Chapter 4 Part 1
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"Great work Aito. Nice Kick!!"

So said loudly our physical education teacher on the open field. Now we are having our football match on the playground, While girls having swimming class inside the pool building. 

At first, I was like I will say I'm sick and sit around for whole physical education class but a small encounter changed everything.

25 min before the kick

"Aito-Kun we better should hurry up to ground before we get late."

"I think I can't make it."

"Why? Are you alright?"

Amabaru-Kun who act like an over-friendly and student of my class mistaking him for my lackey, first of all, I will deny having any friendship with Amabaru-Kun and also making any person my lackey. I do want a friend not like I want to be a Lone Wolf throughout the school year but not this overly friendly type of friend who keeps on yapping and zapping each time he opens his mouth.

For some, the reason is simple because this guy decided to work for his savior that's why he is looking worried as I look for a way to skip physical education class. When a question comes forward about why fighter like a person wants to skip physical class which he should be good at then you should know I do have a reason for skipping this class. If you see my past, you will understand every match in physical education class whether it is baseball, basketball, football, etc always ends up happening 3 team game, Yeah seriously a three-team match, to explain it like Team A vs Team B vs only me. To avoid that situation I do skip this type of physical education class and only attend when there is an exercise class or running stuff as it is a single kind of event.

"I'm just feeling under the weather."

"Aito-Kun, Didn't you eat your lunch?"

For today, I not only ate my lunch but also ate a cute character lunch box more specifically a girl's lunch box and also there was an embarrassing moment which forced on me. Thinking about it girls cheeks sure are soft, when I spill some sauce on Ane cheeks which I clean was...Wait a minute what am I thinking?? I want to erase this whole goddamn day memory AHHHHH!!!!

"I did eat lunch but feeling little unwell."


Are you a doctor Amabaru-Kun?? Because the expression you making is like you understand well what I'm feeling right now. 

"Should I inform to Edagusa-Sensei about your health?"

Informing through Amabaru-Kun might not be a good idea because this Edagusa-Sensei has a loud macho voice who will just again ask for me to come forward to voice my health problem. The biggest problem is informing him in front of the whole class, As my Ane who is studying in same year as she is 7 months older than me is very popular and have ton of friends, If by chance during new class shifting one of her friends became one of student in my class then the situation will get worse when I reached home. Ane is very friendly with my mother so the chances are that this faking health will cause another embarrassing situation at home. Now I seriously want one memory erase machine.

"No, I will inform him personally."

"Okay. Be sure to rest well Aito-Kun."

Oi, Aren't you beaming some stupid friendly radiation. Stop that, it hurts!!

Passing breeze feels great. Now I'm seating on the bench near a tree and watching the football match of my Class B vs Class D the game to be played decided by rock, paper, and scissors. This type of class match are very rare but do happens so to mingle around two classes together.

As of me who said I'm sick somehow got approved by the scariest teacher in school Edagusa-Sensei who is also chemistry teacher and Class B Physical Education teacher for all years. The school which I go to boasts for it's high ranking exam results, club activity, and sports as this is a school for riches, top-ranking government official, famous peoples, and top clan sends their children to. For that reason, each class got two physical education teacher, one for the males who is a male teacher and one for a female who is a female teacher.

How beautiful is this World? You know that feeling comes when you sit quietly specifically under a good old green tree and calmly enjoy your time. I just don't understand why those substitute sitting closely near the playground, they are missing this big beautiful world you know. There I could spot Amabaru-Kun who is patiently waiting for his turn, If I ever feel like advising Amabaru-Kun then it would be Glass and ball doesn't go well together. It's not like I love to insult glass wearing person, I do keep them in high regards as they are good at studies and all but I also like them to avoid doing this dangerous adventure where ball hitting the glass and glass pieces hitting the precious eyes.



"You sitting on the bench!!"

Loud voices echo the whole playground as Edagusa-Sensei calls someone, Seriously who is this idiot to ignore him while this Sensei blowing Whistle after Whistle which could make a baby traumatized you know.

"Is someone know his name?"

"Yes, he is Aito Kazuhei."

When I heard my name from the Amabaru-Kun mouth, I instantly turn my head from my nature observation toward substitute box, where Edagusa-Sensei holding a rough out football looking toward my direction and the look which he had on his face is hell scary. Is he out for my blood?? 



Without thinking, I stand up at my position like a soldier responding to his commander. Please don't give me a command to return to the field, I will politely decline-

"Aito quickly go to the changing room to bring one new football!!"


With the nature of the talk, Commander...I mean Edagusa-Sensei wanted someone to replace the existing rough off football, As I was lazily sitting close to the changing area where match equipment are kept so I became the first target to grab the replaced ball. By the way Sensei you know I'm unhealthy if I fall at midway during your mission then you should be ready to face...I'm not a bad guy to assault macho Sensei, I do know the difference in strength.

After running like a war win depend on my mission, I quickly reached the changing room. When I opened the door, a different worldly fragrance hit my nose, it was seriously deep flowery fragrance like I'm standing in the middle of thousands of different color and smelling flowers.

Sound of photo clicks reached my ear and soon after a bone stabbing voice hit me-

"Hey, you pervert!!"