina.”

“No stamina?”

There is no such poison… At least to Leon’s knowledge.

“Yes, it’s weird… But fortunately, I found a doctor who managed to find a clue about this poison… Only a few individuals know of this. All of them I trust. Apart from me, Doctor Will and you, there is only 3 more people. Not even the King knows of this.”

‘Doctor Will? That sounds oddly familiar… But even the King doesn’t know of this?’

“...Why does the King not know of this?”

It was a risky question to ask, as what Torum was doing is considered…treason.

“At first, I thought it was Church doing something under our noses… I have… done something to anger them, you see.”

Leon knew of the rivalry between the Church of Light and the King of the Golden Kingdom. It was something he will have to deal with one day. As for what Torum did to them… Leon didn’t want to think about it.

“The King has many troubles, so I didn’t want to bother him with my personal affairs… But now that is not the case… I will inform the King… Once I get rid of the infiltrator… It shouldn’t take long.”

“That’s great to hear.”

“Leon, I will call you once I find him… So you may stop searching on your own, to not raise suspicion… Now, If you’ll excuse me. I need to test some of my men.”

Test of blood. It was the easiest way to prove one isn’t a demon. However, Leon couldn’t just go around taking people’s blood. And if he gets caught doing it in their sleep… That would be troublesome.

“Yes. Be free to call me if necessary.”

After Leon left, a few men indeed came into the room. Leon decided to sleep properly today… Timothy was happy too.




Next day, Lance said he is almost done with the test, but they couldn’t conduct it today, only tomorrow. It was good news for Leon, as it would take time to deal with the spies.

But was very uncomfortable to Leon, doing nothing that is. It was pointless to try and lure them out as he did before. He could do nothing but wait… though his curiosity took over. Leon visited Torum in the evening. Torum said that they are in the process, but Leon wanted more details. Duke then told him that they decided to work slowly and carefully. Not only to not inform the spies themselves but to not cause panic among the workers. That meant no straightforward blood tests. Leon asked if he could help in any way, but Torum declined. The young man did not like that, however, Torum just couldn’t think of anything that Leon could do without rising suspicion.

Leon left discouraged, but soon came up with his own plan… For that, he needed someone else’s help.




“Leon? Why are you here? It’s late.”

After opening the door the person answered in a sleepy voice with a bit of annoyance in it.

“I need your help.”

“...Did something happen?”

Sleepiness disappeared as a sense of urgentness took its place.

“No, no… not yet at least… Can I come in?”


‘Leon rarely asked for help like this… This must be important.’

“So, why do you need my help.”

“That… I need you to talk to some people.”

“...and why?”

“There is… a demon in this place.”


“I assume that a few spies already infiltrated this place. So I need you to carefully figure out who they are… It might be a bit hard but you are the best person for it… With your power, we can ask leading questions, and find out if they are an enemy or not.”

Naty was surprised, to say the least. The thought that people who she interacted with might be demons was terrifying. She was filled with worry, anxiety, but much more… she was curious.

“...Was this the real reason we came here?”


It was pointless to lie.

“...How? How do you know all of this?”

Leon hesitated to answer. To tell her everything, or come up with an excuse? He thought about it every second after deciding to ask her for help… but still could not choose.

‘I… I can’t tell her yet… I’m not ready.’

“I can’t tell you.”

“Why?! Why can’t you!? Please, don’t tell me you’re doing this for my own good. I’m sick of that excuse!”

This was an unexpected reaction for Leon.

He wouldn’t ever think Naty could get this agitated just because of that.

Leon became speechless.

“What?! No better excuse!?”

He indeed had no better excuse… Leon was doing it not for her even, but for his own… That, he couldn’t say.

Leon didn’t want to tell her, that was the only reason.

“...I can’t tell you…”

But he could.

“You! That was a lie. You can tell me! So do it! ...Please…”

Not even in his wildest assumptions did Leon think that this conversation would turn out this way.

Naty wouldn’t take half-baked replies… But Leon still didn’t want to tell her.

“Naty… I’m sorry… I don’t want to do it… Not yet at least…”

Those words caused Naty to have an awful thought… 

‘Can he not trust me?’

She needed to know why he didn’t want to do it.


There was a small tear in Naty’s eye… Leon couldn’t be silent.

“...I’m scared.”

“W-What?... Of… what?”

“...Of change… I don’t want things to change unexpectedly… I hate variables…”

If Naty knew everything about Leon… He did not know what her reaction would be.

