Arc XII Chapter 27
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Arc XII Chapter 27


Resting under the nearby tree, Kakashi was still licking his wounds, while keeping Sakura company. The fight had certainly taken its toll on him. More than he liked to admit. Was it his age, or was he just out of shape? He suspected the latter. The past years had mellowed him. Unsurprisingly, he had lost some of his edge since his ANBU days. 


Kakashi turned his attention to his former and current disciple. Fortunately, the worst had passed. Semi conscious, but alive, Naruto was lying on the ground, his head resting on a stack of fresh spare clothes. Meanwhile, Temari and Chiyo were busy gathering some firewood and were preparing to cook; commendable on their part. Better than just ration pills every day ... Having to swallow them every day was a painful experience. “Nutritious” as they might be, their edibility left a lot to be desired ... even by his standards. 


Kakashi observed Naruto. Ignoring his blood sullied jacket, it was as if he was sleeping. Peacefully, no less. “What’s his status, Sakura?” 


“His condition has improved greatly”, Sakura responded, a smile on her lips. Her initial worries had mostly dissipated by now, that much was apparent. “His wound has mostly mended itself. His chakra has stabilised. At this point, it is only a matter of time before he regains consciousness. Judging by his condition, a few hours at most. He should be ready again by tomorrow, Kakashi-sensei.”


“...” Kakashi nodded. That was what he wanted to hear ... The ground vibrated. Someone ... Someone was coming. It was them, wasn’t it?


Kakashi glanced sidewards, eyeing their newcomers. As expected, it was an old friend leading the way, his face sober, his eyes serious. They all came to a halt right before them, standing around them. 


Guy was the first to speak, hardly winded despite their tempo. The same couldn’t be said for Shikamaru and his team. They were practically dripping sweat. “Kakashi, we came as fast as possible.” He grinned, his thumb extended. His grin, however, faltered the moment his eyes fell on Naruto. “We were told that you have encountered some difficulties. So it was true.”


“...” Kakashi merely nodded. “It was a tough fight ... even when the enemy was only a doppelganger.”


“Tsk, you too?” Shikamaru clicked his tongue, betraying his annoyance. “We also fought one. It was this shark guy, Hoshigaki Kisame. I remember his face from the briefing files. The No-tailed Monster of Kirigakure. He was quite the tough nut to crack.”


Kakashi nodded thoughtfully. “I see. They expected both of us.”


“That aside ...” Skikamaru cast his eyes around. “Anyone else that got wounded?”


“Me.” Sakura interjected, putting her healing aside for the moment. “I got hit too. Directly in the shoulder, but it was mostly just a flesh wound. Nothing serious.” Sakura showed her shoulder, her wound patched up, the burns and cauterised skin still visible. 


“...” Shikamaru, nor Guy, nor anyone else for that matter looked particularly convinced about her so called “flesh wound”. 


“...” Guy spoke. “What about you, Kakashi? What about the rest of you? Are you okay?”


“More or less.” Kakashi dispelled their worries with a hand wave. “Our chakra reserves are depleted and we are a bit exhausted, but besides that, everything is fine.”


“...” Shikamaru pondered, his hands in his pockets. “Who was it? Who did you fight? Was it the Uchiha? Itachi? Or the explosion guy? Or was it this Sasori we heard about?”


“Neither of them.” A sigh escaped Kakashi. “She was more than enough on her own. As a matter of fact, you all probably know her.”


“She?” Shikamaru furrowed an eyebrow, his wariness and suspicion instantly triggered the moment the word fell. 


“...” Guy clenched his fists, his fire rekindled. “Tell us, Kakashi, who was it?” 














“It was Asami.”


Kakashi glanced around. “Everyone ready?”


A nod went through the ranks. Everyone was prepared. Everyone was resolved to fight. Only a boulder and a stubborn seal protecting it separated them now from the enemy.


“Neji! Status.”


The Byakugan user reported, his white eyes observing the seal. “The seal has weakened substantially. The technique was successful. We should now be able to break through.”


