Chapter 20
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Doc examined the flash drive. “I’m afraid it would be impossible to create a full-scale Orbis in the time I have left. And, to be frank, the plan for a small scale version was an act of desperation. While I think the odds are in favor of it producing a prosperous, egalitarian community that wouldn’t be immediately swallowed by the rest of the world, we can’t be certain of it.”

Shudder shook her head and held the drive closer. “Not like the old Orbis. A modified one.”

Doc frowned. A rare look of disappointment. “Shudder, you remember the amount of work that went into fine-tuning Orbis’ behavior modifications. And now we lack our old computer system. Testing is impossible.”

“Not if we forget about behavior modifications,” Shudder objected. “We have the specs we need to create a harmless psionic pulse that identifies and affects every human mind. What if instead of altering behavior, we modified it to filter away any outside influences?”

Doc’s eyebrows raised a fraction of a millimeter. “We could instantly defeat a mind controlled army. Psionics trumps magic when it comes to mental influence. It would take away the most powerful weapon we know Valpurgia has.”

Shudder grinned. “And save a bunch of people, too.”

Doc took the drive and plugged it into her computer. “Then we’d best get started. It may have failed to change the world, but it seems we can still get something valuable out of Orbis Tertius.”

Shudder was struck by a deep sense of pity. Just hours ago she had seen the optimistic woman Dr. Tlön used to be. Looking at Doc alone, it was impossible to tell that anything was wrong. Every word and movement seemed to express total confidence, an absolute certainty that she understood her position at any given moment, that she could find any information she needed, and that she could achieve her goals. But after comparing her with Samantha, who seemed to gain fulfillment from the simple act of repairing a solar panel yet who still believed ideas alone could inspire people to change the world, it was clear that Dr. Tlön really had given up hope.

“Doc, you don’t need Orbis Tertius to change the world. Because even if Orbis failed, you made something else that can change the world.”

Doc looked at her.

“You made me.”

Doc’s smile held a warmth that Shudder had never seen. “I think you’re right about that. You’re connected to the world around you in a way I haven’t been since Tutamaqui. You refuse to look away from those our society mistreats, and you recognize the true reasons they’re mistreated.”

Was Doc starting to tear up? “I was kind to you when you needed it, and because of that you’ve grown into someone I admire. Shudder, you’re amazing.”

A feeling shifted deep inside Shudder. This was a moment she had been waiting for without realizing it. A moment that had become inevitable when she saw a word on a bottle of nail polish years ago.

“Doc…” She hesitated. “Doc, just once, could you try calling me Daisy?”

Doc paused. Was that surprise? “Daisy.” She tasted the name. “It’s certainly more welcoming than Shudder. That may benefit you. It’s a good choice. Very well, Daisy, there’s a testing room in the back. Would you check the output on Miriam’s psionic emitter?”

Shudder—it would take a while for her to start thinking of herself as Daisy—grinned and hurried off to find the testing room. It had been so easy to just say what she wanted and be accepted. Of course, what had she been afraid of? That the name was too delicate for someone tough like her? That she had gone by Shudder so long that no one would accept another name? It couldn’t have been those, because that was ridiculous. Doc had reacted in the only way Shudder could imagine her reacting.

Working with Doc again was like coming home after a long trip. This, after two long years, was where she was most comfortable, even though she discovered that something had changed in how they worked together. Shudder was no longer simply assisting and following directions. Doc was checking with her to ensure components were portable enough or sturdy enough to safely carry, and Shudder was making suggestions, finding ways to improve things. She felt more like a colleague than an assistant.

The hours stretched into early morning, most of which was spent assembling the pseudocerebrum. Thankfully, much of the original’s size could be cut down by virtue of the new Orbis using a simpler program that required fewer neuronodes. However, it was still necessary to condense it further, which meant using smaller parts placed much closer together, which made the entire task extremely meticulous. More than once, Shudder broke or accidentally disconnected a part she had just placed as she was adding a new one.

Her work was eventually interrupted by a crash, and she looked up to see that Whisper had appeared, presumably through a wall or from the floor above, and hurled Doc to the floor where she now sat, back against a shelf. Shudder rushed to place herself in between them.

“I knew it was a mistake letting you near her,” Whisper hissed. “She got into your head again.”

Shudder held up her hands. “Hold on, I know this looks bad, but hear me out.”

“I can see what you’re building,” Whisper shouted.

