Ch. 007 – The corruption spreads
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Ch. 007 - The corruption spreads


"Ram, what's wrong?", asks Rom as the twin candidates fly through the air at breakneck speed, winds rushing all over their bodies as they head towards home. Lowee, the cold northern part of the main continent. Their home, where Blanc and Mina are waiting.

"I'm h-h-horny! Horny!!! It's so unbearable right now, I c-can't c-c-c-"

Ram's obvious suffering due to her attention-demanding body makes Rom fly over and try embracing her a little... which leads to the two losing control of their flight magic and almost smashing into a row of large trees!


Skidding for several dozen meters across the ground, the two girls finally come to a stop, cold icy mud covering them all over.

"Ram? RAM! Are you alright!?", Rom shouts with major alarm, looking around where exactly her sister has crashed. Then she notices she only has to look down.

"Mgmgmhmg! G-Get off me!", comes the angry reply.

"Oh sorry, I'm sorry!", Rom says and quickly goes off her sister who accidentally cushioned her landing.

"Pff, pff, bwah! *Spit* N-Next time I'll just keep my mouth shut..."

As the two get their bearings and look around, they can tell from the various needle trees that they're on Loweenian ground, although they're not exactly sure where.

Smoke columns rise somewhere in the distance, and with the sun close to disappearing below the horizon, they decide to head in that direction. After all, smoke suggests civilisation.

The trek does not take long and the two arrive at a small village. Various wooden lodges line the main street illuminated by aesthetically pleasing hololamps, while the snow is swept carefully off the walkways. People in thick winter coats walk around going about their business, but it does not take long until someone spots her.

A middle-aged man looking like a typical lumberjack, with a stubble on his chin and thick arms as well as a bandanna to keep his dark hair back, approaches the two girls.

"Hail, travellers. Welcome to Hollijolli Village, one of many in the countryside of Lowee, under protection of Her Divinity Lady Blanc. My name's Gerald, a simple lumberjack, and who might you be?"

By now, a small crowd of people has gathered. Evidently these people don't get many visitors, which ought to be expected of a country as cold and often inhospitable as Lowee.

"My name is Rom, and this is my sister Ram.", Rom starts with Ram silently nodding. "We are the White Sisters of Blanc, actually. Could we stay somewhere here for the night, please? We'll pay for lodging of course."

Murmurs immediately go through the crowd; nobody expected to see the sisters themselves in the flesh so far away from the capital. As they look closer, just seeing their faces somehow makes their claim completely believable - a common and convenient side effect of being a CPU or Candidate.

"MWAHAHAHAH! Of course, of course. We have a nice inn for weary travellers, so just follow me."

"Then please, if it's not inconveniencing you."

"MWAHAHAH! No no, that's fine. Let's go get you cleaned up and rested."

After that introduction, the people disperse and mostly go back to what they were doing, although a few onlookers remain. Mostly children who have never seen Lady Blanc before and now notice that her two sisters are actually roughly their own age. In appearance, at least.

Gerald leads the two to the local inn, "The Golden Eagle", and steps inside to announce the presence of what by their standards is royalty.

"Good evening, we're Rom and Ram. Could we stay the night, please?"

As the innkeeper, a middle-aged blonde woman sees the two, she can only wordlessly nod for a moment before handing over a key. Rom takes it and asks for the baths.


"A hotspring!" Ram shouts with enthusiasm, before dive-bombing right in.

"Rom! That's not what Blanc told us how to bathe in public!", her blue-haired sister comments before slowly entering herself.

Having gotten the worst of the grime already off during their short shower, the two girls try enjoying the soak in the wonderfully warm water, ringed by stones and a wooden fence. Thankfully the place is currently vacated other than themselves, so they can just enjoy it for a moment.

That is, until Ram can no longer hold herself back.

"Roooom! Please! Do me now, I can't bear this anymore!", she more or less whines.

Rom thus moves over and starts kissing and folding her beloved sister, taking extra care off all her favourite spots.

"Mhm, ah, mwah, *Kiss, kiss*!"

Considering how horny Ram already is, cumming from Rom's touches takes barely any effort, and she can finally think clearly again. She must have been really suffering beforehand.

After this, the two remain a little while longer in the warm water, giggling happily while lightly touching one-another, until it is finally time to get out.

Their provided night robes are a little coarse but warm wool, and the room is also not anything special as one would expect from such a place, yet its rustic charm makes it very cosy. A bed, a night-stand, a bigger desk with a lamp, and a big drawer. All made from wood, befitting the general aesthetic.

