Chapter 14: Cooling Off
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Chapter 14: Cooling Off


Roasted broccoli with a surprisingly sweet melted cheese held the two halves of a toasted half-inch thick bread sandwich together. It was a bigger shock when I bit into it and tasted the chipped beef inside of it. ’How did he cook this?’ Next time, even if I can't help Greg out around the kitchen, I would be watching and learning.

The three of us enjoyed the lunch, but our company didn't get the same fun experience like my welcome home dinner had. We were quiet. I knew why. Shelly telling Greg to back off Jeremy probably still stung. That might have explained Shelly's reaction earlier, pulling me in and shutting the door for our private session of sorting clothes.

Looking between them, I did wonder if they were just mother and son. That wasn't something I wanted to be thinking about while eating, but it did bug me. Already, brother and sister was a confirmed hit. Did it extend this far too or did Shelly... Wait. ’Where is Gregory?’

"Where is Dad? It's been a whole day and he's still not home?" This might have been a bad subject to bring up between them. I'd be finding that out very soon.

Looking at Shelly, "Gregory is at his office --"

"I thought he was on a trip?" Glancing at Greg uncertain response, I was now confused. ’Didn't they know where he was?’

"Couldn't you call him?" Greg had frowned at his mother and stuffed his face with over half the sandwich, but when I turned to Shelly, she smiled at her son’s reaction.

There was a muffled, full mouthed, response from Greg that I believed translated into, “You can.”

"That is a wonderful idea. I'll be just a moment." Pushing from the table, she stood and walked back into the living room and I guessed her room. In a moment, she was out and had her cell hovering next to her ear. In a few seconds, I saw her mouth tighten into a tiny frown before she lowered the phone to tap away at it a few times. Bringing it back up, she stood by my side and waited with the cell being observed.

"Not answering, is he." How Greg said that, which I took wasn't a question at all. Inside me, I felt a little sick and set down what was left of my sandwich.

"He's not avoiding us, is he?" Keeping my gaze on Greg, who kept looking at Shelly, I took note of his jaw tensing when I had said that. Shelly did another rapid tap on her phone and watched it for a minute.

I started to think that Kim's father was what one would call a Ghost Dad. He existed, but not someone who was ever seen. He might pop in to grab fresh clothes or something important, but flee the house in an instant. Bills would be paid, claims represented, and important notifications passed onto him, but what really mattered was that he'd never be here.

"Greg, could you give me your phone?" Shelly held out her hand for him to fork it over.

"Why?" He didn't sound very happy with that low toned query.

"He won't be expecting you calling him." I think I understood. If she was being ignored, then she could still try catching him by using Greg's phone since it would have a different ID shown on the other end.

The phone was dug out of Greg's pocket and handed to Shelly. Watching her tap away made me think she was using her nails rather than the tips of her fingers. It kept making a noise like a 'Tic-tak' on the cell's face.

We all watched the phone as we heard the dial tone went through. I saw Shelly's eyes light up and a wicked smile broke on her face. I've seen that smile on Brittany before when I told her my idea for the clothes.

I was startled when Shelly handed the cell down to me. "What?"

"Say 'Hi' to him." ’Was she kidding with me? I never seen this guy before and I'm suppose to hold a conversation with him like I’m his daughter?’

Holding the phone up to my ear, I heard a, "Hello?" I gulped and closed my eyes. ’Should I greet him with, 'Dad,' or a, ‘Gregory,’ or something simple as, 'Hi,' so I won't establish right away our relation?’

I went with the later. "Hi?"

"Hello? Who is this?" There was a pause. "Is Greg there?"

I opened my eyes and glanced up at Greg, "Yeah."

"Put him on." I flinched at his tone of voice getting serious. Greg looked at me curiously.

"What did he say?" I gave Greg a wavering smile.

"Hold on." I sat the phone down. "He wants to talk with you, Greg."

"No." Shelly immediately pointed at me. "Tell him who this is and keep talking. Ask him why he wasn't here last night for dinner." That's going to go real well with me. I shook my head, not wanting to get into a fight with someone I didn't even know! "Ask him."

With a sigh, I brought the phone back to my ear. "Ahm... This is --"

"Put my son on the phone." Stone faced was probably the best way to describe myself right now. I stared at the wall across the table while contemplating what I should say next. ’Should I be a smartass? Plead with him to listen to me? Hand the phone over to Greg? Hang up? Throw the phone in a tantrum? Simply get up and go to my room for the rest of the day?’ I had a lot of options, but I had to pick what was good for all of us. 

Even if that meant I had to continue lying about who I was.

Closing my eyes, I quickly stated my current name. "Kim. This is Kim." I waited a few seconds before he responded with a noise. ’Sounded like he was clearing his throat?’ I must have surprised him.