The same goes for others… Leon’s situation was so strange and unique, that everyone would have their own reaction… Be it bad or good…

“...I don’t understand… What will change?”

“...You… you will change… And me in your eyes alongside it.”

It was somewhat hard to understand… Though she did…

“...Is it… that bad?”

“...I don’t know… and it scares me…”

Naty saw Leon differently… More imperfect… more human.

“...Will you tell me… someday?”


“...I won’t wait for long.”

It meant that she wouldn’t pry further… and believe Leon.

“...I’ll try my best… And thank you.”

Leon stood up and left.

Naty felt weird… It was similar to what she felt toward Mixen… but oppositely.

Leon did not try and make excuses till the end…and even though she didn’t get a straight answer… This was enough to satisfy her curiosity…for now.




In the morning Lance took Tera and Greg out of town. It wasn't far, but Leon asked Timothy to patrol the area regardless.

Leon and Naty went around talking to people.

They managed to clear a bunch of employees. Leon then went to Torum and reported their findings. Duke, however, was not pleased with it. He told that it was unnecessary work and that they are doing just fine. Leon didn't understand, he certainly helped and it would speed up the process. Torum started making excuses and said that he had a perfect plan. That plan might fail if Leon made any risky moves. But Leon didn't have much time, so Torum assured him that it was almost complete.

Leon couldn't help but sigh. He decided to check up on Lance. Even though Leon still needed time, he hoped Lance made at least a bit of progress.




"Nope, my test didn't help much… it was fun though."

"...Ha~, it was my mistake for trusting you."

"Hey! It's not like I made no progress at all!"

Leon doubted those words.


"Listen! They both got some plusses and minuses! Like, they certainly want to hide something from their life, that's a minus. Greg has an innocent personality and great talent, that's a plus. But he's weak, that's a minus. Tera is already plenty strong, that's a plus. But her personality is not that clear to me, that's a minus… though I don't think she's bad or anything… So they're even!"

It was good that Lance made such progress…

"...But we knew this before. And personality isn't something you can figure out in a day… It's just that Greg is… Greg. "

"What's that supposed to mean!? Why haven't I been informed!?"

Leon couldn't help but facepalm.

"We thought you knew… Anyway, do you really not have anyone you prefer?"

It was an easy choice for Leon. If not for the fact that Lance is currently the Hero, Tera would be on the team already.

"...I do actually…"


If it's Tera… Leon might force Lance into making his choice… though he didn't feel too good about this thought.

"... It's Greg."


"May I know why?"

"It's a purely personal feeling, so I won't include it in my judgement…But the way he smiles when we spar… I can tell he likes it just as much as I do… But more so, his smile reminded me of good old times…and Darling."

'Don't tell me… Another variable?'

"Darling? Who's that?"

"Ah, right. His real name is Mixen. Still don't get why he lied back then."

"Ah… Mixen likes battling?"

"Yeah? Didn't you spar with him?"

"I did, but… I didn't realize it."

'It felt more like he was… annoyed'

"Weird…Come to think of it, you taught him swordsmanship, right? How was he?"

"He was… decent I guess… His talent is nowhere near you or even Greg. Thought in terms of the power he should be similar to Greg by now."

If the wind was listening right now, Leon would get a wind kick in the butt… But it had better things to do.

"I see… He has no chances of coming to the team, I assume?"

Leon shook his head.

"If he had more mana…"

Leon thought that Mixen had talent as a mage… Such a shame…

"...He always used to curse his luck…Now I kind of understand why…"

"Yeah, he did it, even more, when we were at the academy."

Both let out a cheerful laugh.

…And hoped that they would see their friend again in the future.




There was nothing new the next day. Leon even started wondering if the spies haven’t fled after the Hero’s prolonged stay… Or maybe they were in hiding.

But something occurred in the evening. Torum called Leon to his office saying he had some news and that he also need help… not his, but Naty’s.

Leon didn’t think much of it and was happy to see some progress. He took Naty and went to Torum’s room.




“Leon, Naty, I’m glad you came.”

“Yes, Good evening… Did you find something out?”

“Not me specifically, but my men did…”

Torum’s face hardened.

“...You might want to sit down…”

Torum pointed at some chairs nearby.

“...Why? Did something happen?”

“No… but this might be shocking to hear.”

Leon and Naty took a seat and waited for Torum to speak.

