Chapter 291: Vandimion Scheme
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"That's why I told you father. Let's break her  engagement with Lambert. Even Farnese falls in love with his majesty."

"We are incurring Lambert's wrath." Federico is hesitant.

Minerva interjects with three girls at her sides, Lyla, Suzy and Soraya.

"I used to be one of his sex partners in his castle." Suzy tells them nonchalantly.

"I was his sex partner and personal bodyguard." Lyla in contrast looks sad when saying that.

"I am Soraya Zoen, a sorceress. I was his lover and mastermind for his entire plan." Soraya introduces herself.

Minerva explains,

"In others words, we have insiders who know him personally. We can beat him."

Federico seems pleasantly surprised but do not say anything. 

Magnifico excitedly says, "Then, marry Farnese to his majesty!"

I walk in between them to solve this misunderstanding.

"I am sorry. Farnese is one my sex partner, my mistress, but I would not marry at the moment. If I marry, I need to appoint a Queen. My kingdom is still new. But I could grant her a very high noble position."

Farnese blushes, her mother furrows her blonde eyebrows, Magnifico gawks while Federico is extremely irritated. 

"What did you do to my daughter?"

Oh, shit. He is angry.

"She is one of my lover. But due to present circumstance, I am not marrying anyone yet." I try to explain in matter of fact tone. I resume,

"That also means you don't need to break their engagement. Then, figure out strategy to beat Lubreo without angering him."

My words seem to push him into an Eureka moment as his fury disappears and he nods repeatedly.

Charlotte claps her hands to calm the situation down.

"I believe Farnese is in a good hand, my dear. Think of it in a good way. We can collaborate with His Majesty while not immediately fighting Lambert. Farnese will obtain a higher political standing here than she could ever obtain in the Trinity church no matter how much we paid the church."

They paid the church? So, what Albert Hyuutia said was true. 

This is my special chamber on the top floor of Redcliffe castle. 

Federico stands up after figuring up for a while. He walks to the table with a map on it. Magnifico, Charlotte and me follow him. 

Isolde, Ivanna, Farnese, and Claire watch the map but keeping a distance from us.

Federico points to the area on the map between Orlais, Hyuutia region and Arkland.

"You had northern Dioral under your total control, but that is actually not entirety of northern Dioral. Hyuutia region is only half of it; north western. Another half is north eastern that branches here between Orlais, Arkland and Abram region of Ferelden. You had blocked any route from the central and south of Dioral. Do you have plan on this region?"

Frankly speaking, no. I only shake my head. 

"The aristocrats from there would want to go to the central Dioral, what if they find out their route is blocked?"

I reply,

"Well, that is within our consideration. We simply block any way of communication between the south eastern and the rest of Dioral. But our kingdom's existence is pretty much secret to the rest of the continent. So, that aristocrats would probably drop by the Hyuutia mansion and ask. If that happens, we simply bluff and tell them  the Dioral Kingdom is in chaos. So, it is safer for the south to disconnect from them for a while."

Federico nods as that deception makes sense.

"What's your next move?" 

I anticipate Federico's question but I don't fully trust him elaborate my long term plan.

"I won't reveal my secret but if there's one thing which is definite; I won't stop at current level. Advancing authority is the best defence after all."

I move several inches nearer to Charlotte and speaks in hushed but deep voice,

"The choice is yours; whether you want to be on board or ...." Without completing the sentence, I approach Farnese and lightly kiss her lips.


Redcliffe haven. Next morning. 

There is double storey building with balcony on an elevated land beside the sea shore.from the balcony, overall view of the haven, boats and blue sea can be seen. There is a merigold haired girl meekly watching the sea while a similarly coloured hair man is enjoying the breeze beside her while resting his hands in the handrail of the deck. 

"The smell is nice here but the dock, harbour are very small, lifeless... nothing like Venetian's port."

Magnifico, the man with curly hair faces the sea, inhales the air and exhales. 

"Brother..I.." Farnese also put her hands in the handrail.

"Your behaviour is unpredictable as ever, my little sister. No wonder our father is amazed." Magnifico continues,

"How long it has been...we have not seen each other for nearly a year. Since before you were sent to Nicaea. Have you met with other brothers?"

Farnese shakes her head.

"Hahaha. Naturally. Vandimion aren't very tightly knit."

