Chapter 13: The Reckless Escape
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‘I am what the world feared the most.’ The humanoid aura raised his right fist to his chest. ‘I am the Vampire of Varyn.’


“Oh… What should I do?” 

The humanoid aura sighed in disappointment, which was probably because I never heard of his title.

‘Listen to every command I give. If you don’t comply, you will die.’ 

‘But wait, I’ve been here for a good 5 minutes already, haven’t they already taken care of me?’ 

‘Time moves slower here in these dreams. For reasons… I do not know of.’

“You can communicate with me when I’m awake?”

“Obviously. Now wake up.” The aura snapped his fingers, and I awoke. 

He was right. Francis and Ivor were glaring at me just as they were before I collapsed.

Thomas stood still, anxious-looking.

‘Stand up and run towards the door.’ 

‘But my legs-’

‘You can still run. What hurts you definitely doesn’t amount to dying.’ 


“Subj-” I took off running as Francis was calling out my name.



Even though I was hurt, I was still fast.

Every step hurt, especially running in the mud, but my adrenaline kept me running. 

‘He’s casting Mud Manipulation. When I tell you to- dive.’ 

“Ivor! Don’t you dare do it-” It was too late. Ivor had already thrusted the drills of mud into the air before Francis could finish his demand. 


I dove as soon as I heard his voice. 

I got some mud in my mouth, and the drills of mud scraped my back as I was falling, but I didn’t care. 

I just wanted to escape.

‘Go! To the door!’ 

I was only 2 meters away from the door. 

I slipped once, but got back on my feet. 

Ivor was already casting the voice told me, and I somehow became faster.

Maybe the death looming around made me use every bit of my energy and muscles. 

I wrenched the handle of the door as I crashed into it, and slammed it behind me. 

The drills of mud didn’t penetrate the door for some reason.

OK! Where should I go?

‘That’s up to you. I don’t know this place.’ 

Great help you are… 

I turned around, and scanned the manor as quick as I could as I began pacing towards the hallway ahead of me.

Left… right… 

Ahead of me was the door, and I quickly decided my next move

‘I helped you out of that situation, didn’t I?’ 

I guess… I know where I’m going to go.

I sprinted down the hallway. 

I could hear men discussing something in the doors I pass. 

Ivor opened the door far behind me. 

Ah shit…

‘There’s no mud in here.’ 

Ivor reached in his pocket and threw mud in the air, manipulating it into drills

I didn’t notice though, because my back was turned to him.

Thankfully, the voice knew.

‘Turn left.’ 

I skidded on the neatly placed carpet beneath me. 

Not only did it slide with me, making me trip and just miss the drills of mud, but I also left a trail of mud on the carpet. 

I noticed in the corner of my eye that Ivor had looked pale white as if he was sick. 

Ahead of me was a window. The windowsill outside had small pots of flowers in them. 

I had the urge to crash through the window.

‘Don’t do it, you’re going to break your neck trying.’ The voice warned.


He was right. I realized this isn’t like the movies I've seen. 

I didn’t even know if I could thrust myself into the window hard enough to break it, because it looked pretty sturdy. 

I decelerated, unlocked the window, opened it, and dove out. 

I soon realized that the window was further up than what I imagined.

It wasn’t a long fall, but it took me by surprise. 

I landed in a bush, and I struggled to get out.

I could hear Ivor’s footsteps growing louder. 

I squirmed around until I set myself free. 

What do-

‘I don’t know. You can’t go out from the front entrance-’

Ivor had reached the window.

‘There’s men there.’

I scanned the gate for any opening.

“Get back here, kid!” 

Ivor dug in his pockets for mud and used his last remaining mud. 

The window was big, but it was too thin for Ivor to get through. 


Ivor manipulated the mud into rotating viciously, forming drills. 

‘Watch out!’


I was too afraid to turn around, but I heard the drills of mud fly towards me at high speeds. 

I jumped when mud splattered on my back.

‘He’s exhausted. The drills collapsed before it hit you.’ 

