Chapter 35 – Her day as a Noble
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Juliet heard the footsteps of someone around her. She didn't immediately open her eyes, a reflex overtook her when she felt someone pressing her leg area. In a huff she reached out and tugged at the stranger's clothes and gave a threatening look. They had to know that they couldn't easily hurt Juliet.

"My lady, it's me," the voice of a servant girl sounded frightened.

Juliet immediately let her go and took a breath. She was used to being in war situations. Where she must be ready to fight when there was a change in the aura around her. Someone could have tried to kill her in her sleep. She forgot that she was no longer in the Taverin or the army barracks.

She was in her own house. The grandest mansion in the famous Lapella. A house full of luxury and servants who were always ready to take care of their daily lives.

"Gosh, Rebecca..I'm sorry," Juliet was fully awake now. She stepped down.

"I just wanted to cover you with a blanket, my lady. Do you think an assassin is after your life again?" Rebecca asked. She was a descendant of a mixed-blood vampire who had freckles in the area of ​​her nose and eyes.

Juliet did not immediately respond. She walked to the window. It was evening now. She saw hundreds of rose bushes with half-opened buds scattered across her lawn. There was a gardener working there. Even though the Dubois family only consisted of four people—their mansion was never deserted.

Duke Dubois was the ruler of Lapella. He refused to work outside the home. He built an office in his own house so that many people visited their mansion regularly for business.

It has been more than a week, Juliet was now safe and comfortable at home. She took a hot bath every day, the concerned maids did everything to restore the beauty of her dry and rough skin. They even brought in a beautician to take care of her hair and nails. Her worries didn't come true. Juliet regained her beauty with just a few treatments.

The servants returned to having fun with her. They choose beautiful dresses and dress her up. Juliet has a beautiful face and hair. Her body was also more curvy than most girls though not too much. They commented that Juliet should be ready to get married and complained why Duke Dubois had not yet chosen a fiancé for her.

Her parents were very picky, but if they took too long they worried that Juliet would become a spinster. She was almost nineteen years old. Whereas the noble girls around her were engaged at fifteen and married at eighteen.

Juliet tries to adapt back to her old life. But it was not very easy. She was used to living in a war situation. Having someone change her clothes and prepare her bath water sometimes makes her feel guilty. She used to feel very angry because her parents made her go through all those hard and far from comfortable days on the battlefield. But now, Juliet felt grateful to have experienced it.

She became less spoiled and less dependent on others. She is now independent although occasionally she was willing to be served. Juliet now has a new world to live in — other than the normal lives of noble girls.

"Masters and young masters are waiting for you in the dining room, my lady," Rebecca said after she finished dressing her lady.

Juliet still thinks this was a dream. She didn't expect to be home so soon. She should still be in the military for at least the next four years. The girl fingered the railing in front of her room, which was made of polished, expensive wood. The floor of the house was made of marble. There was a majestic crystal chandelier that made it seem as if entering a fairy tale world.

Veronica Dubois made sure she had the best house in Lapella. Because she likes to throw parties.

"Juliet, good morning," Arthur Dubois greeted her warmly. His father had a youthful appearance and hair similar to her and Jasper's. A beautiful silver color and a handsome face. Vampires didn't age easily, but one could see that he was more senior because he always wore glasses. Vampires couldn't actually be nearsighted. Arthur wore it because it made him look wiser.

"Do you sleep well?" Jasper also greeted her kindly. Juliet could see that Jasper was unwell. His skin was much paler than usual and the veins were evenly distributed on the back of his hand.

"Are you alright? Maybe you need to drink more," Juliet commented.

"Mother will be home in a minute with my food," said Jasper.

"Juliet, have a seat," Arthur asked her. The girl pulled up her chair and sat there. She felt awkward. She had been separated from his family for so long that she couldn't be as indulgent as she used to be. She also still feels disappointed, because of her father's decision, who sent her to the military for reasons she couldn't really understand.

They kept Juliet away from the proposals of Rasputin's men who might want to use her to gain control of Lapella. That's what Jasper said a while ago. According to Arthur, the military barracks was the safest place for her. They didn't want Rasputin to approach Lapella so much that they sent their daughter of marriageable age in danger. During the four years of her past life—they had barely sent word. They let their daughter become a spinster. They surprised her with the news that Romeo D'Artagnan was her fiancé, but at that time Juliet was too angry and wanted to rebel. Juliet didn't reply to her father's letter at all.

Why in this second life, do they bring her home? Were they sure this time there was no need to be wary of the Rasputins? After all, didn't Juliet have the right to refuse anyone who approaches her? Why did they think Juliet could be willing to marry a Rasputin? Lapella was a fairly neutral region. Even though their Duke sided with Florence, many Rasputins were living there. So interactions with Rasputin were not uncommon.

Juliet was approached by Rasputin's men before she entered the military. Maybe it was that incident that made her father hide her in the military barracks. He was worried that something worse could happen. Although Juliet still felt that reason was too weak to send his only daughter to war. Duke Dubois was only afraid of losing his power over Lapella. As a leader, he really had to think about his people.

Despite her disappointment, Juliet couldn't really hate her father. However, he still couldn't give the cheerful and sincere smile that his family knew before. Juliet was mostly silent and smiled as needed.

"Juliet, what must I do to make you forgive me?" Arthur Dubois clasped his daughter's hand with a mournful expression.

Juliet was still hurt by her father's selfish actions. They let her suffer and be lonely.

"I don't know," Juliet looked away.

"I'm not going to criticize Juliet, what you did to her was outrageous. Juliet almost died," Jasper responded furiously.

"I know, it's terrible. I can't stop blaming myself for it. But at that time I thought you should be pretty safe there. The generals have promised to look after you."

The general would look after her? Maybe that was true. For almost two years Juliet lived invisibly there. She was ignored. But the death of Theodore as her protector may have changed the course of the story. The generals were more busy dealing with the war which turned unfavorable for Florence. No one stands in the way when Juliet is finally forced to join the front lines and ends up being Rasputin's prisoner.

"At least you can tell me an honest reason, so I don't have to hold my anger on you guys. I thought I was an outcast," Juliet turned grim.

For days she arrived back in Lapella. Her father and mother avoided discussing their harsh decision. They prefer to act as if nothing happened. Only this time Arthur deliberately brought it up.

"Back then, the Dubois family was weak. You know, Rasputin really put pressure on me. I don't want you two to be forced to their side. I just panicked," Arthur looked contemptuous.

"Jasper and I won't be siding with Rasputin that easily,"

"You have no idea, they're really good at persuading. You two are father's weakness. So—"


"I don't want to talk about it anymore," Juliet didn't want her family relationship to deteriorate. At least in this second life her family seemed to care more about her.

Returning to Lapella was something she had always looked forward to for years. But this time, Juliet felt herself incomplete. She still had Apollon shriveled up like a dagger that she always carried under her dress. It reminded her of her past struggles.

"I want to go back to the Taverin. I still have work to do there," said Juliet.

For almost a week, Juliet thought and considered many things. About what she wants to do, what her future would be like. She believed that she couldn't go back to being the ordinary noble girl she used to be.

"No," both Arthur and Jasper responded in unison.

"You almost died,"

"You're not young anymore, Juliet. I'm selecting your fiancée,"

"I can get married after the war is over. Give me three years."

"No, Juliet," Jasper looked at her angrily. At first glance Juliet was afraid.

"I am now a wielder of a cursed weapon. Uncle Theodore must have explained it to you, right? Florence needs me," Juliet said.

"Get married, give birth to a son who will inherit the weapon later. That's all I can promise you. Juliet, you can't go back to the military anymore," Arthur Dubois insisted.