"Kim, um... I -- Is your mother there?" Lifting a brow and glance up at Shelly, I pointed at her and then to the phone. That caused her to give me a shocked look. I pulled the cell a little bit away from me as a gesture to see if she really wanted to speak with him or not.

With a shake of her head, I shrugged and resumed talking. "Yeah, she's here, but I'm not too sure she's happy." Now that gave me a glare from her. It was true! She didn't appear very happy and I didn't see an issue with informing the guy on the other end that it might be his fault. I might actually find out what his deal was this way.

"That makes two of us. Listen, I -- no one told me you were out." Immediately, I wrapped my hand around the cell and looked up at Shelly.

"He's saying he didn't know I left the hospital." That made her laugh and she brought out her cell. Quickly, she brought up a series of messages that were sent straight to three different numbers all with Gregory's name on it. I read a few and got the gist. With this knowledge, I removed my hand from the cell and spoke. "She just showed me a bunch of text messages that were sent to you."

"Am I still blocked?" I blinked, looked at the text messages for a second, then up at Shelly. I couldn't tell by looking.

So I asked. "Is he still blocked?" She shook her head. "She said -- she shook her head no."

"Give me a second to check..." While he was doing his check, I wrapped my hand back around the cell.

"Mom, would you please just talk with him? I don't like being the monkey in the middle here." She shook her head at me.

"Honey, don't worry about what I said earlier. If he's having issues with his phone, I'll pay him a visit. Just find out where I need to go." I supposed that sounded easy enough.

Returning to the cell, "Um... Where are you?" A moment passed before he spoke up.

"Sorry, what was that? Was busy looking at the settings."

"Where are you?"

"Dalesport. In the subway." ’Did that mean he was working there or on a train?’

"Dalesport, and on a subway. You working on something there or taking a train?" I glanced at Shelly and she gave me a thumbs up before turning to head into the living room. Just guessing, but I think she was getting ready to head out and meet him.

"Working on the construction." ’I had thought he was a VP for some corporation or company? What was his job? Something to do with synthetic stuff, right?’

"You're a Vice President, right?"

"That's right."

"What do you do?"

I heard a faint, "What don't I do." Sounded like he really was a busy guy. ’That or he liked to complain?’ "I have a great way to explain everything that I do. You know what an assistant is?"

"Yeah. They assist, help others out."

"That is what I do. I assist the president with everything and go wherever required. Now, all of that rolls down too. If any of our key factors requests us, it's me who has to respond and ASAP." ’What’s a key factor? Did he mean factory?’ Either way, that did sound like he'd be busting his ass to get those jobs done.

"Why doesn't the president do this?"

"Scheduled appointments and only those that represent a good press reception." ’Corporation or company, why would there be any media involvement?’

"I know I already asked this, but what do you do? I mean, the actual job."

"Are you familiar with the City Management?" It took me a moment to remember what that was. I think it had something to do with people who ran the city, but then that got confusing when Mayors and such were involved. No. I guess I wasn't familiar with it.

"Not really."

"Alright, you don't need to be, but it would help. I'll simplify what we do. If they need something done to the city or surrounding area, we are contacted." ’So, I guess that makes them a construction company with extra service?’

"Okay." I gave Greg a look and he laughed. "What?"

The cell voiced out a, "Huh?"

"Sorry, Greg was -- anyways, yeah, I'm out of the hospital." ’Should I tell him anymore than that?’ "We had a dinner here last night. Greg and Brittany made stromboli."

"Did they? I'm sorry I wasn't there for that. I'll make it up to you when I get off." That brought to mind the party Jeremy was going to host. Shelly will likely tell him.

"Sounds good." ’Was this the moment that we could say our 'Goodbyes' and hang up? Please!’ I won't mind talking with him in person. At least I'd be better prepared for that conversation than the one that fell into my lap here.

"Good to hear. Listen, I've got to get back. I'll fill you in on the details what all it is I do later. Still sound good to you?"

"Yeah. I'm for that." I'll learn a little more. No harm there. Before he hangs up on me, I should let him know about his surprise visitor. “Mom’s probably coming to you.”

“Really? She wants to see me?” ’Why did he sound disbelieving?’ “I’ll try to stay put, but I’m already getting pulled to the other end of the tunnel.”

“I’ll tell Mom that.” I had an idea. “Maybe I could give her another number? Someone you might be regularly with while working?”

“I wish. No, I’m a one man te-- I’ve got to go.”

“Okay. Don’t work too hard. I’ll speak with you later.”

"Good to know. I'll speak to you later too. Love you." I hesitated when I heard that special word.

"Okay. I'll see you later. Bye." Then I hit the end button on the cell before handing the phone back to Greg.

"I take he's in a good mood?" I shrugged at Greg.

"I guess so?"

