Drowning deep in silence
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Stop, make it stop.
I'm begging for calmness.
Seeking for the silence that will never come.

Even under the beautiful starry night,
The glamorous words came out from your mouth,
only comes and haunts me.

Your image taunts me in my dominion.
Stop, make it stop.
Don't look at me, don't stare at me.
I'm going insane.

In this dark that supposed to be calm,
only to assume this is where I belong,
yet, why is it so loud?
Their laughing noise.
Only to resort of me going insane.

Stop, make it stop.
Be silent, I ask for silence.
Covered my ears with my hands.

Run and run.
Back away! Stay away! Don't come near me!
I'm seeking for silence.
I desire for silence.

Run and run,
Only to found a shallow lake in the depths of the dark.
Burying my head under, drowning.
And the silence starts to come.