“...What do you two think of Greg?”


There was a moment of silence.

“...No way.”

“... unfortunately, your suspicions are most likely true… But don’t think of it too much yet. It is not certain… Though we do have evidence.”

It was news that they didn’t expect to hear… But Leon knew that such things can happen… no matter how much they suck.

“Can you tell us what you found?”

“Yes. Let me start with small things… Firstly, Greg’s biological parents’ location is unknown. He was adopted by a couple living in town. This couple has no official jobs on the record. So their source of income is a mystery. Secondly, he isn’t communicating with not only his classmates but other people too… Though this can be blamed on his weird personality… And the last thing is what made me call you here today… There are no crime organisations in this city… Apart from one. They are a very secretive organisation that leaves no traces. We do not know what they are even doing here. We suspected that they simply collected information… But we might’ve been wrong… Yesterday, Greg was spotted communicating with one of them… I didn’t want to take any risks, as he might become a Hero’s companion, so I called you.”

“...I see.”

Leon figured that it is most likely a misunderstanding.

Demons don’t act in such a way… Or maybe they did?

However, Leon wanted to believe that Greg was caught up in this unwillingly. No matter what choice Lance would make, Greg turning out to work with demons would be… terrible.

“So, to not waste our time. Let’s head to him and ask some questions…”

‘Ah, that’s why he called Naty too.’

“Isn’t it late?”

“It is, but my men reported that Greg is at the training ground right now.”

“...Is he training?”


‘...He’s hardworking…’

Leon yet again confirmed for himself that Greg did not act like a demon’s spy and set his mind on clearing his name.

“...He’s a good kid, please don’t be mean to him Mister Torum.”

Even if Naty had some dislike for Greg, she couldn’t believe that he was a spy… Moreover a demon’s spy… And him being a demon did not once cross her mind.

“Let’s go to him.”

And so they did.

On the training grounds, Greg was alone, covered in sweat gripping his sword tightly. He was trembling, but the movement was precise. It meant that Greg did it repeatedly… thousands of times.

“Hm? Mister Leon… Miss Naty? Why are- … D-Duke Torum!? W-Why a-are y-y-y-y…”

“No need to panic… We’re here just to… talk.”

“...With me?”

“Yes. There were some rumours, and we need to check them.”

Greg’s legs started visibly shaking… It isn’t certain if it was due to his excessive training, or his nervousness.

“...W-w-what kind… of r-rumours?”

Even a dumbass could tell that Greg had something to hide… But what exactly?

“Before that… Greg, you know that Naty is a Saint, right?”


“Then, do you know about her ability to detect lies?”


He didn’t.

“You didn’t know?”

Greg remembered all the things he said in front of the Saint… His eyes started tearing up, but he held it in.


He sounded weak.

“Then, please, answer our questions honestly.”

Greg just nodded.

“Did you, or did you not collude with demons.”


It caught him off guard.

“Just yes or no.”

“No! I would never!”

“It’s truth.”

Leon sighed with relief.

But Torum too asked a question.

“Were you meeting some people lately, Greg?”

“...w-what kind of people?”

“In all black and with masks.”

Greg looked at Naty and then back at Torum.


He tried to say it quietly so that Naty won’t hear… But she did.

“It’s a lie.”


“...Greg… Just tell us… Don’t make this worse.”

Leon wanted to help him.

“I… can’t…”

“That’s a lie.”


At this moment Greg’s anxiety took over and started wobbling from side to side.

His legs gave out and he started falling.

Leon caught him.

“It’s okay Greg. You don’t need to worry that much. I know that you did nothing wrong.”

Leon’s smile worked on both women and men alike. So Greg started talking.

“...My parents… They ask me to report everything I hear and see in the Academy to those people… They told me to keep my mouth shut… I don’t like disobeying them…”

“Is that all?”

“N-No… I also planted packages in different spots… I don’t know what was inside…”

“Who are they?”

“I… I don’t know… But from what I can tell… They are probably just some thugs… They behave like ones…”

“This concludes it. Duke Torum, I think this kid was forced to work for some criminals by his parents. He’s no demon. So he shouldn’t be punished.”

Greg felt guilty towards his parents but had no courage to speak right now.

“No, he is an accomplice, moreover, what he said can’t be entirely true. We could not trace those people. After losing sight of them, they disappeared… My men wouldn’t let them go for no reason… People like that are no ordinary thugs, that I’m sure of.”

