Chapter 1- Why Contex Matters.
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I couldn't stop staring, at everything. The room I stood in was in a word, pink. Pink floral wallpaper, pink carpet, pink closet door, pink dresser, pink bed in the wall's corner, with pink covers and sheets. Hell, even the ceiling was pink. Pink, pink, pink, pink.

The only thing's not pink in the whole room, was a haphazard stack of black suitcases opposite the bed, 3 in total. The other non-pink thing in the room was me. I didn't notice it right away after all it was all so sudden, and there was so much pink everywhere that for a while all I had was pink on the brain. But after the novelty of my unusual surroundings wore off, I began to notice something. Everything was taller than me!

Now I was never a tall man, so being towered over by people and objects was not a new feeling, however, last I checked it had been a very long time since I had to look up at the doorknob. That's when my eyes were finally drawn to the only other non-pink thing in the room. I began to look down.

All kinds of thoughts and questions when through my head at this moment. Was I on crouching on my knees? No, I thought, that is definitely my feet touching the soft carpet. Wait!? Carpet? When did I take my shoes off?

The next question he asked me was a little more puzzling. After looking down at myself, I not only saw my bare feet but just above that was a dark as night blue dress. It took about 30 seconds of thinking and denial to conclude that I was in fact wearing the blue dress. Why?

Also hair? Yes, my bangs were dangling from my forehead. That's not right. I thought, my last hair cut was a week ago, and I got crew cuts ever since my time in the army. Was it a wig?

I pulled at the strands of hair. Nothing, stuck on like it was glued or something. Better not pull anymore, I thought. Don't want to cause my self injury in this strange place by unintentionally waxing my self bald. I felt around my scalp a little more trying to take it off properly. I did, so I found that this wig was complete with a ponytail.

I let out a sigh and said. "What the hell is..." My eyes went wide and my right dominant hand flew to my mouth. That was not my voice. I lowered my hand from my mouth. "... going on?" I finished. The voice was high in pitch and almost squeaky, definitely not my voice. Bring my hand in front of me like that brought something else to light. My hands were tiny! Suddenly someone else spoke responding to my earlier question.

"You don't know?" The new voice said somewhere in the room. If my voice was almost squeaky, this new voice was definitely squeaky without a doubt.

"Who said that!" I barked cringing at the sound of it.

"Me silly!" I Fairy popped in front of my face grinning ear to ear with some kind of satisfaction. "Isn't this great! Some of my best work don't you think?"

"Work? What? You are..." My thought trailed off as I tried to make sense of the woman fluttering before me. This blonde, dragonfly winged, no bigger than a barbie doll, dressed in what appeared to be little more than a green tankini that frilled out around her waist. "What are you? A fairy?" I finally managed.

The fairy look offended "How rude!" she barked. "If you must know I am a pixie." She then said with pride. "and you little miss may call me Tulip."

Little miss? who did this bug think she was talking to? Before I could ask, however, a new mutch deeper voice came from beyond the bedroom door "Lily! Lily! you unpacked yet?"

Unpacked? Before I could finish the thought, the man the voice belonged to opened the door and came inside. A clean shaven Caucasian man with light brown hair cut short. He wasn't muscular or anything, but I could tell he kept fit, and although everything seemed huge to me at the moment, I could tell he was tall. He also had a hard look in his eyes a hat softened when he looked down on me with a fatherly kindness in his eyes. "Ah, so you have started, I see." the man observed looking toward the 3 suitcase pile up opposite the bed. His voice was strong but gentle. "Well do you need any help?" He asked.

I was so confused at this point all I could manage was "Um... No?"

"Are sure sweetie?"

Did he just call me sweetie? "Yeah, sure." I attempted more confidence that time. He seemed to accept my answer that time.

He smiled bent down to one knee looked me the eye's and said. "Well if you're sure, just keep in mind that I am your father now and am more than happy to help, ok." Father? Now I was really confused. "It's getting late, and seeing how you just moved in, your mother and I will not press a bedtime, but just this once!"

I all I could do was smile and nod.

He smiled back and left the room shutting the door behind him. I turned on Tulip who made no attempt to hide and asked, Slowly with as much calm as I could gather. "What is going on?"

The pixie looked confused "What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean what the fuck is going on!?!" Loudly replying to her question with the same question.

"Oh, now  is that nice language for a young lady to be using." She gave a sigh. "I guess you might be used to talking like that, and that's what I'm here to help you adjust to your new life!"

"WHAT NEW LIFE!!!" I was ready to kill this bug answers or no.

The pixie was stunned by this outburst "Uh, the one you wished for?" her voice somehow sounding smaller than in naturally did.

"Wish?! The only wish I can think of, hell the last thing I remember is the park when..." I was beginning to put it together

"YES YES YES!" the pixie interrupted "you remember, great! Now we can get started!"

"Now hold up! would you please explain this wish to me please?"

She was looking worried again "explain?"

"Yes please, your version of it anyway."

"Um, well." she began "I was fluttering by when I saw you sitting there watch those girls, then you said, "Man I wish I could be like them." She looked at me almost hopeful, "So yeah, Haha, wish granted and all that, right?"

Both of my palms came straight to my forehead as I gave an exasperated Noooo." 

"No?" Tulip was now on the verge of panic.

"Context!" I said as I let out a sigh "I just got out of a hard day at the office, and the reason my day was so hard is that, my whole accounting staff stole at least 75% of my money and ran,  I'm just a small business owner I don't have money coming out my ass. So when people you work with day in and day out stab you it the back it drains you. All I was harmlessly wishing for was to have just I bit of youthful energy you know. Ok, I didn't say,"like them." because I wanted to be the same gender as them or be a child again. I just wanted A break was all."

Tulip hung in the air for a few seconds longer, then her wing stopped fluttering causing her to drop like a small stone. I could tell she wasn't taking the new's well. She was, lying in the fetal position crying her poor little eyes, and as satisfied and the still furious part of me was, another part of me could help but feel sorry for her. 

"I fucked up!!" I finally heard her say "I'm sorry." Then she mumbled something else I couldn't make out. Something about her mother?

I pick up the pathetic bug woman and sat on my bed. Placing her on my knee and asked. "Well is there a way to fix this?" 

"Yes." She answered giving me a glimmer of hope. "I'd won't be easy."

"Why not?" I asked

"Because the rule is the for each human the first wish is free, the rest need to be earned." She answered.