Chapter 18: I Will Break Your Arm
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Dirt and rocks flew everywhere like a geyser. The ground rippled like waves, which was kicking up dust that was at least one meter tall.

The ground violently vibrated as if it were shaking in fear.

"What the hell is going on? Is that an earthquake or something!?" Yang Seung-Joo could not believe his eyes. In all his life living on the island, he never felt one as powerful as his one.

Nor did he heard about a geyser made out of dirt appearing during such event.

Yang Seung-Joo used his Muscle's Muscle aretisite to leap away far from the ground and landed away from the geyser.

Yang Seung-Joo was able to escape until he could not feel the tremors anymore. From a distance, he saw something in the air. It was hard for him to see it due to the dust, but it looked like a human.

"You gotta be kidding me?" After a few glimpses, he knew. It was the intruder who was aiming the Huin Dong-Gali, the hunter Lyden. "That is not possible to do with pure strength! He must have an aretisite that can do that… At least a 3 or 4-star aretisite!"

Yang Seung-Joo was a man who took risked ever since he was young. He would take what he wanted, bought what he wanted, and even rape girls if he feels like it. Also, if that something or someone belongs to someone else, he would take it by force.

He had an influential father that made others hard to go against him. But even then, he would go too far sometime that he would also bring troubles to his father.

"I can do it. I have two more aretisites now. How can that bastard compared to me!? If I torture him to give up that aretisite, then the Huin Dong-Gali will rise!" Yang Seung-Joo said to hype himself up.

In the air, Lyden was looking for the person who was controlling the Drill Worm, but he did not see him. He was slowly falling to the ground, but he was still vigilante against his opponent.

"Did he escape through the ground? Or is hiding behind some buildings? If it is the former, then he would be the one buried now. Not even his aretisite can survive that attack..." Lyden was somewhat doubtful. He felt it in his heart.

Lyden knew that the Drill Worm was incapable of harming him, and so did Park Rim.

So he thought that if he were in Park Rim's shoes, he would surely escape when Lyden lost sight of him by going underground.

However, Lyden thought that Park Rim was not able to predict what he just did just now and that would be his downfall.

When Lyden was buried by the Drill Worm moments before, he had to free himself by smashing his way out. With each smash against the ground from within, a vibration occurred.

That was what caused the ground to create the waves.

Then he leaped out like a rock being shot out of a volcano to free himself.

"I need to find his body, but now, I have to take care of someone else." Lyden already landed safely onto the mounds of soil.

After all that, the town around him looked like it had been through a natural disaster. Homes were destroyed, roads were bent awkwardly, and many people were left running away from the battle between the hunters.

Through the moving dust in the air, Lyden looked at the only person who was walking towards him.

Lyden mocked him a bit for not running away like Park Rim. He can see how arrogant Yang Seung-Joo was being by confronting him after seeing what he was capable of doing.

"Since he wants to torture me for my aretisite, then how about I treat him the same?" Lyden could hear Yang Seung-Joo talked to himself even though they were a couple of hundred meters apart.

Lyden struck the ground with his foot to propel him closer to Yang Seung-Joo.

"That bastard, he dared to look down on me." Yang Seung-Joo scowled when he saw Lyden rushing towards him. He opened his mouth, and then his tongue began swelling.

Suddenly, something appeared on top of his tongue.

It was the aretisite, Octogust, from the blonde-haired man he stoled.

Just about Lyden was close enough, Yang Seung-Joo was moments from yelling out to activate Octogust.

However, with one swift movement of his hand, Lyden closed Yang Seung-Joo mouth before he could yell out.

"Why don't you shut up for a bit?" Lyden could see the terror in Yang Seung-Joo eyes. "You should have run like a dog you are..."

'No way, he stopped my attack. How the hell?' Yang Seung-Joo had never use Octogust before, and he only knew how it worked from the original owner. But he did not know its weakness.

Lyden did not know either. He just wanted to stop Yang Seung-Joo from yelling when he saw the aretisite in his mouth.

'I would thought that his head would get blown apart, but I guess not.' Lyden thought. It was a good thing, too, or else he would not have a chance to get his aretisites.

Lyden recalled that the mysterious man said something about infusing aretisite to himself. It seemed that Yang Seung-Joo was capable of doing it.

Yang Seung-Joo used Muscle's Muscle to increase his strength in his hands. Then he grabbed onto Lyden's wrist.

'You! I will crush your fucking wrist!' With his muscular veiny hands, he tightened his grip, attempting to turn his bones into powdered. 'After that, I will rip your teeth out one by one.'

However, Lyden flexed his arms, thus, making his muscles hard enough that Yang Seung-Joo could not crush it.

"Are you done playing? I have a few questions for you that I would like to have answers to." Lyden pried one of Yang Seung-Joo's arms away from his.

With one hand on Yang Seung-Joo's mouth and the other on his arm, Yang Seung-Joo could not do anything.

He then crushed it like Yang Seung-Joo tried to do to him.

Yang Seung-Joo muffled scream could be heard through Lyden's hand. Blood was spilling over his head from his crushed arm, which dyed his hair with blood.

After a few seconds, Yang Seung-Joo knees went weak from the pain and collapsed.

"Nod your head if you understand me..."

Yang Seung-Joo feebly nodded his head. His pride was crushed and became submissive from how powerless he felt.

"Good, now how did you do it? How did you store those two aretisites into your body?"