"...I can't sleep. Let's have more sex, Rom!", Ram eventually admits as the two lie in the big, two-person bed.

"Ram...", Rom answers curtly and rolls over, staring her pink-haired, blue-eyed sister right in the face. Despite the darkness surrounding them, their eyes glow faintly and thus they know exactly where the other is. Both their faces flush red a little, and they share another kiss.

Rom's hand slowly makes its way under Ram's clothes, and Ram answers the gesture by doing the same. Ram's excitement quickly gets the better of her and she moves over and onto Rom, opening her own top as well as her sister's, and moves down so they lie on top of each other. More passionate kissing ensues, with the pink-haired girl pushing her tongue forward and into Rom's waiting mouth.

Their movements slowly grow more uncontrolled, more wild as their nipples touch one-another and they go out of breath, breaking the kiss for a moment, only to indulge in each other's bodies again seconds later.

As usual, it does not take very long until both of them climax, a white fluffy void taking them for a few moments.

"I love you, Ram."

"I love you too, Rom! Please always stay with me!"

"Ehehe... I will, I will."

As the two, now once again side-to-side, embrace each other, sleep eventually takes them.


"*Knock, knock, knock* Ne---ar! *Knock, knock* Nep---ar! *Knock knock knock knock knock* Nepgear!"

Several shouts and incessant knocking come from outside her room. Judging by the sound, it's her older sister, the CPU of Planeptune. Neptune. A young-looking girl with short lavender hair, two distinctive, d-pad-shaped hair-clips, and a penchant for silly jokes.

...As well as not being known for patience.

*BLAM*! The door swings open, and in enters Neptune... only to find her sister and her sister's friend in a rather compromising position.

"Wh-Wh-What are you doing, nepu!? Did my darling sister unlock the Uni route already!? How lewd!"

"S-Sis! I told you you can't just barge into my room when it suits you!"

"Well if I'd known about this, I probably wouldn't have. Anyway, you didn't come for dinner OR breakfast, so I was getting worried, you know?"

"Ahem, that's probably my fault..."

With the situation as it is, Neptune at least has enough tact to let the two off and get washed and dressed.

Sitting on the bed, she then has the two love-birds sit on the floor. It makes her remarkably look like Histoire for once, the irony evidently lost on the small CPU.

"Blah blah yadda-yadda-yadda blah... and anyway, not eating your food is bad. What if you starve by accident? Blah-de-blah-de-blah-blah-blah..."

Thus goes the five hour lecture, which was really only fifteen minutes, until Nepgear and Uni have had enough and surprise Neptune with a dual tackle.

"Stop being a hypocrite, sis! You're worse than Histy right now!"

"I agree, this isn't like you. I know you, you're way more easy-going than this!"

"H-Huh!? Nepu! I was just worried about you two! And also, why are you so... wait, ARE YOU BOTH IN HDD!?"

It finally occurs to Neptune that Uni has white hair only in HDD form, because normally it's black like Noire's, and now she understands that she might just be in a little danger.


"Yes, Nepgear?"

"Let's strip her and work on that potty mouth of hers."

"Wh-Wh-What!? Stop thi- mmfhfhgg!", Neptune is rather rudely interrupted in her complaining as Nepgear kisses the more diminutive girl.

As she and Uni work their proverbial magic by pushing Neptune's clothes aside, taking her panties off, and trying to touch and pleasure her so she will finally shut up for once, Neptune herself doesn't know what to do for perhaps the first time in her life.

"Please excuse me. Normally this would be reserved for Nepgear, but since you're her sister...", Uni begins, although Neptune can't see what the white-haired candidate is doing until she feels Uni's breath on her pussy and dig right in.

A powerful jolt of pleasure rushes straight to her brain and her body immediately goes slack from it. Her eyes take on a more vacant expression and her mouth more or less works on auto-pilot now. This actually surprises the two other girls, who'd have thought that someone as boisterous as Neptune wouldn't be a weak virgin and offer some more resistance than this... not they themselves were all that different until literally the day before or so.

The unknown feelings push Neptune's arousal forcefully onward, and she begins to notably sweat and heave. Nepgear's fondling of her flat chest and kissing, combined with Uni's decently skilled oral service, eventually makes her cum... and cum hard at that. A muffled scream escapes from her, and she goes completely still for about a minute or so.

