Mid Sun Rise Event (6)
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In a land without Hope or love

the eternal nigth apears on the horizon

the blood moon is shining with omnious ligth that makes all beings surrender in fear be them small animals or the Overlords of the land of the dead 

below the florest we can see a huge complex that is made by rudimentar metods 

the stone walls are iluminated by the ghostly blue ligth torches that seam to shine forever 

if you stay close enougth to the torches you can hear a kind of low and cold sobing and scream sound 

the walls are filled with marks that of a beast and dried blood filled the walls and the floor making the original strange and obscure path a little bit stranger 

on the walls there are countless metal doors

behind these doors are completely dark and you can smell a sent of rotten flesh so strong that seam that there are a mountain of corpses behind those doors that are decomposing for a thousand years 

soon from the shadows a figure apeared 

the figure is wearing a black robe that covers part of herface and body making no room to anything be seen 

she walks through the blood soked corridors with traceless steps that made no sound

the visible mouth of the the figure has an playfull and exited smirk 

the figure soon reach thhe end of the corridor as she sees an huge metal door that seam to be stained with a black liquid on top of the door we can see a small sign made out of wood that has scribed on its surface the worlds

[Subject 6379]

She opens the nearly 4 meter tall door with ease 

as she enters the room she can smell Fear and Anxiety on the human subject in front of her 

the subject is a small kid of about 6 years old 

he is chained to the center oof the room 

the chains are filled with barbs and torns that pierce the boys's skin and flesh

the boy's clothes are filled with brigth red and black blood 

his posture is bad as he is standing with dificulty in a place where he isnt pierced thart much but it is still incomfortable

the boy has tears mixed with blood streaming down his blood red eyes

he only dares to cry silently as he dont know if he cry loudly a group of poeple will come and make him eat "that" again

soon the boy as he sees the figure at the door began to choke in his own blood as he began to cough violently 

making the boy vomit pieces of flesh and blood on the ground 

sudenly a bulge apeared on the boy's neck as he began to sufocate but soon enougth be spits out a huge piece of flesh and organs 

the almagamation is white and trasnparent making it possible to see the bunch of organs

the creature began to contorce and wiggle like a huge maggot 

the figure seing this scene picks the creature on the ground with a bit of familiary as sheforces the boy's mouth open as the boy began to figth to keep his mouth shut 

as the figth continued the figure picks something from her robe and stabs on the shoulder of the boy 

the boy opens his mouth to scream in pain only to be interrupted as the maggot like creature was pushed down his throat

soon the boys eyes are filled with horror and fear as he gasps for air with more tears and blood flowing down his eyes 

soon the boy's eyes became blury as he falls down on the ground making the chains's torns enter his body

Ye Mei looked at the Boy with a kind of anger and hatred like she is going to kill her archenemy

sudenly when Mei was about to do somethin the ring on her hand shined with white light 

as a transparent figure of an old man apeared floating in the air 

his white hair and long beard that basecally screams sage looks at the boy completaly ignoring the situation of the plaza as he says to the boy

"Poor Dao Requests that his grandaugther and her friends enter the blood moon sect"

the old man says with a pleading and helpless expression 

the boy stoped "looking" at the sun as he says with out any expression on his face 

"The Three of them can resist a weak and low polution like that, maybe they can become atleast something good"

Ye Mei and the other two became dumbfolded by the short exchange between old Ye and the boy