“So, how’s your day been?”
I scratched my wrist as uncomfortability made my nerves act like wild. After seeing Talia on the road again after a whole month of not seeing her, I had assumed she died or something. She’s homeless and walking with a severe limp, so I just assumed she got infected, then died out there.
Not to mention the last time I saw her was also the last time I found a weird fan of mine who just wouldn’t leave me alone. I let my mind run to dark places for no reason because of the admittedly startling interaction. I mean, that woman showed me a picture of me covered in lip marks. How could I not let my mind wander?
Once I waved and greeted her, I began walking in the direction of the pharmacy, and I assumed she would split off at some point. However, she moved my way, and walked just fast enough so she could walk right next to me.
Talia tried to keep her hood over her head, but no matter how many times she covered her face, the wind would blow it right off. The wind was a rather large nuisance, but it did me a favor by giving me a reason to distract myself from my excruciating headache.
“It’s good to see you’re alright.” I said, fighting against my nerves.
The woman says something. Such a fascinating turn of developments. I still couldn’t make heads or tails about her except that she probably had a hard life. Otherwise, she seemed like nothing but a blank slate.
“You never told me you were an author.” Talia brought up out of nowhere. “I wondered why I recognized your name.”
She dug through her cloak, and suddenly she took out Loving Gates. Not only was it one of my books, but it was the special cover, where they took a dramatic screenshot of the movie and used it as the cover. I hated the absolute laziness of it, but it gave me money, and no one can complain when they were profiting from the laziness.
“I’m guessing you’re another one of my fans?” I asked. It was impertinent for me to ask, since it seemed that fans of my stories just started popping up left and right lately.
“Nah. I remember reading this back in the homeland, but I never liked it. It’s just too depressing.”
I had to blink several times as my mind went in multiple directions all at once. I had met several people who were fans of my books, and a few that just didn’t read it, but this was the first time I had met someone that read it and just didn’t like it. And it’s for a reason that I didn’t like it too much as well. There weren’t as many smiles as there should have been.
“That’s interesting.” What else could I say? She said her peace, and there’s nothing else that I could do to change her mind. My goal is to get the books well known, not to force everyone to like them. However, my mind locked onto something she said, and if I used it effectively, I could make this conversation less awkward. “So you’re not from America?”
Talia shook her head. “I moved here, hoping to start a new life for myself. As you can tell, that didn’t go too well.”
“Did you try and get a job?”
“Yeah, and I’m still waiting for a phone call.”
You poor, poor woman. I didn’t know what people from her country did when denying people their jobs, but here in the good bald eagle country, we give people false hope. The motto of America. Better to give people false ideals than let them know the crushing truths.
“I’m sure they’ll call.” And I was no better. “What’s your home like?”
Talia’s cheeks puffed out as she rolled her tongue around her mouth. It was an interesting idle action to do while thinking, but it didn’t strike me as very cool as looking up at the sky with a finger under my chin did.
“I guess it’s not much different from here.” Talia said. “I remember moving here for the first time with hope in my eyes. My home had its good and bad qualities, and I thought the bad outweighed the good by a wide margin. So, I wanted to change my life, and when I saw the chance to get out of there, I snatched it.
“Our leaders were corrupt, civil unrest was rampant, and crime paid more than working in line. As much as I would like to say, that was all it was, for the life of me, I couldn’t.”
I didn’t ask for her whole life story, but I couldn’t just let her speak her heart out then not listen. That would just have been unbelievably cruel to the nth degree.
“So what was the good in that?” I asked.
“Well, I’d say the companionship I had. There were only a few people one could trust, but when there was someone they could trust in the state I grew up in, you just kind of cherish those few connections. There’s no word in the human language that could articulate the bond I shared with my friends and kin.
“My sister is my world to me. We grew up together through thick and thin, fighting each other’s battles, and protecting ourselves.” Talia chuckled to herself. “I remember when she came home crying because a group of kids had-” She paused. “Picked on her. You should have seen their faces once I knocked on the door.”
