chapter 15- The Odd Couple vs The New Kid.
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Two children awoke on a clear Tuesday morning. They got up, bathed, got dressed, ate breakfast, one said goodbye to his parents, The other said goodbye to her grandmother, they grabbed their backpacks, and headed out for school. They then exited their apartments simultaneously. 

"Hey ya, Liz!"

"Hi, Jeramy you sleep well!"

"About all well as usual." 

Jeramy and Elizabeth could be called an odd couple. They were exact opposites in every way, Jeramy was lazy and rebellious, Elizabeth was proactive and obedient. They lived in the same apartment complex since they were born, and over those years they became very good friends despite their differences.

The pair made their way to the bus stop. 

"I wonder if that new kid we were supposed to get yesterday will be coming today?" Jeramy wondered out loud.

Elizabeth's eyes sparkled with delight at the thought of a new friend. "I hope so! I wanted to meet her so badly yesterday!" 

"Yeah, if you don't scare her away." Jeramy's favorite thing in the world was teasing Elizabeth. "Anyway, what do mean she? Mrs. Sanders never said. Did she?"

"Nope! But I can feel it in my heart that she and I will be the best of friends!" 

Jeramy looked at his friend with pure amusement. As he began to laugh, the bus approached. 

Elizabeth glared at her friend. "What are laughing at!" She demanded.

"Oh Liz, never change," Jeramy replied between chuckles. 

"Don't worry, I won't! Humph!" The bus had arrived, Elizabeth was still pouting over being made fun of when she climbed on board.

The trip to school was uneventful. Like any other day.

Walking into the classroom, however, there was one big difference. The new kid had come to school today. 

"Well shit, it is a girl," Jeramy said to Elizabeth, who was no longer by his side and had already made her way to the other side of the room, making a pest of herself. "Ah, Geez."

She talked and talked and talked some more. She was always like this when it came to potential friends. Sadly for Elizabeth, this person looked just as interested in being friends with her as most did. Not at all. 

Poor Liz, if she didn't go from 0 to 60 so damn fast she might actually have friends, besides me. Jeramy though as he draped his backpack straps around the back of his desk chair.

To the new kid made several attempts to get Elizabeth's attention. All failed. Elizabeth continued talking all the way past the bell at then Mrs. Sanders took up the challenge. She was also failing. Jeramy knew that when his friend got like this there was only one way to get her attention. 

Jeramy grabbed an old pink block eraser and threw it at the back of Elizabeth's head.

Elizabeth knowing exactly who did the dead whirled on her friend. Glaring.  

This didn't bother Jeramy in the least, "Haha, Liz you're such a pain!"

"Jeramy!" Mrs. Sanders shouted. "See me before recess!"

Jeramy rolled his eyes and turned to the front. "Yeah sure." Really, I was just helping. Jeramy thought.

"Elizabeth. Please take your seat." Mrs. Sanders said softly. Elizabeth sat.

"Now as some of you have likely noticed. We have a new student. If she would kindly stand up and introduce herself."

Jeramy felt sorry for the new kid. Poor thing was standing there stuttering out her own name. Jermay suspected Elizabeth's friendly rant from earlier didn't do the girl any favors.

Elizabeth was doing her best to give the new girl encouragement. Through the nonexistent power of ESP. You can do it!

Lilyana Rose was her name. 

Jeramy had to suppress a laugh after seeing Lilyana planting her face in her desk after sitting. Then it was even harder not to laugh after seeing Elizabeth smiling and waving and her like a hyper psychopath. By the time Lilyana nervously smiled and waved back. Jeramy had looked away in order to keep his composure. 

Mrs. Sanders took note of Lilyana's nervousness and had the class all do the same as she did. 

Recess came and Elizabeth was still determined to become friends with Lilyana. Despite Jeramy's misgivings.

This happened all the time. Elizabeth would meet someone new, scare them away by being too enthusiastic, then cry her eyes out. He hated seeing that. On top of that, it was usually his shoulders that got wet from her tears in the first place. 

It went about has Jeramy expected. They got a very sarcastic brush off. Jeramy turned to walk away expecting Elizabeth to follow, but Elizabeth had steeled her resolve. 

 "Hi, I'm Elizabeth!" Said extending a hand of friendship. 

Jeramy couldn't believe it. this was the first time Elizabeth hadn't given up and broke down into tears. even more surprising Lilyana took Elizabeth's hand. "I know, you introduced yourself in class. Remember?" 

Jeramy fearful that Lilyana might try to humiliate Elizabeth in someway marched over, "Liz, what are you doing? 

Elizabeth looked hurt that he would even ask. "Making a new friend!!" 

This turned into an argument. Jeramy pointing out that they shouldn't bother because they were just given the brush off, and Elizabeth firing back that she didn't care. This went on till the end of recess. With the new kid watching with mild amusement. 

Lunch eventually came around. Elizabeth tried again. Not wanting to fight with her again, Jeramy just went with it. They approached the Asian girl, who clearly was not enjoying the food. 

"Hi, again I think your name is pretty!" Elizabeth said as she sat down. 

Lilyana was irritated by this statement. "That's nice." was her response 

"So where are you from!?" Elizabeth asks unfazed by Lilyana's clear indifference. 


"Oh really, like cowboys and stuff!?" 

That question actually got a laugh out of Lilyana. "Yeah, cowboys, guns, whole states a practically a war zone." 

"That sounds like fun!" 

That statement got a laugh out of both Lilyana and Jeramy. 

Elizabeth didn't get the joke. 

The rest of the lunch involved basic small talk Elizabeth would ask a question and Lilyana would answer with very simple statements. Jeramy just sat quietly wondering if Elizabeth becoming friends with this girl was really a good idea.

At the end of the day, Jeramy took note that Lilyana was the first one out of the classroom door. "Well someone was eager to get out of here." He turned to Elizabeth who just stood there in thought. "What's up with you?"

"Hum, nothing." 

"Don't give me that. When it comes to meeting new people you're as aggressive as they come, but you usually know when to call it quit's. What makes her so special?"

Elizabeth gave this some thought. "Well, she just looked lonely to me."


"Nevermind lets just go home."

Walking to their bus Elizabeth looked around trying to spot Lilyana. She did, in fact, see her. overbuy the parent pick up area. She pointed it out to Jeramy. "Hey, look."

"What?" Jeramy looked in the direction Elizabeth pointed. He saw Lilyana stepping into a pink minivan. Along with another kid who could have been a grade or two above them. "That's a very pink van." Looking closer even the driver was in all pink.

"Eeeeaaw, that's to much pink," Elizabeth complained.

This was coming from one of the girliest girls Jeramy knew so that was saying a lot. "Yeah what's up with that?" It didn't really matter, of course, the van had already driven away and they needed to get on the bus. 

Elizabeth took a nap on the way home useing the window as a pillow. Jeramy couldn't help but look at his redheaded friend wondering what was going on in her brain when it came to the new girl.

They arrived home at last. Both stopped at their doors to goodnight to one another. 

"Hey Liz, don't forget!"

"I won't, you don't have to remind me everyday!"

"Yes, I do!"

With this Elizabeth stuck her tongue out at Jeramy and went inside. 

Jeramy sighed and did the same.

Another day, came to a close.