“Understood.” Kakashi nodded. His suggestions worked, both removing the various tags as well as injecting chakra. As suggested and thanks to his Byakugan and gentle fist, he was able to disrupt the seal’s ley lines and thus disrupt the circulation of chakra through bursts of chakra. The effect was immediate. The seal’s performance had diminished and its potency declined. It was time to shine. They should be now able to remove the boulder. “Guy ... Lee ... Your time.”


They both jumped backwards, putting some distance between them and the boulder for the run up. It was time to strike. 


Guy cracked his knuckles, a sparkling grin on his face. “Lee, let’s show these Akatsuki the power of youth!!!”


Lee raised his thumb, the same grin on his face. “Yes, Guy-sensei!!!”


That was the answer that Guy wanted to hear. “Then let’s goooooooooooooo!!!” They both started sprinting, their chakra propelling them forwards. They rushed. They charged. “AAAAaaaarghhhhhhHHHHH!!!”


“I hate to keep people waiting. But what I hate even more is when people keep me waiting ...”, Sasori grumbled behind his mask, complaining as usual. “... ... ... What are they waiting for? What is taking them so long? Can’t they get past a little seal?”


“Hmmmm, who knows, Master Sasori.” Deidara shrugged his shoulders, his tone faintly mocking. “Maybe our precious friends are less skilled than previously anticipated, hmmmm. What do you think, Asami?” Their domestic explosives expert turned to her, his words were directed at her. Her opinion was requested. After some consideration, his request was granted. 


Asami merely chuckled, throning upon her cushion, her hand armed with a teacup. Her lips savoured the gentle aroma of her favourite blend of chamomile tea. Ever the impeccable princess, she was a paragon of proper decorum, reminiscent of more civilised times. The fragrance, the warmth of her tea calmed her body and mind while conversing. It was a delight.  “Well, frankly speaking, their arts ... left to be desired, to say the least. Their competency ... underwhelming. Their lack of capabilities aside, it would be remiss to underestimate them, I guess. Weak as they might be, their strength lies in their numbers or whatever.”


“Fair enough”, Deidara more or less seemed to agree, his hand already munching on his explosive clay. “Hmmmm. So it’s business as usual then. Small fries. Dangerous in numbers.”


“... ... ...” Sasori continued grumbling, much less gregarious and affable than his partner, but such was well known. “... ... ...”


“Affirmative.” Asami smiled, depositing her teacup on her impromptu table. As it turned out, Tobi performed admirably and made for an excellent piece of living furniture, namely for an excellent table. 


Tobi lifted his head, still holding his posture with the stiffness of a board of wood. Straightening his back, he served as her personal table, carrying her tea service.  “Asami-senpai~, when can Tobi stop being a table? It is cold and dark and dark and cold. Tobi not liking it down here on the ground.”


“...” Asami sipped on her teacup, although her supply of tea was steadily dwindling. Her cup had once again emptied by now. How dreadful. “Tobi, ... what did I tell you? What are you?” 


Tobi started pondering, the few gears in his head working. “Hmm, Asami-senpai~ said Tobi is a table.”


Asami nodded. “Correct. Do tables talk, Tobi?”


“... No.” Tobi lowered his head, a hint of disappointment in his voice. 


Asami nodded once more. “Right, does Tobi talk then?”


“... No.” Tobi understood now.


“Exactly.” Asami smiled before extending her teacup. “And now, if you would be so kind, a refill, please.”


“...” Tobi lifted his right hand, reaching for the teapot placed on his back just as ordered. Steaming water poured into her cup, filling it to the brim without wasting a single drop and without trying to scald her in the process. A laudable performance. He had certainly improved. 


And thus Asami came to enjoy her tea once more. Her new found joy, however, was short lived. 


The boulder blocking the entry exploded, shattered, blasted, cracked apart by raw force. Splinters were sent flying in a shower of stone and rock, shooting in every direction, even forcing her to dodge an incoming projectile sailing past her head, much to her dismay. 


“They are here. Finally.” Sasori groaned, his eyes more bloodshot than usual. “Took them long enough.” 


Deidara smirked. “Better late than never, I guess. Hmmmm.”


“...” Asami narrowed her eyes before resuming sipping on her teacup, a pointed glare directed at their uninvited guests. “Not even bothering to knock. Not a shred of courtesy. We truly must live in uncivilised times.”