"He has his ups and downs. Some days, he's all happy and cheerful, but that can drop immediately. There is no middle ground for him. Either he's all fun and joy or else." Sounded like Gregory was bipolar. Lots of mental and emotional stress could do that.

"I'll keep that in mind. He said he'll be making up for the missed meal last night." Over my shoulder, I heard and then saw Shelly rushing past to head outside. "Leaving?"

"Going to catch your father before he hears about you." ’I think he just did? Unless she was talking about my abduction last night?’

"You mean Jeremy?" When she looked over at me, I noticed she appeared younger than before. Little clues of her actual age had disappeared.’Was that makeup? Maybe she was conscious about how her husband viewed her?’ Then again, she already was an outstanding beauty and I would bet she would be remaining as such for many more years to come. I supposed that would go for Brittany too. They were practically twins. More so now than before she applied makeup.

’What about me?’ When I had the chance to look at myself, I saw someone younger than what everyone told me I was supposed to be. ’What little left I had to grow, would it be like them or will I be original?’


I blinked and looked up at a hand in my face after its fingers snapped at me. "Did you hear me?" I shook my head no at Shelly as she pulled her hand away from me. "What was the last thing I said?"

Thinking about it, I told her. "You were going to catch Dad." She facepalmed and peeked at me through her fingers. ’Did I zone out?’ I guessed so...

She glanced away for a split second to Greg, then back to me. "Yes. He hears about what Jeremy did to you, he won't hold back like Greg did." That made me give Greg a look and I saw him roll his eyes and nodding in agreement with Shelly. I looked away from him and at the door being shut behind Shelly as she went outside. She waved at as through the window and disappeared for her car. I raised my brow for a moment when I took note she changed out of her skirt to wear pants. ’Maybe she’s worried about the construction ruining her dress?’

That reminded me of Brittany coming back with my own outfits.

"Well, hehe, I guess that is one good thing." Once I said that, I looked back at Greg and saw him give me a confused expression. He glanced around for a moment in bewilderment and shook his head. “Oops.” I realized I might be giving him the wrong impression here. Being aware how fucked up everything in this world was, he probably thought I was glad Shelly left us alone. "Ah, Mom not being here when Brittany comes back."

"Why is that a good thing?"

"She's grabbing outfits for me to do that photo shoot here. Mom wanted to have a chat with her about that when she got back." I smiled after watching Greg laugh for the second time today. "I don't suppose you want to warn her?" He nodded while his laughter began to calm down.

’What else could I do while waiting for Brittany to come home?’ I suppose do that research that Greg suggested. A diet. I never knew I'd be going onto one of those voluntarily. It wasn't something I'd ever considered when Chase. No real relationship with anyone and Mom hadn't exactly minded. She did make comments, but it wasn't that big of a deal. I wasn't obese then, but I certainly was out of shape.

This out of shape and the kind I had as Chase were totally different. Chase wanted to look and feel good, but never tried. I needed to recover, and I had no choice or my life would be Hell.

Before leaving, I decided to ask Greg about Brittany. "She thank you for the head's up?"

"She hasn't read the message yet. Maybe driving." I shook my head.

"I'm pretty sure she was picked up. I saw her waiting at the curb." Once I said that, I remembered that I completely forget to warn Shelly about Gregory possibly being a challenge to find. “Could you message Mom and let her know Dad might not be able to stay in one spot?” He shrugged and texted away.

“Now I know she’s driving, but sure.”

“Maybe try Brittany again after? She might have missed the first --” ’Did the cellphones buzz if they were on silent?’ “Well, she might’ve missed it for some reason. Maybe?”

"Don't know. Yeah, let me give her a call and see if she will pick that up." I smiled, gave him a nod, and slowly backed away from him.

"You do that. I've had my fill of fun on the phone for today." To be honest, I think it had to do with the chat I had last night. I didn't feel comfortable speaking with strangers, even if everyone thinks I am supposed to know them somehow in despite of the conditional circumstances I was in.

"What are you going to do?"

"Look and see what kind of diet might suit me." He raised a finger up for me to wait.

"Don't pick an existing diet. Many are scams. That's why I said to learn what nutrients do for the body. If you know that much, then looking at what the food contains makes the diet easy." I clenched my eyes shut and nodded. That did make a lot more sense and would create a far more flexible diet than a predesigned one that could just limit my options.

Opening my eyes back up, I nodded. "Okay. That's what I'll do."

"Don't over do it. Learn a little, bookmark it or write it down, and review it the next day while learning more. I promise to find out what routine works for you." ’Routine? Kind of like the regular walks Dr. Anstone had me do in the hospital?’

"Okay. Thanks. I'll be in my room." Giving him a wave, I quickly added to my goodbye, "The lunch was great! Let me watch you cook next time." Then I slipped away into the living room and going for the hall with the colored doors.

"Heh, sure!" I heard him call out before I disappeared behind my door to hop on my computer...