Suddenly worried they overdid it, Nepgear shouts something, but Neptune eventually comes to...


"Goodness, we're sorry! We're really sorry! I don't know what overcame me!"

"Me as well! I'm really sorry about this!"

The two candidates prostrate themselves on the floor, having realised what the heck they just did to Neptune.

Neptune, sitting on the bed again with her clothes more or less back in place (if with a dishevelled look and hair more messy than usual), can only look aside and scratch her chin.

"T-To be fair, this whole situation was pretty weird from start to finish. But! You can't just rape someone into submission! That's heinous and evil! Something not even Arbore would do!", the young-looking CPU points at them with her middle-finger to emphasise the point. "Still... *Sigh*, I'll forgive you this time because... uh... you know."

"Because it felt good?", Uni offers, a second too late realising what she just said.

"Uni!", Nepgear stares at her, aghast.


"No, no, she's right. It actually felt good, so... uhm... ah, nepu! What the heck am I saying!? And why do I have this sudden urge to go into---"

Promptly interrupted by herself, something probably only Neptune is capable of, a blindly bright white light fills the room.

"Stooop! Don't play 'Will Be Venuuuu---'!!!", Neptune tries to protest as the familiar music track begins, indicating she's going into HDD!

The Planeptunian CPU can feel her body grow in size and by several years, her hair filling out and becoming much longer while putting itself into the familiar twin brains capped off by glowing orbs... which promptly turn into long, hard light blades. Her arms and legs are covered in black gloves and socks with cyan-and-purple lights as her shoes materialise with slight heels. Around her neck forms a black collar with an angular design, and below it a tattoo matching those of Nepgear and Uni appears. As her original clothes completely turn into particles, a very small amount reforms of her much-expanded breasts and lower body, giving an appearance similar to a very skimpy bikini with chain-like elements covered in more lights.

Eight huge, semi-holographic wings made from purple light cover her back while floating, angular devices made from void-black metal gather around her head, her shoulders, and her hips. But the most disturbing change to her usual HDD style are her eyes - they glow the typical power symbol, but there is also something else. Something almost baleful flickers just behind her comprehension.

"Ooooooooh!", comes the low and deep voice that Purple Heart usually has as she understands what just happened.

She can feel power. So much power.

With a distinct mix of awe and terror, the candidates in front of her look on. Nepgear in particular is downright disturbed by the feeling her sister suddenly radiates off. Uni is more receptive to the new look, her awe eventually winning out.

"Lady Purple Heart, you look amazing!"

"Thank you dearly, but you need not call me 'Lady' or anything. We're all equals here, are we not?"

"S... Sis?"

"Yes, Nepgear? Is there something you would like to know?", the newly-corrupted CPU asks, with a tone of grace and self-sureness which even in this form she rarely has.

"You... look kinda like us now. Are you alright?", Nepgear asks in turn, with concern obvious in her voice.

Neptune... no, Purple Heart, dismisses the thought and instead holds her gloved hand under Nepgear's chin and gives her a short kiss.


"Perish the thought. I feel fine. Better than fine, I haven't felt this good and powerful in many decades. Whatever you two did was very beneficial and I thank you for it.", with which Purple Heart hugs her sister, assuring her that she's still the one she loves so much.

"Still, there's something I need to take care of. Uni, you would know what I mean, don't you?"

"Yeah. Noire, isn't it?"

"Indeed... I need to show her this. You don't mind, do you?"

"What? Sis, wai---"

"Fine by me. Sis has been lonely for so long, but as always she's too smug to admit to it. Please be good to her."

Summoning her sword, the katana blade even larger than usual, Purple Heart heads towards the windowsill and only shortly looks backward over her shoulder.

"Oh, I will."

And with that, she flies off at a speed even the Candidates could not manage before...

"...Should we really have just let her go like that, Nepgear?"

The white-haired candidate turns towards her purple-haired equivalent, searching for the reason she's being so wary of the thing they just allowed to happen. A strange sense of doubt flares up in her mind, and with everything that went on so far, she starts to feel that something is very, very off.

Black Sister gets up, grabs Purple Sister by the arm, and wordlessly heads out the room.

"Uni? W-Wait, where are we going!?"

"We need to look for Histy. I think we just made a terrible mistake!"

Hello, and thank you for reading this chapter. As always, if you have constructive criticism or questions, please feel free to voice them in the comment section.

Have a nice day~