Chapter 4 (Part 1)
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I entered the dungeon with full valor, and the fenrir, fearlessly walking beside me. As soon as we stepped in, the huge door shut behind us, probably telling us that the only way was forward.

The inside of the dungeon, it was all covered in ice. And small light stones lighting up as we walked past them.

“Though we just entered, isn’t it a little too quiet?”



“Damn, I opened my mouth way too soon.”

As I wide opened my eyes, I saw a skeleton walking towards me. I prepared a lightning spell to attack it, but before I could act, the fenrir jumped ahead and crumbled it immediately.

He looked at me with keen eyes, as if wanting some appreciation.

“Uhh… Good Job!”

He looked proud hearing that. I wonder if he’s just that simple creature.

Moving ahead, we encountered several such skeletons, but they were no match for our duo.

Assuming that this was just first floor, this level was fairly easy. The skeletons came to attack in pairs or triads, or sometimes, just individually. And some of them even left magic stones. The fenrir was eager to eat bones and magic stones left by them, so I collected some in my magic ring for him to enjoy later.

We swiftly beat the first floor and headed downstairs for the second floor.

I didn’t hold much regard for this floor either. And my guess was right, this too, was nothing much to us. We encountered a horde of skeletons coming our way. The fenrir jumped at them, to distract them, while I prepared a large-scale lightning spell.

“Lightning Bolt!” I instructed him to get away while I fired a wide-area lightning spell, immediately wiping them out.

[Lightning bolt is one of the advanced level magic that attacks in a wide area and eradicates anyone that come in contact.]

This time, there were many more magic stones left behind.

We went forward continuously and summarily reached the end of the fifth floor. Since, the concept of day and night doesn’t exist in dungeons, we were oblivious to the time. So, we decided to take a short break before grinding the next floor.

I gave the fenrir the bones and magic stones to consume. And he just gobbled up the magic stones.

I guess that’s the specialty of being a high-grade magical beast. Their stomach can even disintegrate magic stones and provide energy.

I too ate something, while the beast gnawed on the bones.