He glances at his sister,

"But much regarded you had reached my ears. Your work with Holy Iron Chain Templars, and the unfortunate troubles that followed." 

Farnese stares helplessly on the handrail.

He touches her chin with his index finger and pushes the chin up. 

"Lift up your face, my sister. There's no need to worry, no fault lies with you."

"Instead, father deserves the blame. He gave his tacit consent when the Pope made you the leader of Holy Iron Chain Templars although you know nothing. Now see how he speaks to you.... That isn't all...I remember when I visited the mansion in Nicaea, I saw you, wandering in the huge garden alone like some kind of ghost." 

Magnifico taps the handrail with his right hand.

"Was he raising a pure flower in a green house to protect it from cleanliness of the outside world ? That's hardly what that was. He did nothing short of abandoning his responsibility as a parent."

He walks to her other side, "Even when you set fire on the mansion, father was one to blame, for goading his only daughter that far. Even if the words "Vandimion demon girl" passed people's lips, that's not your own discretion."

Farnese gazes as his brother's face turns agitated.

"That bastard thinks of his family as nothing more than cogs in the giant machine called Vandimion. Inferior product that don't meet his approval are cast off without hesitation."

Farnese understands her brother's words, but unlike before, she is calm now as she has found a purpose in life as well as reliable companions.

"Actually I didn't involve with matter regarding Lubreo Lambert. It was your two other brothers who work hard to match you with the dangerous playboy."

A luxurious horse carriage arrives beneath them. The door opens. A beautiful woman who look like in her early thirties descends. It is Charlotte, their mother.

She subsequently climbs up the stairs while enjoying the breeze.

"Farnese, you are looking well after so long."

"So as you, mother. What brings you here?"

"Enjoying the view of men. Here, there are many sturdy young nobles, as expected of region well known for its military achievements, unlike Venetian."

Magnifico is annoyed and walks down towards the harbour.

"Hmmm...I swear...when it comes to Vandimion men." Charlotte laments.

"But you are different, Farnese. When your father forced you to meet your new fiancée, you left him and remained with the Templars. But your father didn't try to stop you."

"Mother..I am sorry."

"Actually your father fears you."


"You see he is weak."

" weak? Him?"

Charlotte nods,

"He is scared of losing control. So he only wants everything situated where he can handle it "

Charlotte sighs and resumes,

"He moves people and things like they were toys. Once everything is arranged according to his own schemes, he finally relaxes. In my eyes, he is slave to the world. Well, I suppose if wasn't so abnormal, he wouldn't be cut out to be the head of Vandimion."

Charlotte smiles and glances at her daughter,

"To someone like him, you are an enigma. A little monster."

Looking surprised, Farnese looks to the deck floor. 

"That is impossible. I am like that to father. I could never a single word to defy him."

Charlotte smiles,

"The use of words is not all there is to communicating feelings, Farnese. You had always expressed unutterable, repressed feelings through the most unexpected behaviour. Remember you burnt out mansion?"

"Like a baby, without a speech. Crying and shouting for all its worth. Your father feared you for that. That man has no strength to to accept something he can't understand."

Charlotte turns to sea and rests her hands on the handrail.

"You were raised all alone, like some beast of the field, never experiencing a parent's worth or the world of man. So your heart is naked, not clad in any shell. When it comes to your feelings, you are artistic, so much that you can't abide to this world."

She turns back to her daughter,

"But you know, if you are able to find a place for yourself somewhere, then you, familiar with pain than most, could probably kinder than anyone else."


"I don't exactly remember raising you as such. But as a mother, I am proud to have a daughter like you."

Charlotte then walks down the stairs towards her stepson, Magnifico.

"Eh.. mother.."

"Your other two brothers had used my daughter to bargain with Lambert and the church. So did your father. And you quickly tried to use her for this new king, Hiro."

The nervous Magnifico rejects that notion,

"What are you saying, mother?"

"The blood is undeniable. You are becoming more and more like your father." 

She covers her mouth with a luxurious fan and closes her face to him.

"Listen to some advice. Farnese is not the kind of woman, who is at peace within the schemes of men."

"What are you saying?"

Charlotte walks away from him and enters her carriage. The horse carriage moves along the shore as Charlotte is seen putting her face on the window, enjoying the scenery.