How could she explain everything quickly? “This Orbis is different. It’s going to save Valpurgia’s victims.”

Whisper didn’t advance, but he held himself low, in a fighting stance, claws raised. He was ready to attack. “She’s lying, Shudder. Deep down, you know that. I could see that you were starting to accept that she manipulated you.”

“Yes, she manipulated me,” Shudder admitted. “The original Orbis was monstrous. There’s nothing that’s worth what it would have cost. Everyone else could see that, but it took me years to understand because when we met I was vulnerable and she told me it was the solution to all the world’s problems. But she also took care of me, and helped me become the person I am now. Both things can be true. We did something terrible, but now we have a chance to help people who desperately need it.”

“I realize my word might not be worth much,” Doc said from somewhere behind Shudder, “but I no longer plan to create anything like the original Orbis. Daisy’s only just reached adulthood and she’s already demonstrating brilliant ideas that never occurred to me, even with all my knowledge. It’s time for people like myself and Miriam to step aside and allow people like you and her to take the lead.”

Whisper tensed. No, not tensed. It was more like he stiffened in surprise. “Daisy?”

“Oh, uh, it’s just a name I’m thinking about using now.” Shudder offered a nervous grin.

Whisper relaxed slightly. “Oh. I like it.”

“Thanks,” Shudder said. “Listen, I can show you our data. The range on this thing is going to be barely more than a block or two. The pseudocerebrum isn’t capable of converting nearly as much data as the original Orbis’ program required. I can even show you the program if you can make sense of it. All it’s going to do is filter away outside influences on the mind.”

Whisper lowered his claws and straightened. “Saving anyone under Valpurgia’s control. Got it. Look—” He hesitated. “No, I don’t need to see your data. It’s better not to waste your time while lives are at stake. But double check everything she—” He hesitated again, shifting awkwardly. “No, you already know what any of this hardware is capable of, don’t you? And there’s no point in her lying about the program. Fine. Sorry I got in your way.”

He started walking towards the door. Shudder tried to think of something to say, but found herself at a loss. Instead, Whisper briefly paused and looked back.

“She’s right about one thing, Daisy. You really have grown up.”

And then he was gone. Shudder helped Doc back to her feet and the two continued their work, Whisper’s words echoing in her mind. She certainly felt as if she had changed since meeting Samantha, but was it that obvious?

Their work continued without further incident until it was nearly dawn. Shudder was having more and more difficulty concentrating as exhaustion began to overtake her. When the pseudocerebrum was nearly assembled, Shudder’s phone began to vibrate. It was an unknown number. Probably spam, but given the number of people in Shudder’s circle who secured their communications, she decided it was better to answer.


“Shudder,” came a familiar cheerful voice. “Wait, is this audio only?” It was Theras. Suddenly Shudder felt fully awake.

“It can do video, too,” Shudder replied. “If our tech is compatible, anyway.”

“Never mind. Listen, the Tok’zar are supposed to arrive in the next couple of days, but I’m free right now if you want to hang out.” She sounded a little nervous.

It broke Shudder’s heart when she realized how she had to answer. “I’m really sorry, Theras, but I can’t.”

Doc leaned back to look at Shudder. “Daisy, is that a friend of yours?”

How to describe an alien mercenary acquaintance that she had a crush on? “Uh, yeah. A friend. She wants to hang out but…” She gestured to the pseudocerebrum before her.

“From your tone, I think this is more than just a friend.” Shudder felt herself beginning to blush, but Doc continued. “Very well. I can finish this up. Go spend some time with your friend.”

Shudder opened her mouth to object, but Doc interrupted. “Valkyrie’s still gathering intelligence, and those superheroes need to arrange our allies. Take a break and spend a few hours having fun.”

Doc had never told her to have fun before. She’d told her to rest, to sleep, to clear her head, but never to have fun. 

She turned her attention back to the phone. “Right, looks like I’m free, after all. Where should we meet up?”

“You can?” To Shudder’s surprise, Theras sounded excited. “Do you have a place? My boss doesn’t want humans on the ship.”

“I guess we could meet up at my apartment.” Was that too forward? It was probably too forward.

“Sounds good. We managed to connect with one of your navigation systems, so if you give me your address, I can find you.” 

Apparently it wasn’t too forward. Shudder gave her the address.