“But he didn’t lie?”

“He might not know of it himself… He might think that those were no demons… but in fact… They most probably are…”

“But then… He isn’t guilty, right?”

“A crime is a crime… Be it under the command of his parents or on his own… he will be prosecuted…But… We still need to check the most important thing.”

Torum took a transparent bowl and a knife out from the pouch hanging on his belt.

“What are you… No, do we really need to do the test? He already said that he is-”

“Just like he said that he didn’t collude with demons? Young Saintess, I mean no offence, but you are naive. If he thinks he is a human… That doesn’t mean he actually is. Demons are known to brainwash their own.”

As he finished saying those words, Torum sliced his hand and blood started flowing into the bowl.


Naty felt that she was doing something wrong. Sure, she didn’t like Greg that much because he lied a lot… But he had a reason… or more like he was forced to… In the end, he isn’t guilty. Greg is just a child who could not go against his abusive parents… A sweet and innocent child… She knew he was like that from the very beginning.

“...It’s okay.”

Greg didn’t think of it as a bad thing.

“I don’t mind it… I committed a crime, so I need to be punished. I knew this day will come… I just… I just didn’t want to disappoint mom and dad… They might not be the best parents… But they still took care of me… Someone who isn’t even their child… As for the test… I know who I am. So it doesn't really matter.”

Naty’s heart tightened after hearing his honest words. Leon too couldn’t help but frown. At this point, Naty wanted Greg on the team no less than Tera… And it was better than rotting in prison.

“Good. Give me your hand then. It won’t take long.”

Greg came closer and did as told. Torum wasn’t gentle and just made a quick cut. 

Blood rushed into the bowl… Drop after drop it filled the bowl… His blood was no different than that of Torum. It was red, just a bit fresher.

A mere seconds later, the test could be called finished.

And when looking from the side… There was a line in the middle.

A line that did not let Greg’s blood mix with Torum’s.


Greg… was a demon.

“...No way.”

Everyone was in shock.

But not Torum.

“...Leon… What do we do with captured demons?”


“And if they know nothing?”

Leon closed his eyes and hardened his face.


Leon unsheathed his sword.

“M-Mr. Leon?”

“Leon?! What are you doing!?”

Naty couldn’t stand there and watch.

Even if he was a demon… It felt wrong… 

“Naty… Close your eyes…”

“You…!? I… I’m sorry…”

Her last words were not aimed at Leon… No matter how bad she might feel… Naty knew it should be done… Her whole being hated demons… But she could not watch it this time… 

She ran away in tears.

“It’s for the better.”

Torum opened the door for her.

Leon slowly made his way to Greg.

He had some regrets about killing him, but it wasn’t enough to stop him.

“...Am I… really a demon?”

Greg wanted to deny it…But it made sense.

After everything Torum said and showed… Greg too was convinced.

The boy thought about his life to this point.

Only dark memories flashed through his head… Although… Lance’s face beamed with light in the end… but that’s it.

Tears started flowing as his death was approaching.

“Will I… die?”

Leon saw similar sights before, so he did not waver. 

No mercy could be seen in Leon’s eyes… Only cold, golden shine.

Even Leon himself would be surprised at how vile they seem at such moments.

Greg hung his head and sobbed.

“...I did nothing wrong… I… I don’t want to die…”

Leon didn’t stop.

“...Life…It is…”

He raised his sword.



Greg had no hope.

He just thought that it was indeed like that… Unfair.

His whole life he was jealous of others.

Kids that played around and didn’t have to work. Rich men who ate tasty food in the restaurant. Recruits who didn’t need to train hard to be on the top of the list… He wanted to be like them… Or at least live better than… this.

One day, he saw a ray of hope. Lance, the Hero. He chose him. He saw something in him. Something that no other could see. Greg thought it was fate. God’s will, that answered his prayers. If he were to be on the Hero’s team… He could live his own life. Make choices… And have fun.

Even though he knew it would never happen. Greg couldn’t help but immerse himself in fantasy in the last moments of his life.

Lance was the person who gave him hope… and a smile before his death.

Leon’s sword was flying at Greg with tremendous strength and Killing Intent… His time has come.


“I do agree with your statement… But you have no right to say it.”

A man appeared out of the shadows and blocked the blow.

“What!? Who?!”

Torum was surprised to see him. So surprised that he forgot about his always serious look and composed stance.

Leon too was surprised… But less, as he saw it before.