Ivor banged his fist on the windowsill inside, swearing at himself. 

My heart was beating even faster than it was.

I was covered in mud and sweat. I smelled terrible. 

I sprinted towards a gap in the dirt between the gate. 

It may have been a dog that dug the gap, because it was a small gap. 

However, I was just small enough to squirm through. 

Ahead of me was a road, and beyond that was a thick forest.

I followed along the road until I was far enough to where the men in front of the manor that the voice had mentioned couldn’t see me on the road.

‘It’d be wise for you to cross the road and walk nearby the forest just in case they go looking for you.’

Would they go looking for me?

I began crossing the road

I’m just some peasant they kidnapped who escaped. They wouldn’t care if one peasant child went missing. 

‘Hm… which kingdom is this?’

You don’t know? 

‘My successor was chosen at random…’

I finally crossed the road.

Which way should I go now?

‘I advise you to go the other way from where the manor is. Firstly because it’s a stupid idea. Secondly, I doubt you’d want to see what your town is now.’ 


I thought that I could just emerge in the forest when I was passing the manor, but he was right. 

Why would I want to go back there?

I was starving, thirsty, and dying for some decent sleep and recovery. 

Although, I would like to go back to my town- it would be irrational to go as I am now… even though I probably won’t get to see Ceday ever again…

I felt like crying, but I was all out of tears. 

The voice said nothing.

I turned the other direction from my town, and marched forward. 

The only thing I had looked forward to was finding a nearby city.

The city I remember being nearest to Dunwich was Rodby City, which should be down this road…

‘The City of Beginnings… so you are in Gedo Kingdom.’


‘Hm. I wonder…’

Wonder what?

‘Many things…’ 

I see…

I didn’t understand, but I had another question in store for the voice.

Do you have a name? Besides- uh… Varyn’s Vampire?

‘Vampire of Varyn.’

Ok… name?


No family name?

‘Hm… that’s a story for another time.’ 

Oh… alright. 

There was a brief silence.

You said I’m your successor. What do you mean by that?

‘You are actually an inheritor. But you will succeed in my name, as you must.’

Ok… so what did I inherit?

‘My mana.’

I smirked in excitement. 

What’s your mana potential? Capability? Capacity? Intensity?

Earl sighed.

‘Think. I was seen as a vampire, hence the title given- Vampire of Varyn.’

I’m a vampire?!

‘No… not exactly.’

Can you just explain instead of nitpicking and teasing me? Just get to the point when I’m asking these questions! 

Earl sighed.

‘I suppose you’re right. You can copy magic-’


‘Let me finish. In order to copy someone’s magic, you need to drink a cup of their blood-’ 


‘CHILL THE FUCK OUT! I’m explaining to you like you asked! Stop interrupting me!’

Right… sorry… 

I nearly laughed because I never heard Earl get so pissed.

‘Anyway, you also steal some of their mana intensity potential and mana capacity potential.’

So I can increase my maximum mana intensity and mana capacity?



I decided to sit on a nearby stone to rest. The pain in my legs started to throb harder by the minute.

“Gah!” I exasperated as I fell on my bum on the stone. 

Earl… won’t I get sick from drinking blood? 



“Don’t ask me why, I don’t know that either.”

Oh… uh- why me?

At this point I was just trying to kill the silence. Earl didn’t seem to mind it though as long as it was a valuable question.

‘I didn’t get to choose. Have I not told you?’ 

Oh… yeah.

‘But- you had no mana capability.’ 

My mouth was agape.


‘You’re mana intensity and capacity potential is truly great, and it’s strength, as it is now, is excellent for a child.’

I had no mana capability this entire time… 

I felt infuriated, but I also felt a little relief on my shoulder.

So I couldn’t do anything…

In the town? No chance. A hopeless child against armed men- there would be no difference other than another number to the total.

The feeling of weakness and vulnerability still hurted me though.


I got back to my feet.

I see.

I continued my travel to the city. 

That day I promised myself I would never make myself vulnerable again, and that I will conquer my weakness. 

Rodby City, here we come…