After a quick goodbye to Doc, Shudder hurried out of the lab, found Lucas, and had him portal her to her apartment. Once she arrived, she took a quick shower and changed into a t-shirt and leather skirt just in time for a knock on her door. Apparently Yamosians did that to announce their arrival, too. She opened it to find Theras, wearing the same style of uniform she’d seen her in before. Curiously, her fear was more pronounced than it had ever been before. She really was nervous.

“Hey, how’s it going?” Theras asked.

“Well, the local major superhero team has been kidnapped and we’re trying to convince the local law enforcement and criminal organizations to cooperate to stop a vampire from unleashing a mind controlled army. Also demons, maybe? Oh, and I time traveled yesterday.”

Theras blinked. “So human life is just as bonkers as the rumors say.”

“I guess so. Come on in.”

Theras made her way to the couch and sat down, leaning back and casually crossing her legs.

Shudder remained standing. “Sorry I don’t have any snacks or anything. I’ve been staying with a friend for other complicated reasons.”

Theras shrugged. “Hey, I’m only here for one snack.” She frowned. “Wait, does that joke work in your language?”

Shudder’s face was rapidly heating. “Yes. Yes it does, I think.”

The Yamosian gave her a smirk. “Well, come on, then.”

Shudder realized she was still standing near the door and walked over to the couch, sitting some distance from Theras.

“You’re nervous,” Theras observed.

“So are you,” Shudder shot back with mock indignation. “Don’t pretend like you aren’t. I’m psychic, remember?”

Theras grinned. “Ah, so I’m such a good actress that only a psychic could tell I’m nervous.”

Shudder sputtered, her face heating again. She’d lost that verbal duel.

“Anyway, neither of us have any reason to be nervous,” Theras continued. “We’re both on the same page.”

“Maybe, yeah.” Shudder found it suddenly difficult to look at her. “I don’t think this is how this usually goes, though. There’s supposed to be dates and gifts and stuff. I didn’t even put on makeup.”

She didn’t even know how to put on makeup.

Theras shifted a little closer. “That’s fine. If traditions like that are just going to get in the way, why not forget about them? I’m not even from this planet, so I have no context for any of your traditions. I’m not going to suddenly get offended or anything.”

She had a point. Shudder had no idea how Yamosians handled romance. “So how do we start?”

Theras rolled her eyes. “Come here, silly.” She uncrossed her legs. “Lay down in my lap.”

The direct instruction made it simpler. Shudder slowly laid down, placing her head in Theras’ lap. It was soft, almost as soft as a pillow, but the sensation of another person sent tingles through her and she found herself suddenly at ease, no longer worried about something going wrong.

Theras ran her fingers through Shudder’s hair. “Finally, I get to touch this stuff. And wow, it feels weird.”

Theras’ fingers were cool, and slightly rubbery. The sensation of them on her scalp sent even more tingles through Shudder’s body and she let out an involuntary sigh. She reached up and touched one of Theras’ tentacles, which wrapped itself around her fingers playfully. “These things are poison?”

“They have little stingers inside that release a chemical that causes temporary paralysis. But it didn’t work on the last human we tried it on.”

“That’s because that was Stray,” Shudder replied. “I think his power is…well, we’d call it power disruption, but that’s because we consider certain alien biological traits to be superpowers. I guess it’s more like his power disrupts certain biological functions.”

A slightly disturbing thought. Could he stop someone’s heart? Perhaps, like Shudder, he preferred not to advertise everything he was capable of. He’d even affected the inorganic Prometheus. How far did his power extend?

“Huh. I’ll have to let the others know,” Theras said, another tentacle joining the first to twist around Shudder’s wrist. “Not that it makes much difference now. But maybe we’ll have another job on Earth in the future.”

“You could test it out if you wanted.” Shudder instantly regretted the words. Theras was definitely going to think she was a freak. Why did she want to experience Theras’ venom anyway? It made no sense to want to be so vulnerable.

To Shudder’s surprise, Theras grinned. “Ah, you want to play Yamosian-style. Most aliens are afraid to. Alright, but I’m going to warn you, if we do this I’m going to cuddle you a bunch. And maybe pinch you and tickle you a bit, just to mess with you. Nothing more than that, though, since it’s your first time and you probably won’t be able to talk. That’s kind of a disadvantage to this game; if you push really hard you’ll be able to move a little and signal to me if you need to. I’m experienced, so I know how to look for the signs. That sound good to you?”

What was she getting herself into? She decided she should probably back out now.

“Yeah, let’s try this.”

