Chapter 3: The SCP foundation
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Unbeknownst to the protagonist, the moment he had expelled the soul of his predecessor, his eyes had changed. The eyes are windows to the soul after all. His new eyes seemed to reflect universes. The grin he kept on his face had stretched far wider than should be humanly possible as well. As a government subsidised orphanage, there ought to be cameras as Magnus had suspected. However, the SCP foundation too had cameras.

" Sir, I have spotted an anomaly." 

Lieutenant Alexander, bent over to look at the screen. It showed a video of a boy with weird eyes and an abnormal large smile.

" Report Doctor Jack."

" Sir, it seems that it seems that this is a case of possession. However, the site of possession does not have any history of ghost sightings nor does there seem to be any graveyards nearby."

Doctor Jack handed a file to the lieutenant. Flipping through the file, he read about the child "Magnus".

" Sir! The sensors picked up tremendous energy readings in real-time. It is assumed that the cause is the boy himself."

" Send D-5634 and D-2397 to " adopt" him. Tell them to go to the apartment they were assigned and monitor him. Tell them to report their findings every day. So far, the subject has not killed. We can assume that it has intelligence."

" Yes, sir." 

The lieutenant watched as the doctor ran off to inform the D-class. As the highest authority in site 13, he prayed that this boy would be cooparative.