“You beat them up?” I asked, prying her to talk more. Her stories were starting to draw me in farther, as if I was listening to an elderly person speak about their life.
“Oh, I did more than just that. Let’s just say they didn’t pick on her again.” She laughed once again before drawing into herself further. “Well, when we grew up, we both went our different paths in life. But, even though we didn’t speak as much anymore, I cherished the few times that we could get together.”
And now she’s in a completely different place, most likely so far away from her family that homesickness wracked her body. This was how we introduced her to the country. Seeing that limp only made me feel sick to my stomach now that I knew more of what she’s been through.
I was about to ask her something, but suddenly, someone called out to the both of us.
“Talia? Ty? What are you doing together?”
I looked to where the voice came from, and when I found the source, I groaned to myself. A giant muscle monster that dared to call himself human walked up to us with a grin on his face. He was the same guy that Harmony arm wrestled with, and even though I was sure I’ve heard his name once before, it escaped me at that moment.
“Thomas? I thought you would be in the poorman district.” Talia greeted the man.
I held back a laugh as the absurdity of such a hulking beast of a man had a simple name like Thomas. It wasn’t particularly funny, but it just seemed so out of place that I couldn’t help but laugh. Thanks to the pain in my head, it was much easier keeping in the laugh than I had assumed it would be.
There was something different about him compared to the last time I saw him. Instead of wearing that leather jacket from before, instead he walked around wearing a gray tank top with the most American design I could imagine. A bald eagle spread its wings, its beak open as if it were about to catch whatever prey it dived to devour. In front of the eagle, was a wavy banner that had the same colors as the American flag.
“So you two know each other?” Thomas asked as he walked alongside us. To passerbys, we had to be the most ragtag trio of people to ever be seen on the sidewalk. It made me want to hide from all the potential gazes we would attract.
“I met Ty while walking to the poorman district before. He gave me something to eat.”
Thomas hummed to himself, then turned his attention to me.
“That’s great man. You know, when I first saw you, I thought you would just have been one of those punks that acted tougher than they actually were. Nice to know you have a heart.”
“Thanks?” I didn’t know if that was supposed to be a compliment or insult, so I just did the easier option and accepted it. “How do you two know each other?”
“Now that’s one hell of a story.” Thomas raised his chin as he looked back on his encounter with the homeless woman. “Damn, it’s hard to remember.”
Talia sighed like the disappointed mother that I knew she could be. “I had moved here and gotten kicked out on the street by my landlord. Thomas and his buddies took me in afterward.”
Such shitty landlords in the world. When Talia brought it up, however, I wondered about what would happen if Harmony refused to pay me on time. Would I have the guts to kick her out? I don’t think I could even if I wanted to. She’d just grab my–
I shook my head. There’s no way she’d do something so heinous. She’s way too kind hearted to do something like what I was thinking.
“So you live with him?” I asked.
Talia shook her head. “He offered, but I couldn’t just take someone’s hospitality for granted like that.”
“It’s not like I’m struggling financially. You could easily live with me and Lyra.”
Talia didn’t answer him, and I sensed that the conversation about that was over. The wind continued to try and bury us alive among the dirt of the buildings, but we continued walking. A wall sat between every one of us, keeping us from truly speaking or listening to one another. There were eyes in the wall, and those eyes were the eyes of a predator.
So, since the killings seem to become more brutal every time our mystery cubbi goes berserk, is it possible that the reason the queen executes anyone that goes berserk once because it awakens something related to the origins of cubbi that might cause humans and cubbi to start mauling each other. (Just random brain thoughts)
ok I'll say it now before it's too late but I hate how the protagonist locks himself in an illusion and how the world misses every shot of reality that literally shoots him has a person with... you know now I think that being from the 3rd world has changed my way of seeing and acting too much on this stage that I call the world