Chapter 25 Creator Treasures
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She said "Congratulations on becoming a Grade 0 World Creator"

"So did I do something significant," I asked her in confusion.

"Nothing significant"

"Oh," I said in a bit disappointed or maybe due to some groggy feeling that was still persisting in my head. 

"Just necessary" She continued, "What you did was one of the steps you are required to take to become a World Creator"

"Oh," I said, concentrating as my head settled down, "Does that mean there are more steps, can't you tell me so that I will be prepared for them in the future."

"Hmm since you have already have become a Grade 0 Omega member, I guess you can know some things from your privileges."

"Oh! you can please tell" I said in a bit surprised but also happy voice.

"Sure though what you can know is still small"

"Doesn't matter, Its good I can start knowing stuff"

"So now fist the changes, you are now a Grade 0 World Creator, you can start to interact with your worlds, though you can only do 2 more things:

     1. Giving mental suggestions

     2. Moving objects with less than 5 kg's weight."

And she stopped.

"Go on why did you stop," I asked urging her.

"Those were all you have to know for now. Anything more you can learn about them when you finish the tutorial"

Sighing I removed any thought about asking her any more question, though I was disappointed, I knew no more answers were coming my way.

She opened a door, in the air, and went through it.

As I was about to follow her she closed the gate, saying "You remain here and practice making things in the Personal Room."

"Damn!" I said muttering some curses inside my head, normally I should already be freaking out but after becoming a Grade 0 World Creator, the world itself did not feel as empty or cold as before, it actually made me feel cozy and calmed my nerves by to a large extent.

Looking at my hands I visualized a drop of water on my hands.

A drop of water appeared floating on my hand, I willed it to elongate, then had it cover my hand.

Then willing the water to turn into a rubber-like substance, color, and texture the same as water, but elastic to touch.

Then I willed the glove to become thicker, but still willing it to remain as flexible and elastic.

A few gems appeared on the joints of the glove.

Finally, in the end, the glove had become a gauntlet. Moving my hand I felt no resistance in movement, I still had the same feeling with it on as I normally did without.

Satisfied I turned my attention to my other hand, doing the same to it as I did for the other.

In the end, I had a Bluish Gauntlet in each of my hands, studded with a large gem on the back of my palm and small ones on each of the joints.

At the position of the palm, I left it bare, with nothing except the original layer of material I willed originally to appear, a bit thinner than the other parts of the gauntlet.

Finally, following an instinct, I willed them to become permanent on a whim.

The gauntlet let a sudden shine, the gems and the material became clearer and much more defined.

The Gauntlet, in the end, looked more like an ornament made glazed glass and gems than something that should be worn by anyone.

Still not losing the flexibility and touch, instead, the feeling became more intense, as if the glove was actually supporting me in these actions.

The gauntlets soon stopped shining and their transformation ended.

As I was looking at them in wonder, looking and feeling how they enclosed over my hand, I was so lost looking at them that I did not notice a face looking at them from my shoulder.

"So you have already made a Creator Treasure, a glove at that, good choice, and here I was thinking you just might make something too weird," Tanya said as she looked over from my shoulder, gazing at the gauntlets.

What do you all think i should do about detailed stories of the created worlds.
  • Make a separate story for them
  • add it to this story itself
  • I don't care
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