Why did she say that!?

Theras looked down at her with a pleased expression. The tentacle around Shudder’s wrist tightened slightly. “Any questions before we start?”

“Will I be numb? And how long will it last?”

“About an hour. And, no, you won’t be numb. But your muscles will go limp and you won’t be able to move them.”

Shudder nodded. “Alright, I’m ready.”

There was a small prick in her wrist, similar to an injection. She gave a nervous laugh. After a few seconds, she didn’t notice anything. 

“How long does it take to…?” was all she managed to mumble.

Theras released her wrist and she felt her arm fall helplessly onto her chest. She tried to move it, but found it was like trying to lift a boulder. The same was true for her legs. She could barely move her lips, but couldn’t seem to form words.

“Not very long,” Theras said. “It’s for defense, after all.”

She ran a finger up and down Shudder’s throat. The tingling sensation it sent through her was the most intense yet. “If you’re anything like me, and I think you probably are, then you aren’t used to letting your guard down. You like having someone just touch all those vulnerable spots while you’re helpless to do anything about it?”

Shudder attempted to respond, but could only let out a weak moan.

Theras giggled. “I thought as much.”

She proceeded to prod, touch, and tickle various other spots while Shudder remained helpless to do anything more than offer moans or tense ever-so-slightly in response. Finally, she seemed to grow tired, and shifted Shudder’s head onto a pillow before curling up next to her and wrapping her arms around Shudder’s limp body. Shudder found that all of her worries about what would come next were gone. Right now she didn’t have to do anything—she couldn’t, even if there was something for her to do—so her only option was to rest here and feel safe in Theras’ arms. The exhaustion from before crept back up on her, and before long she had drifted off to sleep.

She awoke to her phone buzzing. She reached out and retrieved it from her coffee table, trying to move as little as possible to avoid disturbing Theras next to her.


“Hello, Daisy. Did you get some rest?”

She tensed and quickly sat up. “Yeah, Doc. What’s going on?”

“There’s no need to rush. The new Orbis is complete and a meeting has been prepared in a few hours. A little later than I would hope, but that’s the cost of coordinating several conflicting groups.”

“Right, I’ll be there soon.”

“Good. Text Lucas when you’re ready.”

Theras stretched and sat up. “Time to go?” she asked.

Shudder nodded and stood.

“Hey, is Prince Filvus involved in all this?”

“Yeah, they’ll probably be part of the fight,” Shudder replied.

“Great, in that case we have an excuse to get involved. Can’t have the prince getting hurt right before their big meeting.” Theras winked. “Want an assist?”

Shudder grinned. This meant she would have some good news to bring to Doc. “Absolutely. We need all the help we can get right now. There’s going to be a strategy meeting in a few hours. I’ll have Sila contact you once I have information. I don’t think my phone can call you.”

They gave each other a tight hug and departed. Shudder made her way a few blocks from her apartment and texted Lucas a photo, receiving a portal in response a moment later. Once she was back at the makeshift base, she was quickly given updates. It seemed that Lucas, Adam, and Elise had, with only a small amount of difficulty, managed to arrange the meeting with each of the planned groups at the Serpent’s Lair. The Orbis was complete and placed in a casing which, to Shudder’s delight, was actually spherical. After showing her how to activate it, Doc placed the Orbis in a backpack, which Shudder would carry with her. Her costume, too, had been retrieved by Elise, along with her baton. Valkyrie’s investigation had turned up some information about exo-suits missing from Dawn Industries’ inventory, and Sapphire Dawn herself unexpectedly leaving early in the day and returning to one of her many homes, a condo not far from Heaven Tower. The current location of the exo-suits remained unknown.

After a few hours of waiting it was time to travel to Serpent’s Lair. Shudder changed into her costume and joined Lucas, Prometheus, Whisper, and Valkyrie as Lucas formed a portal to one of the bar’s private rooms. As they stepped through, Shudder saw that everyone else had already arrived. Commander Tomahawk, Theras Dorne, Ifrit, and a woman in a blue mask who could only be the Arachne representative. Along with Valkyrie’s group, that was four competing factions to try to organize.

