CH. 2 – Am I dead, or in a coma?
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In a moment, someone is in front of me. He's also head first to the ground, matching my eyesight. The first thing he said was, "Hi!"

I was confused. 'What happened?' The time had stopped and now… a boy is in front of me.

I look at the boy from head to toe. 'He looks two, maybe three years younger than me.' He had beige skin, a pair of black horns with a gradient of red at the tip, black hair, he's shorter than me, he had black sclera, red iris, black slit pupil, he's wearing a black hoodie with red color for the inside and cords, and pants the same color as his hoodie.

The boy's mouth in front of me opens, "Do you want to be my friend?" He then smiled and reached out his right hand to make a handshake.

'Who is he? Shouldn't we introduce ourselves first? Friend? Does he want to be my friend? Be my friend? Why? He looks like a demon or devil…. More friends are good, right? I only ever had one friend. Would my best friend mind that I have a new friend? Would him? He wouldn't. He would've been happy instead.' I noticed that I got lost in thoughts and hoped that the boy in front of me didn't take my silence as a no.

My eyesight moved to his reached-out hand. 'I should accept it.' My right hand shook his to accept his friendship request.

I grabbed his handshake. The world around me brightened up and starts to be tainted with red. Red auras started to encircle our handshake, followed by blue balls, they seem to be souls. The souls come from all around, going to our handshake and getting absorbed by the auras. Fissures that spew red lights started to appear on the ground and buildings. "Is this supposed to happen!?" I said in a panic. A giant hand came out from a fissure below me. It grabbed me and dragged me into the fissure.

Then, I blacked out. I think so…. Everything is black. No light in sight. 'Am I blind? How?' I try to move around, but I could hardly move or even talk. My body is unresponsive to my will.

I do what I could only do, for now, think. 'I was in the internet cafe's roof, I got startled by lightning, I fell, time stopped, he showed up, he wanted me to be his friend, I shake his hand, the world turned red and gashed, a giant hand took me down, and now, here I am, blind and unmoving. If someone were to listen to what I had thought, they might think I was either on crack or the world was ending.'

'Then… I'M DEAD!?' I was shocked at that thought. 'No… if I'm dead then I don't exist anymore, but why do I still exist?'

'I'm dead, right? No! I can't be dead! I haven't congratulated my best friend for his new agency yet!'

'Did he get accepted? He did. With his skill, any agency would accept him.'

'No! Like he always said! Be positive! But I'm dead now. What is there to be positive about? That I still exist?'

'Erm… coma? Maybe I'm in a coma. That's better than death, right? Then I'll wait…. Wait? But how long? I want to meet him again.'

I waited for… I don't know how long. It's timeless where I'm at. My consciousness goes in and out as if it can't be sustained for long.

'Ugh! Why! Why am I dead!? I fell from a five-story building! It's not fatal, right? Yeah! Not fatal! I'm in a coma! Like those coma stories where they can still hear their surroundings and think!' I shouted my thoughts.

I'm frustrated that I had died or been in a coma. 'If I'm dead…, shouldn't I meet God or something? Or go to heaven… or…' I metaphorically gulped at the place where I least wanted to be in. 'hell….'

'Maybe I'm in limbo or something… that's much worse… alone… in the vast void…' I mentally shivered. 'That's the same as hell….'

'Would it be better if I'm dead than be in a coma? Who's gonna pay my medical care bill? Him… most likely….'

All my mental babblings made me tired and fell into a deep sleep. Wherever I'm in feels… safe. It's quiet and dark, but it's cozy, unlike my first impression of this place. I had thought this place would be the source of nightmares. I thought wrong.

I woke up by the feeling of movement. 'I'm moving?' Rather than moving, it feels more like being pushed upwards. Am I even going up? I can't tell the direction in this black space.

After what I'm guessing five hours or maybe more. White light assaulted my closed eyelids. 'Am I finally meeting God?' If I'm dead that is. 'Or am I waking up from a coma?'

My pupils adjusted to the light to see that everything is blurry and I started to hear muffled things.

"Aeo…l d…las ou…gt"

The sounds are as if they are said underwater. I see… something akin to blobs of black, shades of grey, and white? I saw white the most then grey blobs above… or beside me. 'Are they spirits?' That's what I thought they look like, blobs of light, spirits. If they were blue, I'd think of them as souls instead.

I'm warped by something. It's warming me up. It's also soft…. Oh, God. I felt like I was shaking. I've felt something like this before, an earthquake. How can there be an earthquake if I'm dead? Am I even dead? I should ask the spirits.

"Ah oh a?" ('Where am I?') that's my voice? "Ahhh ho?" ('What the?') It's high-pitched, and why aren't words coming out?

I felt… something pushing against my back. It's warm… and shaky. Not as shaky as the earthquake before. It feels… safe? Due to that feeling, I fell asleep.

I'm focusing on character development for now. Family first. The demon boy will show up later.

I've researched how a baby's senses developed… better to research it once and know it for other reincarnation books than never. Here's a nice little tidbit about doctor baby slap:


I've read that doctors slap newborn babies cause there's a fluid that makes them hard to breathe and makes them cry to get the fluid out. Nowadays the fluid gets sucked by a machine, no need for the slap. I was wondering why in some reincarnation stories, doctors slap the baby reincarnator….
