Ch.310 Tune of War
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In another part of the forest, there was a lake covered in lily pads and a bunch of blood-coloured flowers that glowed gently with essence. They were Grade 1 Magical Herbs that were only useful to beings in the 1st Realm of cultivation, so they weren’t very valuable to the general denizens of this place, but it was because of that that they could exist here relatively undisturbed.




There was nothing that they could do about the rain and hail that seemed insistent on battering them to pieces. The lake splashed turbulently and noisily. It was a slightly chaotic scene, but it carried a wild sort of charm that seemed enhanced by the total absence of sapient life forms.


However, this absence did not persist for very long.


Just a few ticks later, a lone male walked into the clearing. As was common amongst talented cultivators and especially those from species like the devils, he was very good looking. Seduction and appeal could be considered a form of assault that lowered the guard of anyone that was allosexual, and it was built into the Enlightened Form of many of the monster races. Devils weren’t exactly Monsters, but they had certainly inherited this nature.


It was no different in this devil male, and in this case, he was actually a few steps above the norm. 


He had long black hair that flowed down his back with a few strands of red that glimmered even in the dark. He had hunter shaped eyes with irises that were a brilliant crimson. He had pale alabaster skin that were tattooed with the various red devil marks that were common to his race, with a rare couple that formed small streaks beneath his eyes. His height was around 190cm and his musculature was quintessential. Even the way he walked carried a masculine grace that made him seem ethereal.


Objectively, he was perfect. But he was too perfect and it almost defeated the initial purpose of being attractive as a devil in the first place. It was easy to be attracted to this person. That remained of course. But under no circumstances would anyone be lowering their guard around this being.


To put it into perspective, it was like comparing one abnormally giant star to the endless other ones in the night sky. Yes, the giant star was also a sight to behold. Even more so. But. That star was not normal, and there might be a deep meaning behind it.


Those are actually thoughts that many people in this world used to have when they looked at the moon before the system appeared and answered most of their questions.


This male carried a similar bizarreness to him that made him look… abnormal. Out of place, somehow.


He walked up to the lake before crouching down and reaching a hand in. A look of slight concentration appeared on his face, making it clear that he was trying to do something- but then he froze. A complete stillness took over his features in a way that was utterly uncanny. It was as if he had turned into a statue. But then slowly, very slowly, he looked towards his left.


There, he found a figure covered in the purest white robes, actual clothes. It was another male who was… perhaps more bizarre than him, and he had long white hair accompanied by luminescent golden eyes and a benign smile.


“Hello there, traveler.” The new male spoke. “Care to have a chat?”



[Corrupted Continent, Northern Shore]


The war had finally reached the land and the immediate fighting that had commenced was so ferocious and lethal that it was incomparable. Every Beast had morphed into their true forms and their colossal figures clashed against each other in a flurry of claws, teeth, horns and magic.


Roars, screeches, howls, all kinds of primal sounds that were filled with raw emotion flooded the entire shore. Rage, pride, glee, fear, pain, desperation. It mixed together to create a heart-lurching symphony of disaster that promised that lives were being lost. 


Blood sprayed into the air like confetti and various body parts could be seen flying from one place to another, sometimes you would even see an entire body catapulting through the air before it splattered across the floor as a bloody liquid mess They were the unfortunate ones that had come across foes that were too strong and too big to resist.


But it wasn’t just the unyielding earth that was causing bodies to blow apart. Sometimes, if the strength gap was too big, rather than being sent flying the victim would be directly obliterated by the strike. And that was concerning the close range physical matters like a swipe of someone’s paw or tail.


Other times, a magical attack of armageddon proportions would appear and if it wasn’t defended against with equally magical means, an entire group of creatures would be reduced to cinders, shattered pieces of ice, or chopped up pieces of flesh.


It was a very vicious situation, but the allied Continents were winning. At least on the surface.


Most of the extreme casualties that were caused by a giant gap in cultivation were because of the fact that the Creatures of Envy had brought beings in the 2nd and even 1st Realm. Naturally, even if there were a great number of them, they were dying in droves, flattening into nutrients that were gradually changing the colour of the landscape.


However, they were doing their job. They were causing minute injuries, and more importantly, they were causing distractions. These distractions were taken advantage of and it resulted in wounds, mostly small, but sometimes big, and on rare occasions… even lethal.



A huge black scaled Crocodile snapped his jaw on a strange one-eyed creature that had shot some sort of beam at his own left eye. It hadn’t hurt much but it had stung and more pressingly it had affected his vision. Anger and embarrassment made him react before he could think it through and his mouth closed around the tiny creature in an instant.


With relish, he slowly clamped his powerful jaws around its fragile body and enjoyed the occasional sound of snapping bones and the emerging taste of fresh blood. The blood was poor in quality but that didn’t matter, what mattered was that the little thing-


=INGIDA!= A shocked voice calling his name entered his mind. He immediately became alert and leapt backwards proactively, he wasn’t going to take his friend’s possible warning for granted.


His Spirit Sense was currently fully extended in front of him and it would take a small while to switch it to 360 so he hoped with all his heart that the danger was within that scope.


Luckily, he caught something at the edge of his vision, a hint of orange or red. Unluckily, by the time he identified what it was, it was already too late.


Despair filled his heart.