Chapter 1: The body’s memories
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Having accomplished his objective, the boy folded the formerly white blanket to ensure no one would find out about his writings too quickly. Putting the blanket aside, the boy tried to sort out his memories. Only to give up a minute later. Using his power once more, he grasped his memories from the last ten years as a child and pulled them out of his head. Looking at the white mist in his hand, he wondered how he was holding mist. He then shrugged and stuffed it into his mouth. Not thinking too much about it. He figured that he should get used to holding and eating weird things.

He mentally commanded his powers to create a new ability from the memories he ate, calling it " body's memories" and assimilated it. Activating the inherently one-time-use power, he experienced the 10 years of memories at 100000x the speed that d. He did not want to be stuck in a coma for 10 years after all.

His new name was Magnus. No surname. Abandoned at the age of 10 by his parent, his father. It has been 3 days since his abandonment. Having had a tour of the orphanage on the first day of his arrival. He had a vague knowledge of the layout of the building. It was simply a large hall filled to the brim with children and around 15 caretakers. 3 toilets and a relatively large canteen. Judging by how large this place was, Magnus assumed that it was subsidised by the government. 

Opening his eyes, he realised that many of his fellow orphans had woken up. Slowly and carefully, Magnus climbed down from his bunk. Once he located a caretaker he immediately made his way towards her. Recognising Jane, the caretaker he had pestered for the past 2 days, he grinned slightly.

' Perfect' He thought.

He gripped her shirt and tugged it just like he did yesterday and requested for the only thing other than the clothes on his back that his father had left him. A smartphone. His father may have abandoned him but at least he knows what all children of this era need. 

" Um, miss Jane can I have my phone?"

Feigning timidness, Magnus looked at his feet. Really he was just hiding the huge grin he had plastered on his face. 

" Go to the toilet and brush your teeth first Magnus. Then, I will give you your phone. Okay?" The caretaker said gently. 

Nodding his head, Magnus decided to be a good boy and do as he was told. Quickly he returned to see Jane still standing where she stood earlier and asked for the phone again.

After some pestering, the caretaker walked over to one of the locked drawers near one of the toilets and unlocked one of the top drawers. She then pulled out the smartphone of an old model and handed it to him. He rushed back to his bunk and laid prone on his bed. Grinning widely, he pulled up Moogle and started to search for pictures.