The newcomers took their seats and Lucas began. “Alright, so just to make sure we’re all on the same page, here’s the situation; Valpurgia, probably for her entire career, has been plotting world conquest. Heaven is a scheme to draw people into attending multiple fake meditation sessions designed to ingrain a mental connection between Valpurgia and her victims, allowing her to mind control them remotely without any tools to assist her. The plan is for them to operate exosuits provided by Sapphire Dawn as part of an army she’s building. The rest of her army is to be made up of demons summoned through a portal I create. Naturally, I refused to do so, but it seems she’s going ahead with her plan, anyway, because she’s trapped Nova Legion in another dimension and she was behind the attack on STRIX.”

His audience took in this news calmly. Commander Tomahawk was the first to speak.

“Valpurgia’s been a trusted superhero for over a decade. Do you have any proof?”

“Nothing like a taped confession,” Lucas admitted. “She admitted the whole thing to us, but I didn’t think to record it. And her daughter would be happy to tell you herself if that’s what it takes.”

Tomahawk suspiciously eyed Valkyrie. “I don’t doubt that she will. And there’s some precedent for cooperating with criminal organizations in times of emergency. But even if Korris wasn’t behind the attack, she recently set off an explosion at our base. And we still know nothing about her goals.”

Valkyrie gave the commander a small smile. “If it’s any help, Commander, Lucas and his allies have, for lack of a better descriptor, already beaten me. My nanites are rendered useless and, for now, my forces exist for the sole purpose of stopping Valpurgia.”

“And Tlön?” Tomahawk asked.

“Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t build another Orbis,” Whisper explained.

Tomahawk raised his eyebrows slightly, but said nothing. Did he believe them?

“Why should Arachne be involved?” the woman in the mask asked. “Superheroes deal with supervillains without our assistance.”

“Look, if Nova Legion were here, I’m sure they could handle Valpurgia on their own,” Prometheus said. “But right now it’s just us, and we need all the help we can get.”

“We don’t know what else she’s hiding,” Lucas added.

The woman was unimpressed. “Then you will have to prepare yourselves. Without Arachne’s help.”

Arachne was built to weather regime changes. How could they convince her that Valpurgia was a threat?

Unless that was the wrong approach entirely.

“This isn’t a business opportunity?” Shudder asked. The woman’s mask turned to face her. “I mean, if the CEO of Dawn Industries gets arrested as a supervillain, isn’t that going to completely upset the weapons business? I know Arachne sells weapons illegitimately and it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that your legal side is tied into arms manufacturing.”

There was a pause. “Perhaps we will assist you after all.”

“Great,” said Lucas. “We have four goals; get me to the artifact used to trap Nova Legion, capture Valpurgia, capture Sapphire Dawn, and secure the missing exosuits and ensure none of the mind controlled Heaven members can get to them. The artifact and Valpurgia are both at Heaven Tower. Dawn is at a condo nearby, and we don’t know where the exosuits are.”

“Oh, they’re in the secret Dawn Industries warehouse, aren’t they?” Ifrit asked.

Lucas blinked. “What?”

Ifrit shrugged. “Yeah, all the small fry know about it. Near downtown, there’s that brick building with the old painted advertisement for vacuums. About a year ago, someone bought it and did a bunch of renovations and lately a bunch of Dawn Industries trucks have been showing up there at night.”

“That’s not far from Heaven Tower,” Shudder observed.

“Okay, wow, I guess we answered that question easily,” Lucas said. “So we’ll have Arachne secure that—”

“Actually, I’ll take care of it,” Shudder interrupted.

Lucas frowned. “Alone? It’s a big building, and we don’t know if any of her victims are already there.”

“I’ve got it,” Shudder said.

“She’s got it,” Whisper added firmly.

Lucas shrugged. “Okay. But at least take the small fry with you. You’re all used to breaking into stuff, right?”

Shudder considered this. If Gremlin or Bodkin came with and noticed she had an Orbis, she doubted she could convince them that it was different from the old one. On the other hand, she didn’t know what she would face in the warehouse, and she would want to get as close to its center as possible to cover any mind controlled people inside.

“Alright, that sounds good.”

Lucas nodded. “Good. Then Whisper and Arachne can go for the condo. Since the tower is the biggest target, Adam and I will target it with STRIX’s assistance. Sila, Valkyrie, and the Yamosians will cover the area nearby for whatever inevitably goes wrong. Sound good?”

There were no objections.

“Good. How quickly can we be ready?”

“We can have a strike force at the tower in an hour,” the commander said.

“An hour will be plenty of time,” the masked woman agreed.

“An hour, then. And we finally put an end to this,” Lucas said.

At least, that was the hope.