Chapter 21: Park Rim’s Revenge
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With Lyden unconscious, Park Rim was safe from him at the moment, but he does not know that.

Park Rim was observing the two with his Drill Worm.

The Drill Worm was following underneath Yang-Seung-Joo under the guidance of Park Rim, and it was ready to attack at a given notice.

"If I attack now, I can secure Yang Seung-Joo alive and force him to give up his aretisites. However, if he meets up with the other hunters, I will have to give up on him." Park Rim was debating to take the risk. Even more, he did not know if Yang Seung-Joo had already given up all his aretisites to Lyden.

It felt like he was gambling on poker with pairs of 2 while there was an ace on the field.

"And there is Lyden. He is probably waiting somewhere… unless he really left," Park Rim did not know what the correct choice was. And the longer he hesitated, the higher the chance the opportunity will slip.

"I have to do this. I can't let Yang Seung-Joo lived after he knows about my aretisite. The Huin Dong-Gali will target me endlessly and my family. And If I can't take the risk for my success, then I have no chance to kill Lyden and avenge my brother."

He began to calm down and then commanded the Drill Worm.

'Target Yang Seoul-Joo's Achilles heels and drag him to the opposite direction of me.' As soon as he thought it, the Drill Worm burst out of the ground and swiped Yang Seoul-Joo's Achilles heels.

"Aaaahhh. It hurts--" Yang Seung-Joo yelled in pain.

"Boss!" The tank-top man took out his gun, but it was already too late. The Drill Worm already dragged him down before the tank-top man had the chance to aim at it.

"What was that?" He said as he tried to make sense of things. "It-it must be the Juju-Ra!" He remembered that Yang Seung-Joo mentioned it before, and that thing must be it or was working for the Juja-Ra. The tank-top man quickly ran away from the scene to get help.

Park Rim could see what was happening through his aretisite.

The kidnap was a success so far.

'Now, I have to wait. It was safer to have my Drill Worm move away from me. I need to know for sure if anyone would be tailing it...' Park Rim commanded the Drill Worm to move around within Park Rim view.

With Yang Seoul-Joo being dragged by the tail, the Drill Worm moved quickly without stopping.

It had already been five minutes, and Drill Worm had slowed down significantly.

'My stamina is almost gone, and there is no sign of Lyden, yet. He must have left already...' He was so tired that he could collapse at any moment now. 'Not yet, I have to finish him off. I have to get to Yang Seung-Joo before anybody else.' He was worried that if not Lyden, then the other members of the Huin Dong-Gali would try to find Yang Seung-Joo.

He instructed the Drill Worm to go the warehouse near here, and he would meet up with it.

Park Rim dragged his tired and broken body to the warehouse while avoiding the open spaces.

When he arrived at the warehouse, what awaited him was his Drill Worm and Yang Seung-Joo.

"Hey, Park Rim you bastard! What the fuck you are doing!?" Yang Seung-Joo shouted with vein coming out of his neck. He could not get up since his Achilles heels were torn and had to crawl to get to Park Rim.

"Your aretisite… Give me your aretisite, and I might spare you."

"You are mocking me now, eh?! Once my father found out about you, he will tear you apart!"

"Correction, if he found he found about me. Besides, if he were to blame anyone for your death, it will be that white guy."

Yang Seung-Joo eyes opened wide upon the realization that he had pretty nothing to use against Park Rim.

"Now are you going to give me your aretisite?"

"I do not have it. I gave it all to that guy..."

The sound of a drill echoed throughout the warehouse.

Next, the Drill Worm pierced Yang Seung-Joo arm, which was already broken by Lyden. Whatever blood was left in his arm was now on the floor beneath.

Yang Seung-Joo screamed in pain with tears in his eyes.

"Don't lie to me! If you really do not have anymore aretisite left, then why is your spirit not broken yet. For one reason or another, you cannot use your aretisite or else you will a long time ago. Am I right?"

Honestly, Park Rim did not know that Yang Seung-Joo still had his aretisite or not. Instead, he just had to break him mentally. Yang Seung-Joo had to think Park Rim seen through him and he had no trump card to play.

And it worked. Yang Seung-Joo was now truly broken. After going through what Lyden had done to him and now by Park Rim, his eyes were filled with despair.

Yang Seung-Joo had nothing to say and released his aretisite outside for Park Rim to see.

The small aretisite was an animal with one green eye in the middle of its face with antlers. It was floating around Yang Seung-Joo emitting purple fume. The eye had three pupils shaped like a star.

"How peculiar? What does it do?"

"The Carry One For All aretisite can give freely lend anybody my aretisite up to 3-stars without breaking the connection between us." He said meekly.

'No wonder Yang Seung-Joo did not use his aretisite. It is because he had no other aretisite to lend out. And given Yang Seung-Joo selfish personality, I doubt he would lend his aretisites out. However, it will have great use for me.'

Next, Yang Seung-Joo broke his connection, and the Carry One For All became a fossil for Park Rim to pick up.

Park Rim was happy with this aretisite because its potential was high. Although its combat ability was next to none, it had a great utility.

"Park Rim… Can you spare me… I promise to stop doing bad things, and I will disband the Huin Dong-Gali once and for all. I want to live..." Yang Seung-Joo softly spoke as tears dripped down on the floor.

"You should've realized your sin. The people in this town felt powerless because of you. You took everything that was good and pure, and you made ugly and corrupted. You killed your friend, and you even tried to blackmail me."

Yang Seung-Joo did not respond. He could not even lift his to look Park Rim in the eyes to say sorry.

'How pitiful...' Even though Yang Seung-Joo was a man without moral, he was still human after all. Park Rim thought that he could change his ways.

"Fine, but I will be watching you. And next time, I will make you regret it," and with that said, Park Rim turned his back and headed out of the warehouse.

"Thank you… Thank you so much..." Yang Seung-Joo sobbed.

However, a sound a drill quickly pierce his head before Yang Seung-Joo could blink.

'Yang Seung-Joo, you never meant you said and will come chasing me down and my family. If I do not take care of you now, I'll put those who I care for in danger. Now I need power, the power to defeat Lyden,' Park Rim cast his final thought about Yang Seung-Joo and solely focused on overcoming Lyden from now on.